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Sri Lanka cheap
I really want to fly to Sri Lanka. Can anyone tell me where to buy a real, burning tour? And average ticket prices
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9 subscribers  • asked 2013-01-2812 years ago
Answers  •  16
аватар Bubbles2013
Which city are you from?
аватар m_str
аватар innysia14
look at Join Up and News Travel
аватар mikkiki
there are no burning tours now, and I doubt that there will be in the near future. in December there were great prices, and now +1000 dollars to that price ((((
аватар NatashaS
Good prices this season for Sri Lanka and Goa at Turtessa.
аватар mikkiki
no, NatashaS, you are wrong. Join Up has the lowest prices, and if you find a good agency, they will also give you a decent discount.
аватар Alise.Travel
leave your e-mail or number. our managers will contact you and pick up a good fever.
аватар m_str
yesterday I was rummaging through Join Up, where the most third-rate hotels are at least 1100-1200 USD. very expensive(
аватар Valerija_k.a
If you know English, fly yourself (cheap airline tickets: al arabiya or fly dubai). Sri Lanka is a former colony of England and they still all know English very well, so there are no problems with communication. The country itself is quite safe. But you should always keep a close eye on your luggage and wallet!
аватар m_str
Alise.Travel, my mail is [email protected].
аватар m_str
thank you, Valerija_k.a. Good idea. We need to consider this option.
аватар agent_borabora
Now the SHL is not particularly lit.
Although flights on January 30 are not yet completely closed. The minimum price is now $1295 for two.
аватар agent_borabora
In connection with the Chinese New Year, prices for Goa, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam will be increased throughout February.
аватар Tanunik
I subscribe to the Turstanki mailing list, sometimes there are interesting offers. We flew from International Tourism, though not very cheap, but very high quality.
аватар Tanunik
There is also kristalinatour on this site, they offered us tours at a very good price, try asking it in the search. And Lanka-Lanochka is also a very good option for a holiday.
аватар Evgeniia
Now News Travel has big discounts! we bought a tour for 2000 USD and now it is 1600! on February 13th! and you might be lucky :)
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