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Who has already flown with Air Arabia
We fly on 18.09. to Colombo via Air Arabia, the tour operator warned that tickets are without seats, and seats are determined at the front desk. We are 3 people, all tall, we are worried that there will not be enough legroom. The tour operator offered to pay 1500 UAH. for 2 people for 1st row tickets or arrive at the airport 4 hours in advance and be the first to ask for a better seat. Doubt it's worth it? How does registration go in general, are there really such problems?
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9 subscribers  • asked 2012-09-1213 years ago
Answers  •  21
аватар travelsita
The seats near the emergency exit are not bad (the distance to neighboring seats is greater). To register for the best seats, you need to arrive 3 hours before your flight. Find out which board you have and look at the cabin plan on the net.
And how did you fly before, was there enough space?
аватар Tanunik
We haven't flown outside of Ukraine yet. We used Visa Air several times, but took priority boarding and got on board first (as if out of turn) and chose seats convenient for ourselves. But this airline does not have such a service, and the amount of the surcharge is 1500 UAH. somewhat high, besides they say that they do not recommend taking the first row.
аватар travelsita
Most of the airliners of this company are Airbuses A320. Number of seats 165 instead of 189 (due to increased row spacing). I think you will be comfortable there.
аватар sandra-art
tickets are always empty. you get seats during check-in and with many airlines you can check-in online
I don’t advise you about the first in line here - they can directly tell you that the first rows are given to passengers with children or an additional payment for the first row. the plane is filled from the end.
I am always the last one to register (when it is not possible to do it online) for a different reason. but I always sit exactly at the beginning.
or you have to tell stories about low blood pressure and what sucks on a plane and ask for a seat up front.
аватар Oleksii64
You need to understand that you are not flying through Air Arabia, but through Sharjah with Air Arabia. All planes - new A-320 - enough legroom. He flew Donetsk-Sharjah for 4.5 hours and Sharjah-Goa for 3.5 hours. Cool you want to breed 1500gr. :))))
аватар sandra-art
UIA wanted to divorce me just like that. flew to Indonesia via Abu Dhabi. tickets were bought from Etihad, but UIA flew to the UAE, BUT according to the Etihad transportation rules (more than a kg of weight, you can drink alcohol in the cabin).
so they also offered me to pay extra for the first row, and the amount was also not small and extended only to Abu Dhabi, they say, we don’t decide further.
after which there was an attempt to rip off money for allegedly 4 kg overweight, I had to explain for a long time where and how much they bought tickets and the fact that I was deeply violet on the rules of UIA transportation.
and another threatening scandal was on board after the opening of the Malibu bottle. it was fun to watch the stewardess screaming and threatening to set the Arab police on us.
in general, people - who owns the information - owns the world.
know your rights and defend them
аватар Tanunik
Thank you all very much!!!! Finally, having read the information on the Internet and taking into account your recommendations, we tortured our tour operator and got the necessary information, maybe it will be useful to someone: in Air Arabia you can book any row in advance, but as I wrote earlier, rows 1, 11, 12 are very expensive 200 UAH . a seat on one plane, i.e. 400 UAH / person one way, but if you book seats from row 7 to 10, it’s already 25 UAH / person, from 13 and further 12 UAH / person, I think this is acceptable (we booked row 7 for ourselves), for 3 people it turned out just 3 places. Thanks again to everyone and happy travels!
аватар Oleksii64
So, by the way ... In April, 60 people flew from Donetsk - after takeoff, they sat down as they wanted - I had a personal row of 6 seats for one :))) True, the plane was full further from Sharjah ...
аватар Tanunik
аватар andzhela
In October, we also didn’t just sit down.
аватар sandra-art
I also heard that on board they feed for money ...
аватар andzhela
For the money, besides, lousy .......
аватар Tanunik
And I read that the portions are large and everything is delicious?!
аватар Oleksii64
I didn’t buy food on the plane, I got sandwiches from home.
аватар Tanunik
I read that food is not allowed on board?!
аватар sandra-art
what do you mean it's not allowed?
There are certain items that are not allowed to be carried. there is no food among them
аватар Tanunik
Thank you!
аватар egin83
the most convenient places are usually at the emergency ones (they are not reserved) and in the tail
аватар travelsita
Egin83,in the tail, people often crowd around the toilet (I think that the places are not the best). And if you still get into a chatter, there is little comfort.
As for the seats at the emergency exits, I already wrote about this in the first answer.
I can confirm what Sandra-Art wrote that places at evacuation exits are not reserved.
аватар Lina23S
AirArabia can be booked through the representative office of Aviareps AG in Ukraine (9/2 Krasnoarmeyskaya St., office 4 tel. +38 (044) 490 65 02), they are the main consolidators of this and about 40 other companies that do not have personal agencies, they can and pay for luggage and food in hryvnia and at the normal rate, they are allowed to bring food and water on board, if you pay for food on board, then in foreign currency and there is always no change. In all other cases, you pay a commission to the agency for the booking service.
This is so infa for the future.))
We flew to Sharjah from Donetsk in July in a half-empty plane, we didn’t take food with us, but as soon as the plane took off, our people drove to get lard, sausage and eggs from hand luggage))))) we took one portion for two, in 4 hours from no one will die of hunger. On the way back, the stewardess herself asked us to transfer to emergency seats, she explained something about the rules, in general, for a row of 6 seats, just one passenger had to)))) snoring was until the very landing))))))) p. since back they were already with sandwiches and with water, no one made comments)
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