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Tell me, is it true that there are not enough Russian-speaking guides on the island? We are considering the possibility of moving to permanent residence
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4 subscribers  • asked 2012-04-1813 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар Elken
good afternoon. Yes, it is sorely lacking. I thought about it myself. I figured it out on the spot. The main problem is the very low salary. It is easier for them to teach the local Russian somehow than to support a foreigner. + there are difficulties with legal employment. If you need more advice on this issue - write to me on skype artem.kolomoiets
аватар Marysa-Klimova
True, there are few Russian speakers. But! Those who earn themselves, and not in a company, earn "well" as for Sri Lanka. But then the principle works: "The legs feed the wolf." The key is LEGS.
аватар Lanka-Lanochka
Marusya is right - sensible and not lazy guides will not be left without a piece of bread!
The only "BUT" is the license of the Sri Lankan Tourism Office: passing the exam in Sinhala is not a pound of raisins for you.
For me, for example, this is a significant obstacle. As for the possibilities of the country and inquisitive tourists, Lanochka is one of the most fertile countries.
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