Question o Sri lanka

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Related question «Weather and seasons»
What is the weather like in early May?
Good afternoon. I really want to go to Sri Lanka, but earlier than the May holidays it does not work. What is the weather like on the island this time of year? When does the rainy season start there? And a 3 * -4 * hotel on the very shore of the ocean with a normal depth for swimming, please advise. Thanks in advance for your replies.
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3 subscribers  • asked 2012-01-2113 years ago
Answers  •  2
аватар robinzon-tour
The rains begin in mid-April, but in May they are still almost invisible. We were at the beginning of June, only on the 7th day it started to rain, which did not bother us at all. The rains at this time are not heavy, they begin and end instantly, during the rain you can swim, you will not feel the difference. As for hotels, there are no waves - DICKWELLA RESORT 3 *. You can take any hotel, the entrance to the water is smooth, I like BENTOTA BEACH 4 * (expensive) or CLUB BENTOTA 4 * (all inclusive), you can THE SURF HOTEL 4 * (after renovation).
аватар mariag
Rains are possible, but they are not strong and end quickly. normal hotels - Tangerine Beach 4 * or The Palms 4 * - we had tourists there and were very satisfied
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