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Tell me, please, they write that before visiting the country you need to take medicines for malaria, is that so? And what medications might be needed?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2011-10-2413 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар surgeon72
A similar question has already been discussed on the next thread:
аватар irishka82
with regard to malaria, precautions will not be superfluous, regarding other medicines, take smecta for the stomach, laperamide (in case of digestive disorders), antipyretic and painkillers (upsarin, no-shpa), keep all this with you in your purse, you yourself understand, do not God forbid that, run to look for medicines. Just in case, take some kind of antiseptic or brilliant green pencil (in case of scratches, cuts). Take care of yourself, have a nice holiday. )))
аватар surgeon72
Well, then you need to have:
1. Levomycetin (an antibiotic that acts mainly on the flora of the digestive tract)
2. A strong analgesic (in case of toothache) - ketanov or dexalgin.
Well, a couple of sealed sterile bandages, a little cotton wool, a tourniquet, an antiseptic (cutasept or sterillium) ...
Loperamide, smecta is in case of simple diarrhea (they do not have an antibacterial effect) ... In case of diarrhea with fever and intoxication, only antibiotics and sulfonamides (levomycetin, sulfodimethoxine) ... Well, activated charcoal or enterosgel for the same purposes .
аватар irishka82
My God, don’t scare people like that, no one is going to poison them there, and a slight eating disorder (if the stomach is sensitive) can happen due to a change in water and food. Analgesic, you're right, it won't hurt.
аватар surgeon72
Yes, no one scares ... "Forewarned, then armed!";)))
аватар surgeon72
Persons traveling to malaria-endemic areas are given personal chemoprophylaxis. A week before departure to the outbreak of malaria give delagil (or hingamin) 0.25 g 2 times. Then the drug is taken in the same dose during the entire stay in the focus and 4-6 weeks after returning 1 time per week ... Not so long;)))
аватар forosya
Thanks for answers. But is it still necessary to carry out chemoprophylaxis or is it enough to take medicines with you? And in general, did anyone take any medication for malaria when traveling to Sri Lanka?
аватар Marysa-Klimova
We traveled together, did not undergo chemoprophylaxis. Once the balcony was opened in the evening - and the child was bitten by mosquitoes - there was no living place. everyone is alive, thank God! I agree with the surgeon72: it is imperative to take a first-aid kit with these medicines, so that later you don’t run around looking for a pharmacy with bulging eyes.
аватар jackollymo
About malaria - this is complete nonsense. The country is completely safe and does not require any preliminary vaccinations and pumping with drugs.
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