Мы с мужем хотим полететь в Израиль по рабочей визе на год и хотим взять ребенка,у нас там бабушка с дедушкой есть,так вот пропустят ли ребенка с нами на год?Или надо на него тоже визу?
My husband and I want to fly to Israel on a work visa for a year and we want to take a child, we have grandparents there, so will they let the child go with us for a year? Or do we need a visa for him too?
My husband and I want to fly to Israel on a work visa for a year and we want to take a child, we have grandparents there, so will they let the child go with us for a year? Or do we need a visa for him too?
4 subscribers •
2015-09-1010 years ago