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We are going to Bali on our own. Give advice.
We will allocate 20 days to Beli. We would like to spend 5-6 days on excursions. Advise which one to take? The rest of the days on the beach - you can have a couple of places. What do you advise, what beaches?. Maybe someone knows Russian-speaking guides who will help in organizing.
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8 subscribers  • asked 2014-01-2511 years ago
Answers  •  22
аватар Tatyana6996
was in Bali in March 2013. The place is Nusa Dua. Hotel Ayodya Resort Bali. Five star hotel took breakfast dinner, liked the food - varied. The beach is good. 20 days in Bali will drive you crazy - there is nothing to do there. The temples are all monotonous, the SPA is a complete scam of tourists. It is expensive to take a spa at the hotel - fortunately there will be many brochures at the exit in Russian at the airport - take them. Call and they will come for you, wherever you live, the IPA's divorce is that they promise what you want to hear, and as a result - I chose chocolate smearing of the whole body and bathing in a milk bath with rose petals. In the price list there is an advertisement - a round bath against the background of the sea - hot chocolate. . . In real life - milk chocolate, Balinese music - the accompanying procedure ended all the time and I had to get out of the state of relaxation and remind the masseuse to turn it on - she went to the phone, called - spoke, etc., in general, she was more engaged in dialing than me. When it was time to bathe in a round milk bath against the backdrop of the sea, I was taken to a nook, in a white tile, put in a small standard long bath with diluted white water, with rose petals floating in some places. Instead of the sea, I looked at the tiles for 20 minutes.
аватар Tatyana6996
We continue, the temples in Bali are all like a blueprint, with the only difference being somewhere older. I recommend to see the TEMPLE on WATER Tanah Lot. But there is such heat and such humidity that you can’t walk for a long time. On the way to the temple there is a market with rags and souvenirs. So there is no need to go anywhere. If you get into low tide, you will be able to go to the temple itself, if it is high tide, you will take pictures from the side against its background. You need to go to Lake Bratan with an elegant temple Ulun Danu Bratan. There is a cafe at a distance from the temple, where the prices are normal and you can take a picture on the background of the mountains on the veranda - if there is no fog. Botanical garden, rafting, horseback riding - a divorce in Russian. Dinner in Jimbaran (a place in Bali) and dinner at sunset - there are tables on the sand and the waiters bring the seafood you ordered there - the prices bite, except for the Japanese with cameras scurrying back and forth and the Germans - ordering one lobster for 15 people - nothing to look at. It gets dark quickly - you need to take a picture at sunset with seafood too quickly. If you have money and time, go to the island of JAVA - it is very beautiful there, but all services are expensive. If you have time, build your trip to Bali through Singapore (at least stay there for 3-5 days).
аватар Tatyana6996
About Singapore - Any change in Bali can be done in Singapore. I highly recommend staying on this island. Probably all residents gather on the sea tranvaychik on the night Singapore, on the Singapore waterfront - Singapore at night with live music on every corner, dancing, small shows in cafes - it's mesmerizing. It is not even necessary to eat and drink there, it is enough to be in this atmosphere. Air-conditioned streets. Show of trees (they glow to the music). There is an orchid garden there, which begins with a waterfall and climbing the circular staircase you see many different flowers that wrap around the mountain (the base of the stairs) Be sure to go to the island of Sintosa. It is also very interesting - you will not be bored there. There is nowhere to sunbathe in Singapore, but on the island of Sintosa there is a good beach, and you will not stay hungry. In the evening there is a musical performance on the water - a laser show. Very nice (only expensive). Just your planned 20 days of rest will fly by unnoticed if you make yourself a combined Bali-Singapore tour.
аватар oksana_minsk1
I don't even know Tatiana. I am interested in the country, in this case the island of Bali. I was in Sri Lanka in December - there is really nothing to do on the beach for 20 days. But to see the country and a month is not enough. Therefore, I would like to hear about the sights in Bali. Where is it better to order excursions, what is better to see, fauna, flora, temples. How much does it cost and who can organize these excursions on the spot
аватар oksana_minsk1
Yes, still interested in quiet beaches and quiet hotels))). where there are less people, noise and music - is there such a thing in Bali
аватар azarova5
I was in Bali in February 2013 In March I wrote a review - there are coordinates of a guide to the island of Java I recommend - there is something to see in terms of history (a temple under the auspices of UNESCO) and culture (the current life of different strata and the past) Guides-grandfather and grandson Try Contact directly If you can't find my review - write me - I'll look
Sentosa Island is an analogue of Disneyland. Also, do not deny yourself to have an idea about it. I didn’t go to the rides, I’m not interested, we only looked at the Aquarium Delighted. Singapore is a must-see! - Orchid Park, Zoo At the zoo you should see a panda (two) Visit the observation deck - Prepare for the trip by determining on the Internet - what you are interested in At the airport at the stands, type different advertising booklets in Russian O-in Java cost us about 200 USD per person (400-through f-mu) In general, Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world
аватар oksana_minsk1
azarova5 thanks for the reply. Singapore didn’t plan, we need a guide ((we don’t know English. Is it true that there’s nothing to do in Bali for 20 days? I don’t believe something - all the same, the island is big.
аватар azarova5
Oksana, we were in Bali for 2 weeks Of which 3 days in Singapore (up to 4 days you can stay without a visa) My opinion is Singapore is worth the money and time spent It is very peculiar !!! orchids And visiting the Indian, Chinatowns. - you seem to visit these countries The same pandas on earth, in my opinion, 8 pairs are left, you will see there, I repeat, the city is world famous and I formed my opinion about it, which I wish you, If I’ll find the guide’s phone, I’ll write In Bali, if combined with excursions, 15 days won’t be much, Yes, there are temples of the same type, filter it, that’s the savings Now I’ll look for my last year’s review
аватар Apyatka
If we talk about beaches, then Bali is not very suitable. South and west are high waves, beautiful beaches, but swimming is dangerous. East - ugly ebb, exposing the mud, north - not very beautiful beaches with black sand. The only pleasant place in Nusa Dua, but there is a very specific holiday - huge all-inclusive monster hotels, half-full of compatriots and with terrible prices for everything. But very close to Bali is the wonderful island of Lombok, with beautiful Senggigi, where there are neither low tides nor waves. I'm at the Senggigi Beach Hotel now, enjoying the beach and tropical rain alternately. Inexpensive and cool. We went snorkeling to the Gili Islands, landed on Gili Meno, walked around its perimeter, the island is small and provincial, but the beaches! Delight! Snow-white, with azure water. I liked Mahamaya and Balenta Bungalo the most. I think it’s boring there, but for a week of beaches, nirvana and snorkeling, I would be the most) Bali is nature, culture, people, what you call excursions. Everyone has their own preferences, of course, so I can not advise anything. Personally, I really wanted to Singapore and planned a trip like this - 7 nights in Singapore + 5 in Lombok + 4 in Bali + 1 again in Singapore.
аватар oksana_minsk1
All the same, something similar to the description of Sri Lanka, I really liked it there ... maybe someone has been to Bali and Sri Lanka and can compare? in short, I’m choosing a vacation for 2014 for the fall ... something according to the descriptions of Bali is the same (((
аватар Tatyana6996
I was in Bali and Sri Lanka in 2013. I think that Bali is a very advertised country and, in my opinion, is not returnable. I liked Sri Lanka more, the country is much brighter and cheaper. I love visiting temples in different countries, in Sri Lanka they are bright and different, in Bali they are very similar. If you have been to India, Sri Lanka is similar in brightness. And I liked the beaches with water more, in Bali, shallow and dirty water (with sand). In Sri Lanka, I can advise a professional guide, if you call him, he will build you excursions for you with accommodation - his name is Alex. If you call from Moscow, his phone number is 077 850 1972. By the way, he will help you order tickets to Sri Lanka and back. In Bali, I took excursions from a tour operator (expensive), then on the beach (cheap) a lot of offers, just choose. Bali will soon be like Turkey, many Russian speakers will advise a good guide right on the beach. I'll try to find the mail of the Russian guide in Singapore, a great woman, For a three-day stay in Singapore, she showed everything. By the way, Oksana, you are not considering the Dominican Republic, this is a country, and 20 days is not enough in one word - the Caribbean.
аватар oksana_minsk1
Tatyana - I was in Sri Lanka - December 2013. I also really liked it and I’m afraid that if I don’t choose anything, then I’ll fly back to Sri Lanka, I’ll explore the east coast, I haven’t been to Yala and I haven’t been to Trincomalle. Dominican Republic was not considered. If there really is something to see, there are local guides, and not just lie down on the beach, we will be happy to go, you have experience in the Dominican Republic (e)))
аватар oksana_minsk1
I didn’t finish printing)) I’m afraid that Bali will not spoil the memories of Sri Lanka))
аватар Tatyana6996
Oh, Oksana, the best memories from the Dominican Republic. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to fly. But there are direct flights. This is exactly the country that I used the guides from the travel agency. Dominikina is the country of the stone Lorimar. The only island where this gray-blue stone is mined (similar to turquoise, only more beautiful and not limestone). In the Dominican Republic, there is just expanse of excursions. I'm afraid that the evening will not be enough to tell everything. The city center of San Domingo (they say that the island was discovered by Columbus). The city itself has many attractions. The beaches are great, the food is amazing! Islands like Bounty. We took a combined tour: The City of Millionaires, where the Saon River flows (if I remember correctly) ± a coral island. The town is not big, while you are going along the road to the elephant nursery (if you like to ride elephants), if not, you can drive, there is a church in the town (small) in which Michael Jackson allegedly got married. Then you go on a boat in the Caribbean Sea and suddenly far from the coast - a miracle - a coral island, that is, a white plateau protrudes from the crystal sea water, the depth is from the neck to the ankle. Starfish and large shells with crustaceans crawl along the bottom. You can pick them up, you can’t hold them for a long time, they die without water.
аватар oksana_minsk1
Yeah. We have no direct flights from Minsk. I looked - you can through Varvasha and New York - 23 hours - 3500 euros for three one flight. And what's the weather like there? November-December suits me only...
аватар Tatyana6996
I was there for the November holidays for two weeks. The weather is super hot. 2 weeks is not enough. If you develop a route in advance and try to get into the period of discounts, the rest will be more pleasant in doubly. Or try an earlier booking. I was at the Bahia Prince Hotel. You can take the simplest number, because on the spot you can pay extra and take a gold number or even better. The territory of the hotel is huge, there is a hotel in the hotel and it is cheaper to pay extra on the spot and as a bonus they offer four free dinners in the hotel restaurants in the restaurants on site. For example Spanish, French, Japanese, etc. restaurants. The peculiarity is that the cooks there prepare the country in which the restaurant is. For example In French, the chef is French. I thought of a divorce, but the owner of the hotel is well done, he does not save on his image. A train with trailers goes back and forth across the territory (free of charge) from the central building to the sea, so wherever you get a number, everywhere is close. Bungalows are two-storey, it is possible in the central building. . . The choice is huge in everything, there are many pools on the territory of the hotel. Look online for this hotel. Bali and Sri Lanka are resting, in line with the rest in the Dominican Republic. In San Domingo there are branded stores where branded clothes are much cheaper.
аватар oksana_minsk1
Stores don't really interest me. Only the sea and nature))
аватар oksana_minsk1
No Tatyan, you didn’t understand, I’m going to see the country, not 5-star hotels and boutiques)). I’ll look at the reviews. If there is something to see, then we will travel around the country and spend the night in different hotels, as we did in Sri Lanka. Elephant riding, walks on the sea - it's all for vacationers. I am more of a tourist. It is better to give a dozen for an inspection of antiquities than to lie down in a cool hotel on the beach. I recognize 5 stars and travel agencies only in Egypt)). Everyone has their own vacation, of course, but flying 24 hours to lie on the beach is too much. There is still time - we will consider options for independent rest.
аватар Inessika73
Oksana, I'm sorry, of course, but you are looking on the wrong site. Go to the forums, there are a lot of interesting things and just in time for your question. If necessary, write in person, I will reset the links, I recently searched for myself.
аватар Ivanov184
Vadim Ivanov
tanah-lot with dinner at sunset. safari park is indescribable (by jeep) rafting is a must. forest of bezyan. lake bro. yes, almost everything, except for visiting dolphins. in Odessa it is better.
аватар Ivanov184
you can even buy. there are just places where pr.-exc. especially pronounced. entertainment and excursions are almost 2 times more expensive from travel companies. I can give you contacts of Russian-speaking guides. minivan for 6 people $50 a day. Eat wherever you want. you pay only the entrance to the temples or the safari park, etc. on the way, the driver tells you everything. stop where you want. when are you going? and how many people. if the whole company makes sense to consider a villa for rent. also much cheaper.
аватар karadzhaeva
Hello! In April 2014 we went to Bali! We had a great rest, the Russian-speaking guide Albert helped us with this. We visited a large number of places: Bird and Reptile Park, Safari (they rode elephants there), Monkey Forest, Orchid Park, Kintamani volcano, etc.
By the way, he saw us off and met us from the airport, suggested cheaper food and souvenir shops. In general, an EXCELLENT GUIDE, I ADVISE EVERYONE!
Here are his contacts:
Albert Bakti
Mob.: +62 812 4660571
+62 819 99538877
Warn him about your arrival 2-3 days in advance, and preferably a week in advance!
Have a great holiday everyone!
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