Beware Bali!

I read reviews on the Internet and we flew to look for paradise on Earth - the island of Bali.
About the first impression: upon arrival at the airport, 2 Balinese came up, mumbled something in their language, took our suitcases, carried 2 meters and said - 2 dollars. By my appearance and gestures, they understood that they worked for free and immediately retreated to the newcomers.
We drive to the hotel, everywhere is dark, but even in the dark you can see the widespread dirt and poverty. The first suspicions arose.
About the hotel. By analogy with Pattaya in Thailand, the RAMADA BINTANG BALI hotel was chosen on this paradise island in the Kuta area. They promised us 5 stars at the travel agency and we paid for five, but it turned out that there were 3 of them. Breakfasts are good, a large park - a lot of greenery, cleaned every day.
The fruits are terrible, but they are everywhere in Bali. In the supermarket you can buy imported fruits from Thailand. The Balinese are so lazy that under ideal weather conditions they do not grow anything.
About the sea.
The sea in Kuta is very dirty, no one swims. Nusa Dua is a little cleaner, but there are low tides for half a day, big waves. On the entire coast of Nusa Dua, if a couple of people splash in the waves, then they are necessarily Russian-speaking.
Large islands of household waste float in the sea. We were told that during the rainy season the garbage was washed out of the sewers in the streets into the sea. Although these garbage islands were more like containers specially unloaded into the sea.
About the Balinese. The Balinese not so long ago descended from the palm tree (in the truest sense of the word). The Balinese can be heard by the way he pulls his shoes on the floor. Shoes are worn 2 sizes larger, because the foot is also wide (it’s better to cling to a palm tree).
The people are surprisingly stupid, but they constantly strive to wave a tourist. And they do it everywhere, even in Kodak exchange offices.
In a restaurant on Jimbaran, they printed a check for me 5 times, all the time they faked something and pretended that they didn’t understand English. In general, do not relax!
About shopping. There is no shopping in Bali!
About excursions. This is not China - there is no ancient culture here. What are called temples are small houses with thatched roofs, which can only be viewed from the side.
Nature is beautiful. You can go to the volcano, but by no means eat in a cafe near the volcano - tourists often get poisoned there. Nice on the lakes. You can go to the bird park.
In no case do not go to the zoo - a pitiful sight, thin hungry animals in small cages.
Do not take excursions. Find a driver with a minibus. He will ride all day for 25-30 dollars.
Be sure to watch the national dance Chaka-chaka.
About funerals - the most fun in the world. When a Balinese is born, he has a goal - to earn money for his funeral by fanning tourists.
To go to another world, you need to pay 5.000 dollars to the budget. This is a fabulous amount with a monthly income of 20-50 dollars.
If a Balinese dies and there is no money for a funeral, then his relatives dig in and start earning. Or they are waiting for one of the relatives to die - it is cheaper to bury two. Then they dig up the deceased and solemnly burn it on the city beach near expensive bungalows. If the deceased is "fresh", then the insides do not burn out during the ceremony, so they are raked into a large pile with a special tractor. And this is with a heat of 30-35 degrees and a humid climate. The stench is one that cannot be forgotten. But how flies breed. Near the beach, restaurants, tourists...
About impressions: if you have not traveled before, then you will like it - palm trees, natives, cars drive in the opposite direction. If you want impressions, then fly to Thailand and Cambodia.
Heaven on earth is in a different place!