Подскажите, пожалуйста, кто ездил на автомобиле с Украины в Венгрию и жил в палатках в Балатонфюред. Все нюансы, сколько стоит сейчас и есть смысл там жить, или можно где-то рядом снять домик
Tell me, please, who traveled by car from Ukraine to Hungary and lived in tents in Balatonfured. All the nuances, how much it costs now and it makes sense to live there, or you can rent a house somewhere nearby
Tell me, please, who traveled by car from Ukraine to Hungary and lived in tents in Balatonfured. All the nuances, how much it costs now and it makes sense to live there, or you can rent a house somewhere nearby
2 subscribers •
2019-07-026 years ago