Excellent four star hotel

Written: 1 august 2016
Travel time: 11 — 18 july 2016
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 5.0
In search of a good hotel in Rhodes, we found two suitable options, one of which was the Lindos Royal Hotel, and we decided to stay there. Upon arrival, they were not disappointed, they agreed that they had chosen the right one. Rest was great. A beautiful well-groomed area that just rests the eye, green, cleaned. With housekeeping, everything was also good, and with food (in Turkey, for example, we were fed much worse). Our room with a terrace, equipped with everything you need, from there you can enjoy a gorgeous view. For a four star hotel, we assume that the service is very good. And by the way, there is a staff that speaks Russian
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