Прилетаем в Батуми 13.09.16, а числа 20.09.16 хотим переехать в Тбилиси. Подскажите, на поезд Батуми-Тбилиси бронировать билет заранее или за пару дней до отъезда сможем купить на вокзале?
We arrive in Batumi on 09/13/16, and on 09/20/16 we want to move to Tbilisi. Tell me, can I book a ticket for the Batumi-Tbilisi train in advance or can we buy it at the station a couple of days before departure?
We arrive in Batumi on 09/13/16, and on 09/20/16 we want to move to Tbilisi. Tell me, can I book a ticket for the Batumi-Tbilisi train in advance or can we buy it at the station a couple of days before departure?
2 subscribers •
2016-08-249 years ago