Shiny "Splendida" or cruise to Casablanca

13 April 2012 Travel time: with 25 February 2012 on 03 March 2012
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4. Sea and Captain's reception. Casablanca.

From Barcelona we are leaving along the Mediterranean Sea to the Strait of Gibraltar, it is getting warmer and warmer on the open decks (it was -10 degrees in Genoa, 17 degrees now in the sea). The sun is already baking. In the morning, people take sun loungers, there are many pools. People with children go to the indoor pool, but we go aft and up to the solarium on the Sun deck (deck 18), children are not allowed to go there, there are a lot of sunbeds, there are also wicker “baskets” with mattresses, where it’s quite cozy, there is a jacuzzi, and to the pool and bar next to the 15th deck. And the seal rest began with breaks for chewing with the drinks we had. Unlike last year, there is no special entertainment on deck on the American Voyager, or it is out of season, or so it is customary on this ship. Music is playing from the loudspeakers, there are ice cream and drinks in the bars, but no more. Many sunbathe, someone reads, someone takes a nap, on the deck, however, they organized volleyball.

The day passes in such laziness, but in the evening we are all invited to the Captain's cocktail, which will be held in all the bars on the three decks of the ship. Dress uniform is desirable, but in bars I saw people in sneakers and jeans, this would not be allowed on an American (disrespect for the captain! ), It is more democratic here. The cocktail took place from 17:00 to 18:00, the people were mostly beautifully dressed, the waiters carried champagne, 2 kinds of cocktails with martini, you could take a picture with the captain. Festive, elegant. After dinner at the theater there was an acquaintance with the captain and officers of the ship, a good concert. Then again a holiday on the ship (casino, bars, discos). These activities are on board throughout the cruise. Everyone finds their own entertainment. There is even a playing room where fans of card games gather.

I can't say when we went out to the Atlantic, but when I went on deck in the morning, we were approaching the port of Casablanca.

Interesting - in the morning, a strong vibration suddenly began throughout the ship, an alarmed wife asks what it is, well, I'm joking: “I don't know, but just in case, get ready to swim! ". I went out to look, it turns out - the ship is mooring sideways and the side propellers are working. I went into the cabin to warn that the voyage was canceled, and she was already seriously holding a life jacket in her hands. For so many years of married life, she was not used to my jokes!

Impressions from Casablanca began from the berth of the cargo port, where our handsome ship moored, where coils of wire, sectional metal, rolls of sheet steel lay. In the corner stood several buses and a dozen taxis. And the coolest thing, on the other side of the pier, some ship was loaded with scrap metal. The rumble is worth it! Amazing parking lot!

I didn’t plan to walk around this city too much, somehow I ate some Arabic flavor back in Egypt, but I thought about walking along the embankment to the mosque and tasting the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Seeing the reality, the desire began to disappear. We did not plan ship excursions - this is Marrakesh - 125 euros / person, Rabat - 121 euros / person. There were no shuttles before leaving the port, taxis broke the price - 200 euros per car. In short, our company was divided, four remained on the ship to sunbathe, swim and relax from the Captain's cocktail, two went on foot to explore the expanses of Casablanca. It’s wonderful on Sandek, the sun is already grabbing the skin well, it’s calm, comfortable, in the jacuzzi the water is 35-40 degrees, in the pool it’s less, but also good, it cools. I calmed down, thinking that the water in the pool is outboard, and this is also the Atlantic. The mosque is perfectly visible from the ship. The surf of the Atlantic Ocean, quite rolling, breaks on the rocks.

Somewhere in the afternoon, our wanderers appear, they said that they walked pretty well through the territory of the cargo port, they almost returned, because the wind doused some kind of chemistry, but at the exit from the port they bargained for a taxi (70 euros) and went to the sights of Casablanca. They were lucky that the driver spoke some English and served as an interpreter and guide. In the old city, we bought spices and coffee, souvenirs, drove along the Embankment to the mosque (it is the largest in the world), did not dare to enter the Atlantic Ocean (waves) and returned. Their summary - this walk could have been dispensed with, especially when they saw how we were sybaritizing (we had it! ! ). Yes, and many Russians and Ukrainians could not get off the ship, because they thought that in Morocco, as in Egypt, they would stick a stamp at the exit, and then they needed a visa from the consulate. I saw how our gangways made a scandal. This is how the long day in Casablanca went.

What a pity that we did not have enough time in Barcelona.

5. Gibraltar

The night has passed, and we go to the outpost of England - Gibraltar or, as the British say, "The Rock". The morning is rather foggy and damp. Without any problems, the British let people into their territory, many taxis, minibuses, they invite you on trips to the caves, to the monkeys on the mountain. The guys were tempted and left, but we were in the New Athos caves in the Caucasus, and in the Sukhumi monkey nursery, so we will spend time in the town, we really liked it. I would still go there.

From the cruise terminal past the seaport building with an interesting sculpture along Waterport Road we go to the old town. A very interesting alley of mimosa trees, I have never seen such large mimosa flowers. Subtropical vegetation, flowers are already in bloom, interesting houses, a modern hotel building, double-decker buses, English telephone booths. Well, a piece of England!

And it breathes with some kind of tranquility, although all the streets are filled with tourists. There are announcements in many stores that Splendida passengers get big discounts. We go through the fortress gates on Casemates Square. There are interesting glass-blowing workshops with a shop, where craftsmen can make a glass vase, a glass in front of you and for you, or you can buy it in a store, but the prices bite (handmade). Next is the central street Main Street, along it we go to the Cathedral, then the Convention, next to the museum with such polished guns that you can look at them. Near the Convention there is a sentry. I took a picture of my wife near the figure of a glass blower (dummy), here the sentry also stood rooted to the spot, and only after watching him, I saw how he blinked. Here is the fix! All fruits are orange trees, palm trees, beautiful vegetation, we pass to the end of the street, then the cable car to the mountain, but we don’t need to go there. We return, looking into the shops.

Given that Gibraltar is a free zone with no taxes, prices here are lower than in the European Union. We saw this in the prices of food, drinks, and manufactured goods. So my friend bought a Swiss watch cheaper than he saw in Italy, I thought it was inconvenient to ask him about the price, but somewhere around 20% cheaper. We sat for a while in a cafe, drank English beer, and it's time to return, the ship will not wait for us. On the way we saw how the plane with cars was driving. Such an intersection! The landing strip of the airfield crosses the highway and there is a barrier for passing cars along the highway.

We leave Gibraltar with regret. There are a lot of ships on the roads of Gibraltar, a ferry passes to Africa, there are Spanish possessions, but we are turning on a course to Valencia.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Загар в корзине лучше
Закрытый бассейн на корабле
И не один бокал шампанского!
Капитанский прием
А это представляют офицеров корабля
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В театре корабля
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Вот такой перекресток в Гибралтаре
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В Англии пушки
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Бокалы ручной работы - недешево
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