Question about hotel Lautrec Opera Hotel 3*

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Lautrec Opera 3*
The more we look at sites with a description of the hotel, the more differences in its description. Maybe after all someone was in this hotel and can make a description of it today. It is not clear where to hang a coat or jacket - is there a closet or at least a hanger for outerwear?
It is also not clear on the hotel website how the booking “3 Nights Package Stay a minimum of 3 nights and get 10€ discount!” differs! from "Best Available Rate", if the cancellation conditions seem to be the same.
And the last question: we will open a Schengen visa for the first time, on our own. Where is it better to book a hotel - on the hotel website or on ""?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2012-11-0512 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар Pachok
It is better to book where the price is lower and the conditions for booking and cancellation suit you. To do this, review different booking sites, not only "booking". The hotel website usually has the highest price. There are exceptions, but rarely.
The packages you described differ, for sure, in price.
I don't know anything from the description, unfortunately.
аватар alex45
There may be such a trick - the hotel may have different rooms. So we had in Italy - and in Rome, and in Genoa, and in Venice. Two couples went, paid the same rent, and the rooms differed in square on furnishing. This is especially true for hotels located in old houses, and not in modern boxes. So that one could describe his room, the other - his own and a lot of differences.
аватар victorias
When booking through booking, the hotel may ask you to pay it again (the money that went through booking will be returned, but not soon), it happened to me so often. Through the hotel, therefore, it is more reliable - you definitely won’t have to pay twice. It’s even better to go to an unfamiliar place for the first time through an operator, at least it will help you figure it out))
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