Photos of the hotel are out of date. Now it is a blooming garden! The stunted palm trees in the photo have grown and blossomed in a riotous color! The grass is emerald, flowers are everywhere, gardeners are trying, planting greenery and caring! Almost the entire patio of the hotel is the pool and the area around it. There is a fierce struggle for a place under the sun. She herself has repeatedly observed how people at 6-7 in the morning sleepily wander to take sunbeds by the pool. This problem did not affect me! I only sunbathe on the beach and sincerely don’t understand why I need to trudge so far to breathe bleach by the pool? There are plenty of free sunbeds on the beach, even at the edge, so to speak, at the first line. If I may say so, because the hotel's beach is a section of the municipal beach fenced off with ropes, right in front of the hotel, it's still stomping to the water's edge. There, the locals rest on the sand. They play volleyball, football, children make beads. Everything is noble. The sun loungers on the beach were not to my liking! I even wondered how such a cool hotel could have such miserable sunbeds? They don't fully expand. Those. it will be possible to lie on your stomach only by lifting your legs up on the headboard, which does not fall below 30 degrees. It is very uncomfortable to lie in the shrimp position. I had to lie on my back all the time! The result is an uneven tan! And there are no mattresses for sunbeds! Another surprise was the lack of a bar on the beach. Even in the neighboring Agadir Beacg Club 4 * and that was! True, only with water and juices, but it was! By the way, about water. Very surprised by the inability to get bottled water, except in the room. In bars, water is provided only in glasses and there are no refrigerators anywhere on the territory of the hotel in which bottled water could be taken. It is very inconvenient, sunbathing on the beach, to stomp to the bar and back with glasses of water 200 gr! I got used to carrying water to the beach from my room, since 1.5 liter bottles were replenished regularly and even in assortment: with gas or without! It would seem, trifles, but in comparison with a 4 * hotel, in ours it should be even better, but no, it turns out not in everything!
Service at the hotel is top notch. Everyone tries hard to serve quickly, always with a friendly smile. What surprised me: you can’t order coffee and tea for dinner after a meal. Those. you have to eat amazing Moroccan sweets and French desserts, washed down with water at best. But. . . this problem is easily solved for a small fee. The magic dollar to the waiter miraculously turns “Actually, we can’t do this, but for you... ”! By the way, speaking with the Spanish manager of the Riu network, Alberto asked him this question. To which he said that they say that the restaurant’s premises are small, the throughput is so-so, and if people still start drinking tea and coffee, they will completely relax and will not empty the tables at all. You will recognize this Alberto immediately. The Spaniard, with world sorrow on his face, periodically mentions his mother in a conversation (and the eccentric is 40 years old or even older)! He often comes up and asks tourists about the quality of their vacation. The response to all my comments and questions was about the same. It seemed that everything was going according to a once and for all established rule. Why the hell, one asks, to be interested if there are no changes towards improvements, will not be and are not planned? It remains a mystery to me! Also very weak Wi-Fi signal. So weak that even in the lobby you can catch it only in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening, when everyone goes online together - that's it, put out the lights! The signal breaks, even the mail can not be checked. I did not expect from Ryu! But this is so, little things! The remarks are small, by no means criticism, rather recommendations aimed at improving the service and the hotel as a whole! For example, the open terrace of the restaurant is very small, and those who want to eat outdoors - the sea! Standing under the wall, waiting in line until the seats are free. Not very thoughtful for such a big hotel! For the ice cream fans: it's disgusting plastic looking and tasting. I tried it once, and then to reflect in the review. I love juices. With this, complete order! For breakfast, there are always 6-7 types of freshly squeezed juices. Then you can order in bars. Lots of fruit too! Kiwis, cherries, watermelons, melons, grapes, papaya, plums, apples, pears, and, of course, the famous Moroccan oranges, sweet as honey and very juicy!
The food at the hotel is beyond praise! There was everything for every taste, from the obligatory fast food, without which some cannot live, to European cuisine. Personally, as a fan of Moroccan food, I was very pleased with the presence of a corner of Moroccan cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Periodically arranged themed evenings of cuisines of different countries. I also visited a la carte restaurants. There are two of them: Moroccan and Krystal (fusion cuisine). To be honest, I was not impressed, the main restaurant is much tastier! Both a la carte are free, you just need to sign up at the reception in advance. You may as well not go! Even the tajine in the main restaurant is much tastier than the tajine in the Moroccan a la carte! True, the interiors are beautiful! Both restaurants!
The sea-ocean is, in fact, what tourists go to Agadir for! In any case, I do! The ocean is wonderful! The water at the end of June was warm, like in the Mediterranean Sea! Waves in the height of a person. I rolled on the waves, I swam to my heart's content! Delight! Love! Pleasure! The water is clear as a tear. No stones under your feet, algae and jellyfish! But lots of fish! And she periodically jumps out of the water. The beach is wide and long! The sand is fine, delicate, golden! The entrance to the water is gentle, the depth increases gradually! How I love Morocco!
During this vacation, I clearly understood: there is animation in the hotel! I am never interested in and do not rate this service in hotels, because I am indifferent, but then I realized for sure: the animation team is very friendly, professional and friendly! They come up, joke, invite to activities. Accidentally visited one of the shows "The Best". Guys-animators awesome break dance! And the bodies! Download! Antique gods with cubes on their stomachs! How do they move and what do they do? This is a must see! Wow!
There is a kids club, but I think it was always empty. There seem to be a lot of children in the hotel, but very small, babies. In general, the contingent of the hotel during my vacation: middle age and youth. There are a lot of young people! Many beautiful, well-groomed guys and girls. In general, it's nice that young people choose such far from cheap hotels! The audience is dignified, noble, everyone dresses up for dinner, even men, I’m already silent about the ladies! Tattooed shaves guzzle vodka in glasses. And they say that Russians are the most drinking nation. Nu-nu. In the morning, the long-suffering hotel staff cleaned up the aftermath of the parties! They were truly sorry! And basically, no exceptions. There are very few Russian-speaking people in the hotel, as far as middle-aged families with children and grandchildren. They kept apart. I met a family from Moscow (father, mother, two sons aged 5 and 8), and hung out with them. No disagreements about nationalities, countries of residence and political views! We didn't get into politics at all! Politicians will agree sooner or later, and the people who defend their point of view with foam at the mouth will be ashamed! By the way, I had a rest in Turkey in April, there was an absolute fraternization of Russians and Ukrainians there!
From excursions we rented a car and drove along our own route: Agadir - Massa Reserve - Legzira - Tinzit - Agadir. Very picturesque places! Beauty is extraordinary! I will write more about this in a separate review. Also in the mandatory program are procedures in the hammam and a trip to the bazaar (Souq). Hamam in the hotel is expensive and, probably, therefore, almost always empty. All list prices, no compromises. I didn’t press hard - I always have backup options! Finally, I lost interest when I could not clearly answer a single question. In short, I went to the hammam checked, the price is exactly half as low. Who cares - I'll write in a personal, so as not to be regarded as an advertisement. Souk el-Head market in Ramadan is open from 9 to 17, Monday is a day off. I arrived at 10:00 - many merchants were just laying out the goods.
Ramadan is not a hindrance to rest! As it turned out, this does not affect tourists in any way! On the contrary, there are fewer locals on the beach. And in the evening, on the contrary, the Moroccans are smart and cheerful after eating, happily walking along the promenade, all the cafes are full, the music is playing. Feel free to go!
In conclusion, what do I want to say? I strongly recommend the hotel! Will I go myself? Rather not, because I never check into the same hotel twice! Moreover, as experience shows, 4 * in Agadir is no worse than 5 *! In any case, Agadir Beacg Club, where I have already rested! And the price is exactly 2 times lower! Of course, Riu Palace Tikida Agadir is a new modern hotel with chic interiors. But even in Agadir Beach Club, the interiors are worthy! Personally, I liked the rest there and there very much. And in Agadir Beach Club, even the little things are better thought out! But next time I will go to a completely different hotel! And I already know which one! I wish you all a good summer, unforgettable impressions from new countries! Check out Morocco! This is a beautiful, amazingly diverse country! Goodbye Morocco! Goodbye country, in which I feel so good! And from which you absolutely do not want to leave! And I definitely want to come back!
Such a hassle to pick oranges!
And the Sirocco wind caresses their backs,
and every passerby kisses their cheeks,
orange-skinned, brown-eyed. . .
I will end cruelly with the habit of routine -
I'll go to Morocco to pick oranges,
cook golden confiture,
neighbors "bonjour" to say hello.
There the air sparkles on the sun sieve,
and sincere faces... Bye! Don't look!
Olga Spasskaya