Everyone has already said about the price-quality ratio here (the price is unreasonably high, the food is terrible, miserable, not equipped territory). But most importantly, people, you can ignore the shortcomings if you are greeted with a soul, and Abkhazia is the country of the soul, at least this is the main advertising slogan. So there is such a grandfather in the administration of the Litfond Shumakhovich or Shamakhovich - he's a boor! It’s somehow not logical when you come to rest and encounter such outright rudeness and arrogance... The Literary Fund is not only a legacy of communism in buildings, this same communist level of service, rudeness, rudeness, lack of service! Dear Abkhazians, why don't you appreciate the Russian tourists who feed YOU?? ? Russian tourists, because no one else will come to you for a very long time, and with such a "Shamokhov" attitude, less and less of us will come . .

1. DISCO is right next to the cellar, i. e. under the windows of all buildings. Until midnight, the music rumbles, you won’t fall asleep. we lived on the 11th floor in a corner junior suite. despite the height it is very loud.
2. EQUIPMENT of the room. one of the balcony doors did not lock. We wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for a hurricane one night. the door opened, clapped in general that night we hardly slept.
3. FOOD. The buffet system is used all over the world to reduce the cost of serving visitors by waiters. At the same time, the load on the kitchen increases, because. need to cook more variety of dishes. In Soviet boarding houses, there were no problems with waiters, so the cook prepared one menu for everyone and the waiters served at the service. The literary fund came up with their own version: the waiters do not wear, the cook does not cook!
BREAKFAST table of salads four bowls of cabbage with peas, simple cabbage, simple peas. corn (on other days, about the same range). a table of hot four food warmers and two with soup and porridge. in food warmers, for example, dumplings (store soy, it is not possible to eat, such as RUSSIAN HIT), pancakes, vegetables stewed in oil and buckwheat. Always drink only cold water, tea, instant coffee. all no juices no fruit drinks nothing.
LUNCH all the same cabbage salads in different variations: cabbage with carrots, cabbage with beets, cabbage with red cabbage, cabbage with dill, etc. from cabbage for lunch 5-6 salads. besides this, on different days there were a type of vinaigrette, olivier without meat. For hot soup again or porridge, buckwheat pasta (I never thought that boiled pasta could be spoiled, but this is not possible), two hot meats, sometimes stewed pork, sometimes chicken scraps called chakhokhbili, sometimes cutlets from solid fat. everything is very oily. drinking ATTENTION: WARM COMPOTE to my question why it is warm, why it is impossible to cook cold in the heat, I received an honest answer as they cooked it and brought it.
DINNER in the same repertoire. for dinner they give a glass of homemade wine. tried it once, didn't risk it again, mumbling of unknown origin. Despite the fact that in a bar a glass of a factory bottle costs 80 rubles, it makes no sense to take risks at all.
4. POOL The pool is directly opposite the dining area. but it is filled with just water there is no chemistry. it seems fine, but in the heat on the third day it blooms so that it is no longer possible to swim in it. management understands this too, so they regularly change the water
As a result, the first day the water is poured, by the evening the pool is half full, in the morning it is full, but the water is very cold. even adults don’t swim (although it looks very beautiful, blue clear water. at this moment the pool is photographed for all booklets) the second day the water warmed up everyone bathes the third day the water is so green that no one dares to swim. the fourth day the pool is drained, the bath is washed, and they begin to pour cold cold water again.
in general, everyone bathes in the sea.
5. ANIMATION for children is not bad, but monotonous. Every evening they take out a tape recorder with speakers and the children jump around popsyatinka.
there is a children's room where children under 3 years old in the presence of their parents, and older than three can play toys on their own.
6. The SEA is something that even Abkhazians cannot spoil. it's wonderful. The entrance to the sea pebbles are quite large and unpleasant. save Egyptian slippers for walking on the reef. or just rubber slippers. Free plastic sunbeds.
7. CAFE catering is very wonderful. There are three cafes on the territory, which belong to the same owner. during the day it is juices, water, wine, beer, in the evening + kebabs. tried to somehow have lunch but no, kebabs only after six in the evening (??? )
another time we dined at the cafe "Komarik" the name is very accurate. mosquitoes are the most there. ATTENTION NEVER EAT ANYTHING AT KOMARIK CAFE. the food was disgusting 300 grams of barbecue (knowing the peculiarities of the Abkhaz scales, I immediately ordered two servings of 150 grams each, it’s not very expensive and I decided for myself that it’s better than proving to the waiter that two pieces of meat cannot weigh 150 grams) they brought me four pieces of fried pork. fried it, apparently yesterday, or the day before yesterday. Under no circumstance can this be called a shish kebab. The kids brought pizza. an empty flatbread with onion, tomato and cheese instead of cheese. At the same time, a 20% tip is automatically added to the bill. It's called "For service" (listen, you didn't like the food, but the waitress brought you everything well - this is an argument). so by the way everywhere.
TO RESULT: YES IT IS CHEAP and probably it costs so much, but I don’t like to relax like that.
I will definitely not go to Abkhazia in the next 10 years

three minuses -
1. Abkhazia
2. Pitsunda
3. Literary fund
In order - Abkhazia - it is necessary to demand from our government to introduce a mandatory visa regime for entry and exit. For those who stupidly applied for a visa, and oblige consuls to explain within a 40-minute interview what this former Soviet of Deputies is like with devastation, dirt and eternal whining of gloomy Abkhazians that Russia does not give them money (for what to give them if no one wants to work and is not going to work). The prices for everything are still higher than in Moscow, all products are Sochi-Krasnodar-Ukrainian, everything has been launched....in general, the same village, the only difference is that palm trees are also growing.
Pitsunda is a village, it seems that there are 100-150 people alive, after 1.00 almost everything is closed, the reason is that it’s not the season, no one comes anyway, no one buys anything, why keep the shops open. Locals rub against large boarding houses, trying to get acquainted with visitors in order to drag them to their private sector. Around the cows, horses, which are not driven even at night, and at night these animals can lie right on the road. Of their vegetables - only radishes and parsley with cilantro, tomatoes-cucumbers - only imported from Krasnodar, there seem to be no vegetable gardens there at all, well, how about it - you need to take care of it, but what kind of "normal" Abkhaz will bend over once again, they independent... There is nowhere to go at all - no walks, no clubs, even cafes, almost all are closed - not the season))) (in May).
The Literary Fund - the room is still so-so, they clean it cleanly, they even managed to keep the parquet "a la Khrushchev" in the rooms. Respect to the Donetsk manufactory, the towels are good - they wash them thoroughly, even traces of some kind of powder are visible everywhere. It can be seen that they know how to wash, but they have not yet learned how to rinse clothes. Armavir - make better toilet paper, otherwise the Literary Fund will be dishonored because of you. The food - obviously, is adjusted to our unfortunate blockade grandmothers, who go there due to the fact that this state partially pays them - so that they do not have an extra heart attack from the onset of capitalism, they (well, everyone else) will be treated with barley barley, familiar to the blockade porridge, pearl barley, chicken stomachs and bones with scraps of meat. The main difference is that they give plenty of bread and buns. Thank you for not hanging on grams - probably, this is in their understanding of the "buffet".
Their security was especially "gifted" - I had a case when for THREE HOURS from 2 a. m. to 5 a. m. three Abkhazians, local drunk employees, stood under the windows and yelled such obscenities that their ears were bent, but the administration did not care - the local guard was simply afraid to disperse them, and then in the morning, when they began to walk around and complain about the night noise, local women were on duty near the director's office, took people aside and persuaded them not to go to complain - like the security guard would be fired, but where else would he find a job. Of course, their drunken neighbor in the village is more important to them than guests. In addition, all the personal passport data that you provide at the reception become known to any outsider if you wish - I was personally told about me by everyone to an outsider whom we met in Gagra, he jokingly promised to come to visit us at the Literary Fund, while we told him they didn’t even give their names, we just live in the Literary Fund. What a surprise it was when he really came to the Literary Fund, but he didn’t just stumble upon us, but he came up, already knowing what city we were from, room number and full name..... Horror.
There was devastation on the territory of the hotel, in May they just came to their senses and on the 20th (they had a check from their superiors), they began to burn last year's leaves and branches on the beach, people with children were sunbathing there. Local "horse breeders" walk on the beach on their horses - you yourself understand what remains on the beach after their walks. The maids (6th and 8th floors) rub local wine - they bring it from home, they sell it to our grandmothers. In addition to the usual excursions, the hanging around local Abkhazians also impose a sea cruise on their cars to Ritsa, Gagra, (it is clear that all this money is put in their pocket with a kickback to the leadership of the Literary Fund), and they stick more actively to those who are in Abkhazia for the first time , is also lost and is ready to get to Gagra for 600 rubles.
Hungry dogs walk around, the locals beat them, yell at them, all this in front of the children who are trying to play with them. . .
The guides are banal, a summary of any where you go: the length of the Pitsunda pine needles is 20-25 cm, the mountains are made of karst rock, the population of Abkhazia is 210.000 people, and there is no production, because Russia does not help them in any way and arranges an economic blockade. Everyone whines, the last Abkhaz believes that Russia owes them something, and if we don’t like something, then they cannot give us something, because they themselves lack funding. When you ask how much money they need to remove the terrible withered leaves in the park of the Prince of Oldenburg or tighten 2 nuts on the stairs to the pool so that it does not stagger, they blink their eyes and give out the last argument "and we had a war" (15 years ago, who does not know - 92-93gg)....
There is no animation in May, on the 27th a girl and a guy arrived - instead of animation they arranged a patriotic concert with Abkhaz songs and 1 dance... a la “how I love Abkhazia”, which, against the general background of devastation and hungry stray dogs, would look comical if it wasn't so sad. . .
In general, mostly Sochi residents go there - they have an hour of travel time by car - and swim on a cleaner beach than theirs in the city, and Krasnodar residents - they have 5 hours by train with children - and also the sea and the beach. Who cares - go ahead,
and who is ready to pay 2.000 per day for everything + 6.000 for an air ticket, or spend two days on a train -....don't be the same fools as we are - go to Lazarevskoye, Tuapse, etc. at least you won't chew other people's snot with problems.
And if someone has already been to Turkey-Egypt-Tunisia - don’t go at all, it’s too bitter a striking contrast, then it’s very insulting for your hard-earned money.

+ the maid Lily kept order in the room (we lived in a new building, third floor). Here, without any complaints, all wishes were immediately fulfilled (cleaning, change of linen and towels). I can't say anything other than thank you.
-+ dining room (we ate in a regular hall, not in a VIP). Here, against the backdrop of a variety of a generally good buffet, the obvious use of yesterday's leftovers was jarring (for example, there was pasta for dinner - the leftovers are mixed with cottage cheese - oops - it turns out a morning casserole, or, for example, half-eaten salted rice in the evening - voila - the same They gave chicken - the vacationers chose all the meaty pieces from it - tomorrow there will be stewed vegetables with these leftovers). For meat and fish cutlets, I recommend that you first sniff carefully - behind the stunning spicy aromas, sometimes light notes of rottenness are hidden. I ate fish cutlets - I felt sick. But evening kefir is very tasty. In general, I read reviews for previous years - they complained about the lack of dairy. This year, every day - milk porridge, for breakfast - hot milk (although not at all fatty, but it went well with tea), sour cream. For dinner - the aforementioned kefir. In general, from what is, you can choose and eat normally.
- - - - I was struck by a huge number of stray cats and dogs, apparently there is no fence. Naturally, vacationers, especially those with children, feed them. Then, apparently, the leadership catches on and tells the servants to "clear the territory of an undesirable element. " We lie on the beach with friends, with children and observe the picture - the caretaker of the beach drags a grown puppy on a noose. By joint efforts they recaptured, they thought, he would not recover, he would die. He survived, but for how long... Another dog was killed, surrounded by a crowd of healthy men on the pier (accidentally looked in, only heard a dying screech - they immediately hid it and did not answer questions). And all this horror and knackering - in front of everyone. The kitten's jaw was broken with a kick and an eye was knocked out (the process itself, thank God, was not seen, but it was painful to look at the poor animal). The son was in shock, cried, still remembers ((((
- as I already wrote, we were not lucky with the weather, we really hoped for animation. BUT. The film was never shown (although the list of services included in the price of the ticket at the reception includes daily film screenings), the evening performances were also somehow blown away.
- very loud music in cafes on the beach. Special went to see - who lights up until one in the morning in October in the cold. It turned out that at best three or four people crumpled on the dance floor. The administration of the boarding house, apparently, does not give a damn about the peace of mind of customers (I remind you that the velvet season is the time of rest for pensioners and families with children, it’s hard not to sleep and listen to raskolbas until one in the morning).
Well, that's all I wanted to write. There is no more desire to go to the Literary Fund. Although I liked Abkhazia madly - the nature is luxurious, the sea and air are the cleanest, the people are friendly, the wine - wow)))

And such an indifferent, disregarding attitude towards us - vacationers - from the side of the administration, I have observed more than once! Someone already wrote here - all these girls must either be taught or kicked out! When I looked around the "suite", I came to a quiet horror. There was absolutely no water pressure in the bidet, the toilet had an unpleasant smell, the shower did not stay in the rack, there was no overhead light in the bathroom! There was no hanger rod in the closet! The lock in the door was with a huge gap and all dangling! TV was not tuned at all! The bed mattress was so worn out that you could feel the springs. I gave the list of claims to the reception. True, we must pay tribute - they worked quickly. An hour later, a whole team was working in our room. And in principle, everything was eliminated (well, except for the mattress). The maid said she'd get it. Of course, I feel sorry for her, but, excuse me, she didn’t see this before during the cleaning? ? ? shower, bidet, light, closet??? ! ! why should I do this?
About the dining room. Here they praise the kitchen . . alas . .
Last year we lived in the standard and paid extra to eat in the vip after I collapsed with indigestion from undercooked pancakes. Everything about vip was great! They gave wine not only homemade, but also bottled - this year this has never happened! ! ! There was caviar, boiled tongue and much more. For breakfast, we were baked the thinnest pancakes. This year, everything has become much worse - the crepe maker was completely removed after our questions! The waitresses are wonderful! These are probably the best employees of the boarding house.
Yes, the beach pleased, more sunbeds. Although it was necessary to sunbathe a little.
Now animation. Alas, 3 years ago it was great! And professional dancers, there is nothing to say about Dalida with her oriental dances! And everything was led by Larisa, who held wonderful competitions - she especially liked karaoke! This year, only the fire show and pleased. Everything else is the level of amateur performance! The disco music was terrible! Argued with the DJ!
Normal music was playing in all the cafes, and we had two stomps, three slams!
For all the time of rest there was not a single movie show ! ! For the first time in 3 years, the ensemble "Ritsa" did not come!
But the worst was later. Seminars and conferences have begun. First alone, then the trade unions, and then the directors themselves. And everything would be fine - the owners came, but, sorry, we paid a lot of money for our vacation! But when during breakfast the waitresses are busy serving these "clients", when they stopped making coffee for us, I was indignant! And then we came to dinner and found out that they were having a banquet, and we were thrown into the common room with a handout in the form of homemade fermented wine and pastries! And what is the difference between VIP food?
And it was very unpleasant to feel like strangers at the celebration of life, when the whole company was entertained by the Gagra ensemble, a saxophonist and a local singer. Does that mean we don't need to be entertained?
Yes, in such weather it was necessary to be more active in dealing with people!
Many people, whom we met there not for the first time, have been coming here for more than 5 years. So after such an attitude to us, everyone said, we will not go here again!
I love Abkhazia very much, but next time I will go anywhere, but not to the Literary Fund!