Tour "Two Poles of Passion"

13 July 2011 Travel time: with 28 May 2011 on 10 June 2011
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instead of a preface. For this year, I chose a tour between the Accord tour of Greece + Italy and northern Europe from Kyiv TO. And the tour "Two Poles of Passion" was chosen by my wife. Chose, issued and ...could not go. Various options were considered and calculated, but at the time of the final decision there were only 2 options: this year not to go anywhere at all, or her sister is traveling with me. For me, both considered options, to put it mildly, were "not very", so I offered to make a choice to my wife in exchange for my conditions. So instead of my wife, her own sister went on tour with me, who had never left Ukraine before.

1 day. Departure from Lviv at 10:30. I don't know the exact reason. I can only assume that this is done in order not to create a queue at the border. The first thing the escort said after the greeting was that immediately after crossing the border there would be a replacement bus for Polish. We crossed the border in 2.

5 o'clock. We transferred to a Polish bus and arrived at the Hesperia hotel in Olomouc at 23:20, so the departure to Vienna was scheduled for 8:20. The hotel is an ordinary Czech 3 * with a standard breakfast for a hotel of this level. 5-7 minutes from the Tesco hotel, which was postponed until the next morning.

Day 2 The morning began with a visit to Tesco under the plausible pretext of "replenishing food supplies for the day. " The modest diet of a lone tourist consisted of 10 cans of beer, and the rest, by a strange coincidence, "was not for sale" or "was closed. " That's how I explained the lack of purchases.

We arrived in Vienna around 11:30. Departure from Vienna was scheduled for 16:00. That day in Vienna it sometimes rained. Near Maria Theresa, all those who did not want to attend the bus tour left the bus. I was among them and moved towards the Austrian Parliament. A couple of times I was already going to visit this institution, but on previous visits to Vienna, the plans were not destined to come true.

Before I got to the parliament, my wife was already calling. It's Sat outside, so at least the whole day call from Ukraine for 2 UAH per minute. And come on, how could you leave an ignorant person alone in an unfamiliar city. I explain that I took it, but I did not promise to be an escort. A light ultimatum, and all my terms are accepted. I think that I asked little for visiting all the other sightseeing tours. I bought a ticket to parliament for 4.5 minutes before the next group's campaign - independently figs. At 12:00 the tour started. I thought we'd be there for half an hour. Yeah right now, because the tour was in two languages: in German for 14 people and in English for me alone. Relatively inexpensive for spoken English. The guide warned that photos can be taken, but videos are not allowed for security reasons. After the parliament, he went past the town hall to the Votivkirche and through the Volksgarten to the Hofburg. In the park, a bum lying on a bench attracted attention.

His shoes were taken off and placed neatly under the bench. Met up with Blondinko near Stefan's Cathedral. Time allowed, so he offered to take the elevator to the tower of the cathedral. She refused because of her fear of heights and went to see the cathedral. And I'm for 4.5e for the tower. The payment was directly in the lift to the attendant, although there is a ticketing area next to the lift. There was little time left after the cathedral, so we went to Peterskirche. On the way back I ate various marine life for 12.4e in the Nordsee at the Kolmarkt. For the money, seafood in the center of Vienna is very good. After 16:00 we left for Fila. We arrived at the Grand Media 4 * hotel at about 20:45. When we entered the hotel, it was 5 minutes of the Champions League final, so it was inappropriate to talk about any inspection of Villach. Bought beer ended 10 minutes before the end of the match.

Day 3 In the morning, before breakfast, I explored the surroundings of the hotel. The first I met were not natives, and not compatriots, but, rightly, the Chinese.

I met ours only at the entrance to the hotel, when they went out to smoke before breakfast. Departure at 8:00. At about 12:00 we drive up to buy a "bus ticket" to Venice. Pay toilet nearby. The first ones threw 50 eurocents, but didn't press anything. The coin flew back and the passage did not open. With the words "the machine is broken", the people "stormed" through a small fence took "their Bastille" near Venice. Upon arrival at 12:20 at the parking lot in Venice. Departure from the parking lot was scheduled for 20:20. At the parking lot, there was a division in the group: a part went by boat along Giudecca (including myself). The other part independently traveled by vaporetto to San Marco. There were also tourists who decided to walk from the bus stop to San Marco. The meeting was scheduled for 13:45, and the tour at 14:00. Those who went on foot later admitted that they got lost and came almost to the very beginning of the excursion.

For those who came by boat, before the tour there was a visit to a glass workshop. Tour of Venice is the usual from San Marco to Rialto and back. Near Rialto they broke away from the group and went their own way.

Even when I was going on a tour, I thought about what to do in those cities where I had already been and examined the main "must sees". And then I decided - churches, because there are "pure" Christian countries along the route. And individual churches will give some museums 100 odds points.

Blondenko, who visited Venice for the first time, had the almost impossible task of getting me on foot from the Rialto to the Salute church on a sufficiently detailed map of the city without my intervention. After the tour, it would be necessary to have a bite to eat, because after breakfast, apart from ice cream, they did not eat anything else. But I was in no hurry, because I practically had no doubt that under her "sensitive guidance" we would get lost very soon and end up in some non-tourist cafe. And so it happened.

Pizza for 16e, white wine for 1e, ice cream for 1.2e (near San Marco for 1.5e), all also stretched ropes with drying clothes between the houses.

And then there were the churches. Only 3 churches got inside - San Polo, Frari, if I'm not mistaken with the third, then San Rocco. I didn't remember exactly. Paid to enter Frari 3e. I don't know for sure, but it can be assumed that all the churches of the association (chorus) raised the entrance fee at the same time. An aunt walks in Frari and constantly mutters the same "but photo", but many take pictures. It's more like a game - he will see, he will not see. I could not resist and played - I didn’t catch it, but I didn’t have a flash. Then we continued to the Salute church along the way, having bought the first bottle of wine on this tour and were near the church around 18:15. The time is in the photo and we go to the nearest traghetto crossing, and it is already closed - only until 18:00. I had to suppress the female panic and take "flight control" into my own hands.

Starting at 18:45 from the nearest traghetto crossing to Salute, at 19:15 we were already near the Cathedral of San Marco. And then, in a relaxed mode, it took 30 minutes to get to the place of gathering on the boat. While waiting for the boat, I showed Blondinko where we were about an hour ago. She only asked "We were there an hour ago? ? ? ". She couldn't believe it.

When the boat was brought in, everyone thought that the boat was designed for several groups. But it was a boat only for our group and it had 2 "floors". Still, wine and gypsies on the boat and the hotel could not go.

But we went to the hotel and it was about 20:45. The San Giuliano 3 * hotel wanted something, we went on our own to Venice in the evening on a local bus.

Day 4 Departure from the hotel at 8:00. In Genoa around 13:00. Departure from Genoa scheduled for 18:00. Before the tour, the Genoa guide took the initiative and offered to slightly change the time of visiting the Treasury while the Cathedral of San Lorenzo (if I'm not mistaken) is closed for tourists for a break.

The guide offered to include a visit to the Treasury in the tour. She called and the cathedral was opened only for our group. We examined the cathedral and the treasury. Treasury must be seen! (grail, a dish where the severed head of John the Baptist fell, a thorn from the crown of thorns of Christ, etc. ). And it's very good that there was only our group. There is not enough space for one group, and if there were 2 or more, then the photo would be problematic. You can take pictures with a flash, and none of the workers of the cathedral followed us. The tour ended at the Cathedral around 15:45. More free time. The blonde went shopping, I was free. The aquarium in Genoa is, of course, good. But this is not quite my first acquaintance with the city. There was also a time limit. So I decided to wander around the city + have lunch.

Via Garibaldi we did not pass all, but about half. Therefore, he returned and went all the way, going into all the open courtyards.

On one of the adjacent streets there were 2 offers to dine. The "on-duty" menu for 11s versus hamburger+fries+drink for 6s. There was no time to search, so I used the "duty" menu. After that, he continued his acquaintance with Genoa. Already going down to the port, purely by chance, I stumbled upon the basilica s. maria delle vigne (specialist photographed the name). I went inside - once again I liked it. I left the basilica, I roughly remember the direction, but before the crossroads I decided to check with 3 natives who were talking at the same time. Pointed to the left and forward. I got to the crossroads and decided that it wouldn't make much difference if I went forward and then left. I took a few steps when the natives called me in 3 voices and began to point to the left. Didn't listen. I walked 20m and realized why the locals were pointing to the left. There were deFFchons in the alley. It's hard for me to find a better place to make fun of overworkers.

I stopped, looked around, it seems there is no ban on photography anywhere. He took out a fotik, and they all, as if on cue, hid around the corners and looked out. It is clear that there will be no photo shoot. There was another question - the "folder" (or "mother") will come to deal with the slow-witted tourist. Did not come. I hid the fotik for a long time, and tied the bandana for a long time - they never came to talk. There was practically no time left, so I had to go to the "workers" themselves for information. I tried, but the conversation did not work out, because they only mumbled something in a language I did not understand and showed 3 fingers. If it weren't for the Negritos, then I would have just wasted my time. Most blacks understand and speak English. This is a real salvation for a tourist with 3 classes of education and complete ignorance of international. languages. These explained everything well.

How to find the basilica and the Genoese quarter: if you stand with your back to the church, which is built above the store (it seems to be the only such one and it will be shown during the review), then along the "right" street and 2 (3) turn right.

Before leaving, I still managed to go to the store and buy wine, cheese by weight and a ready-made assortment of various marine life. I asked for cheese and assorted 300g each, but they cut me 300g of cheese, and weighed 400g of marine life. Although the sea "bastards" were not cheap (about 18 per kg), I did not regret it later.

Departure from Genoa at 18:00 and at 20:30 we are at the Hotel Mediterranee

The hotel in Menton was 3 *, but I would add 1 more "star" to it due to the combination of factors "pushing to inadequate actions". When we drove to the hotel, it was clear that the sea was somewhere nearby. And when I took a business card with the location of the hotel, the sea was very close. The hotel was across the street from the embankment, and the hotel rooms were with balconies, on which there was a table and chairs prudently.

It was hard not to take advantage of such a pleasant gift from the organizers of the tour. Most of the group moved to the sea - some were walking along the embankment, some were swimming, and some were trying to get citrus fruits growing around the city. Only these women did not succeed.

After an evening swim and a walk, we returned to the hotel, where, sitting on the balcony under cheese and marine life, the systematic destruction of Italian wine began. It is a pity that at that time there was no good ally for the destruction of wine. Although my wife and her sister grew up in the Crimea, they are clearly not drawn to the role of an ally in the destruction of wine. Therefore, before the night bathing "after the third" it did not come. But there was a morning swim. The water was already cooler, but I and a few other people from our group were swimming. When we returned to the hotel, I saw an advertisement for meat 2.89e per kg (there is a photo and will be posted). And this is in the resort town of the Cote d'Azur. Crimea nervously smokes on the sidelines.

Departure from the hotel at 8:00. Around 9:00 in Nice. Departure from Nice was scheduled for 16:30. Before the tour, one lady from Sevastopol was pleased, who before the tour said that the Sea of ​ ​ ​ ​ Marmara was in Nice. Then I did not know that she and her friend would once again please me with such statements. After the tour, about 45 minutes of free time and at 12:00 departure to Monaco. I have already been to Nice, but not to Monaco. There were no special plans for Nice, but there were certain plans for a casino in Monaco. I'm not a gambler, because I don't like to rely on chance, but I had a desire to play roulette in Monte Carlo. Therefore, after estimating the time, I did not take risks and went to an extra course in Monaco, and Blondenko stayed to sunbathe in Nice. You could go to Monaco on your own, but if you had more time.

The station in Nice is really closed for reconstruction and buses number 100 depart from Place Massena, as europe11 warned about. For which special thanks to her.

At 12:00 we left for Monaco and at about 13:00 we got out at the parking lot. A tour of Monaco consists of two parts: the Old Town and the Monte Carlo area. After a tour of the Old City, free time. At 2:30 p. m. , a meeting was scheduled near the bus to move to the Monte Carlo area. When we took the elevator to the Museum of Oceanography, for those who wished, the guide advised them to go down the stairs on the way back. At the same time, he clarified that the bus is on the "minus" floor 1. There were 2 men in the group (single tourists), who, after collecting the group, began to present to the guide that he supposedly informed them incorrectly, because they went down and even left the parking lot and went down a path. I walked along the same path and in the right place I went to floor "minus" 1. The guide is not to blame if people either do not listen carefully or do not pay attention to the signs. At 14:30 we left for the Monte Carlo area, but only there the bus parking was closed.

We unloaded from the bus near the parking lot and the bus returned to the parking lot in the Old City. Departure was scheduled for 16:15. Sightseeing ended near the casino and then free time. Those who wish can go to the casino, but in order to get there you need to pay an entrance fee of 10s and have your passport with you. Throughout the tour, the passports were in the hands of tourists and no one took them from us. But at that moment I didn’t have my passport with me - it was safely in my laptop bag on the bus. A bus in the parking lot in the Old Town. Who went later said that they make a copy of the passport and enter it into the computer. If there is no passport, then you can go to another casino - to the left of the main one and opposite the hotel de paris. A passport is not required there, but at that time only slot machines worked in that casino, which did not interest me at all. If you are interested in seeing expensive cars, then the adjacent territory to the casino is your "museum".

Near the place where we were supposed to be picked up by a Japanese garden and an alley of footprints of famous football players. Departure at 16:15, for the rest in Nice arrived around 17:15. Some were dissatisfied with the fact that they were waiting for the arrival of a group from Monaco. The Nice + Monaco day is quite dense, so there is practically no time for a full meal. I had to be content with ice cream and ...fresh air. Lunch was at a roadside restaurant, and Blondinko took care of dinner. I figured that out of 17 days of the tour, 12 days are evening arrivals at hotels or by train, so if you like a late dinner (maybe with wine), then it’s better to take care of this in advance. When leaving Nice, we got into a "puffer", so we arrived at the Hotel du Languedoc 3 * (Narbonne) at about 23:30. Departure was scheduled for 9:00. If they had left earlier, then maybe. I wouldn't even think about WiFi. The next day we had a meeting with Spain.

Day 6 Departure from the hotel at 9:00. In Barcelona around 12:30. A guide enters the bus before the walking tour.

After the traditional presentation and his words on duty in response, I ask him a question - did they celebrate the victory in the Champions League in Barcelona? He replies that they celebrated for 3 days. According to my calculations, it turned out that they just finished the day before. This answer of his largely explained his further actions during a walk around Barcelona, ​ ​ since it was impossible to call what was happening an excursion. He answered all questions and gave useful tips to the right places, but he didn’t work out with the story about Barcelona. IMHO, the guide was a terrible hangover. Although the guide was not a "full-time" employee of the Accord, but for his "love for football and alcohol" Accord had to "respond" in the person of the accompanying person. Those who wanted to, turned to the accompanying Dmitry, and he attached them to a tour of Barcelona the next day with another group. After which they were satisfied and said "we even visited Montjuic".

After a walking tour, we were taken to the Sagrada Familia (about 30-40 minutes), and then to the Olympic village area near Barceloneta (20-30 minutes). At the end of the "obligatory" program, check-in at the Catalonia Rubens 3 * hotel

The hotel as a hotel is a good 3*. M. b. there would be more, but it does not have its own parking for buses. The most valuable was its location - 500-700m to Park Gü ell, and then up the park. It was hard not to take advantage of this closeness, although when I went on tour, the park was not in my "mandatory" program. The objects far from the center (Park Gü ell, Camp Nou) were at the point of my program "if there is time".

In the park, Blondeko caught a live lizard with her hands. Almost classic:

There are women in Russian villages

They are affectionately called Baba

Elephant on the run will be stopped

And his trunk will be torn off

You should have seen the eyes of passing tourists when Blondinko with a lizard on his arm walked through the park.

2-3 passers-by Blondinko offered to hold the lizard, so the men twitched from the lizard, as from a poisonous snake. Only the Chinese looked at the lizard with hungry eyes. The lizard has been safely released so their greens can sleep peacefully.

On the opposite side of the park, a 5-minute walk from the hotel was a metro station and shops. The prices for wine in those stores are 2 times lower than in those that I came across later. If someone lives in this hotel, then you can safely tarry up to the stop with wine in these stores.

Further on the subway. A single ticket is 1.45e, a ticket for 10 trips is 7.85e - then everyone counts for himself. We arrived at st. Diagonal (at the intersection of Diagonal and Paseo de Gracia). I ended up on Paseo de Gracia around 19:30, so the rest of the day was "dedicated" to Paseo de Gracia and pl. Catalonia with occasional tastings of local wines.

On this day, there was a dilemma - to go to Montserrat or to pay attention to Barcelona, ​ ​ and more specifically, to visit the Sagrada Familia. Montserrat is worthy of attention (after all, one of the symbols), but since there is an independent visit to Spain in the "future plans", I decided to pay more attention to Barcelona.

After breakfast, I moved to the Sagrada Familia. With the departure, I was delayed due to the purchase of wine in a nearby store, so when I arrived, there was already a strong queue at the cathedral. The weather is appropriate - it rains from time to time. Losing 1-2 hours in the queue in the rain was absolutely not part of my plans, so I had to "wedged" into the queue. A poster hangs in front of the fenced area (10-15m from the ticket office). Everyone slows down and starts reading something. Therefore, having started moving in parallel next to the queue, I successfully wedged in front of the poster “at the pace”. I wanted a cathedral + elevator for 15e, but the elevator did not work, so there was only a cathedral for 12.5e. M. b.

Paella with seafood for 7.5e. Or a plate of shrimp (for two) and wine for 11e. After eating shrimp, it's time to pay attention to the monument erected to this marine life. I am not an expert, and I will not argue about the artistic merits of this creation, but I will say this - fun. Another thing is a shame - many tourists, by their gluttony in Spain, do not allow shrimp to grow to its real size, indicated by the monument. After shrimp along the sea to the monument to Columbus. Yes, a person is really well done if he managed not only to get to America on an "easy" Indian visa, but also returned without extradition. And everyone believed that he was in India. But I did not manage to take the elevator in this column. Everything that we managed to understand is closed for security reasons. The blonde is not feeling very well, so we had to send her to the hotel.

It’s the 2nd day in Barcelona, ​ ​ and the Rambla has not been completed from start to finish.

I didn’t particularly need these stores, so at least some benefit from the fact that they are closed. The ideal option for exploring the Spanish village is under the guide's explanations, because there was neither the strength nor the desire to understand all the intricacies of the buildings on our own. Inspected, photographed something and to the magic fountains. On the way, I meet our guide, who says that the bus will leave at 21:50 and if you want, then join. There is no desire, because at that moment, due to the length of the day, only after 22:00 it was possible to appreciate the full power and beauty of the fountain. M. b. the fountain does not always fall in time with the music, but the volume of water thrown out is impressive, and some might. even hypnotic. Most likely, this is what some other tourists decided, who later explained that they "didn't understand" the end of the previous performance and continued to watch further.

The bus in Madrid continued almost until the settlement at the Husa Chamartin 4 * hotel, because our hotel was located a 5-minute walk from the hotel (maybe 500-700m) from the Madrid landmark "Gate of Europe" (2 inclined towers). From the hotel to the stadium Santiago Bernabeu had to walk 15-20 minutes. The metro station was practically under the hotel. In the evening I wandered a little around the hotel and reached the Santiago Bernabeu.

Day 9 On this day of the tour, visits to Toledo, the Royal Palace and the Prado are planned. If we add to this the need to independently explore some of the sights of Madrid, then there was a problem of choice. Stopped at Toledo, and the afternoon for self-exploration of Madrid.

Departure at 9:00, early 11 to Toledo. First, a few photo stops and then a tour that ends at the cathedral. Free time 30-40 min. Departure from Toledo around 13:00. In Toledo I bought either a small sword or a dagger for 12s.

Toledo is interesting, so you should watch it in any way. Toledo will definitely be in my air tour "Independent Spain.

Upon returning to Madrid, Blondinko has her own plans, and I have mine. Since it was planned (and agreed) to return to the hotel late, on returning to Madrid I had to take a souvenir from Toledo to the hotel, just in case. On the way back I saw the Gates of Europe and the Santiago Bernabé u stadium in daylight. Well, then there was the following route: Colon square - Sibelias square - Gran Via - Sol square with "preved medved" - past some congress of deputies and Prado to the Atocha station - Retiro park with a "crystal" palace (nothing special) - Independence square (Independence) with another triumphal arch. Either I was walking fast or I misjudged the potential of Madrid, but the individual acquaintance with Madrid took less time than I had planned.

I am still tormented by conjectures - I was "surrendered" or guessed it myself.

Day 10 Departure at 8:00. At about 9:15 near Escorial. Escorial is open from 10:00, so there is enough time for a photo in the background. Time to visit - 2 hours, and then transfer to Segovia. Looking at the Escorial, at first it seems that 2 hours is not enough, but in the end you realize that it is enough with your head. Of everything seen in 2 hours, only the church, the library, the battle hall and the tomb were somehow impressed (in descending order). The Escorial was associated with me somewhere like this: one of the iconic places in the country and you need to visit once, but the second time I’m unlikely to get there. M. b. and correctly decided that the new tour program does not include a visit to Escorial.

At 12:15 we leave for Segovia and in about an hour we are there. About 2 hours were allocated to Segovia, because the difference between the first and last photo is 1 hour 40 minutes + the road from the parking lot. There was simply no time to visit the cathedral and the castle, but I found out the prices.

Ticket to the cathedral 3rd, to the castle 4.5th. On the way back, I looked into the church for about 5 minutes and climbed the stairs to the second tier of the aqueduct.

At about 15:15 we leave for the night in Bordeaux. When Dmitry said on the way that we would pass near San Sebastian and the Atlantic, requests began to call. We didn’t stop by, and we did the right thing, because anyway we got to the Brit 3 * hotel (www. brithotel. fr) at 23:40.

Day 11 Departure at 9:00. Immediately after departure, the accompanying Dmitry reports that if everything goes well, then maybe. after Amboise we will stop for a photo break at the Chambord castle. Do you think the whole bus was happy about this message? Yep, right now. There was dissatisfaction - why do we need this castle, we went straight to Paris. I certainly understand that some have not even heard of the existence of one of the most recognizable castles of the Loire Valley. But many people travel 200 km from Paris to look at the castle, and then on the ball, and again it's bad.

The indignant ones calmed down after they explained to everyone that the check-in was practically on the way, and 15 minutes did not save anyone that day. At 14:15 at the bus stop near the castle of Chenonceau. The castle and the park allotted 2 hours 15 minutes. Both castle tours with audio guide, only in Chenonceau as an iPad audio guide. In Chenonceau, there are 2 tour options to choose from: a short one for 40 minutes with an audio guide and a long one for 1 hour 40 minutes. IMHO, short enough for a leisurely tour of the castle + photo (about 1 hour), the remaining time for the park and photos. I liked all the castles I visited during the day and convinced me even more of the idea to someday devote 3-4 days to the castles of the Loire Valley. At 16:30 transfer to Amboise, and at 17:00 we unload at the parking lot near the castle. Amboise was also given 2 hours and 15 minutes. On the way from the parking lot to the castle is a Carrefour store, which was useful to most on the way back. In Amboise, it took a little over 1 hour to inspect, then a few photos from the bridge and to the store.

On the way we passed the castle of Blois, but we did not stop and saw it only from the bus. About an hour later we were near Chambord Castle and people rushed to the photo. After everyone returned to the bus, Dmitry asked - so who there did not want to call in Chambord. And in response, silence.

At about 20:30 departure and at about 23:00 we arrived at the belta-hotel residence 3*). The hotel is located on the Canal Sant Martin and a 3-5 minute walk from the East Station.

Day 12 Departure from the hotel at 8:00 and 20 minutes later we are near the Hotel de Ville, but there is no our guide. To the question of the most impatient Dmitry replied that the guide was delayed. It was this phrase that later served as the reason for accusing the guide of being late. But the guide was not late, but the reason was different. The reason will be below. But in this situation, the absence of a guide was only at hand. During this time, people were able to walk to Notre Dame and get into the cathedral without a queue and crowds of tourists. If there were more time, then it would be possible to reach the palace of justice.

But time is left only in the photo near the cathedral. We return to the bus and after a couple of minutes the guide appeared. The guide's name was Elena. I am not wildly enthusiastic about any guides. And if it is not the first time in the city, then it is practically indifferent to any guide. But Elena surprised me, and so much so that in the completed questionnaire at the end of the tour in front of the guide in Paris, I put 11 with a maximum of 10. And this was done in a calm manner of storytelling without reading poetry and "theatrical performances. " Around 12:00 the tour ended at Place de la Concorde. Blondinko's museums were not interested, so when she asked what else she had to see, I replied that Montmart remained. You can also re-examine everything you have already seen, but without the bus.

After passing through the Tuileries Garden to the Louvre, everyone moved along his route. But several control points were assigned for a certain time.

The toad-eaters got too clever in the garden with the toilets and they all turned out to be closed, so there was an occasion to visit the famous tourist catering at Rivoli 206. It works as before, only the prices are slightly higher - 8.99e for almost any dish. It was near this place that I accidentally met the guide Elena. Finding out that I was going to the opera area, she said that it was in that area that she had a meeting with the next group. She has time, and if I'm not in a hurry, we can have coffee, and then move on to the opera. I almost never drink coffee, so an offer to drink coffee, and even in Paris, is tantamount to vodka for me? summer? ? from a can? ? ? And I answered - I will. During the conversation, we managed to discuss Paris with the surroundings in the tourist aspect and the best ways to get there. And then I asked if they specifically gave time today to inspect Notre Dame or not.

She replied that she simply did not get the SMS from Dmitry, which he sent her last night with the place and time of the meeting. And when he called her this morning, we were already at the Hotel de Ville. But in order not to arrange a showdown in the style of "who is to blame", she decided to take on the wave of discontent. In response, I said that IMHO it's good that the tourists had time to see Notre Dame before the tour. That is why I can say that the guide in Paris was not late. We said goodbye to Elena not far from the opera.

The village itself called Paris (skoe) is small. But no matter how many times you visit this settlement "almost on the outskirts", you still find something to do in it. If we had not visited Notre Dame before the sightseeing tour, we would have had to stomp along with Blondinko to him from Concorde. And so, thanks to the imperfect perfection of mobile communications, only the opera remained from the "mandatory museum" program in Paris.

When I was going on tour, I planned to visit only the opera and the Saint-Denis Basilica in Paris. But after the Escorial, I refused the basilica, because 2 "cemeteries" in one tour are too many for me. Compared to last year, most of the tourist sites in Paris have raised the cost of entry. tickets for 1 Metro is already 1.7e. The cost of a boat has gone up. The one near the New Bridge is already the 13th.

Heavy rain interfered with the plans for the day. I had to attend the opera earlier than planned. Ticket 9e, few people. Pleased with the Chinese - they were few. And when there are few of them, then they are courtesy itself - they don’t walk in formation and don’t rush under the camera. I had already examined almost everything when another tourist from our group climbed the stairs. A funny story connected with her and the opera was later told by Blondinko (will be separately). Well, after the opera there was a trip to the basilicas of Paris. After Saint-Trinite I go to the Lafayette Gallery - one of the checkpoints.

We met with Blondinko and went to have lunch on the 6th floor. I took fish and fruits with cream, and Blondinko only fruits - women take care of their figure. Fish in portions is about 11e, and fruit per plate (how much will fit) is about 4.5e. The gallery announces in Russian - if you are lost, then meet on the 1st floor. I listened further - they did not announce in other languages. It turns out that only Russian-speaking tourists get lost in the gallery. After the gallery, Blondinko led in the direction of Montmartre, and he continued his hike through the basilicas. My individual tour program ended around 19:00 relatively close to Tr. arches. If there was a wife, the tourist program would have lasted much longer. After dinner there was a walk along the route of Tr. arch - El. fields - bridge of Alexander 3 - Eph. tower.

Day 13 Practically from this day the intensive tour program ends and the "way home" begins.

After checking out from the hotel, the escort reminded that the departure from Paris is scheduled for 14:00 from pl. Concord. Such an early departure was explained by the fact that it is not known what the situation will be with Parisian traffic jams. Therefore, there are no grandiose plans, only basilicas along the way and the Marais quarter with its surroundings. On the way back between the Pompidou Center and Lesalle, on the way, I accidentally met a shop with cosmetics from Yves Rocher, on which there was a banner "-40%". At first I wanted to inform Blondinko about this store, and then changed my mind and continued to move along my route. Once again, I was pleased with the queue at Sainte-Chapelle and its complete absence at the Palace of Justice. When I ran into Blondinko by chance, I casually mentioned a discount store. I shouldn't have done so, because I had to listen to tirades about "her sister's unthinking husbands", football, beer and other male joys of life. TROUBLE! (c) This monologue ended with the sentence "quickly find this store. " And that's for 1.

5 hours before departure. I just don't have the imagination to compare this "run" to anything. But they found it, managed it, and by 14:00 were at Concorde. There were no traffic jams, so we left Paris normally and at about 22:00 we were at the Achat comfort 3 * hotel. You can’t guess the way in advance, but in such a situation it would be possible to leave Paris an hour later.

Day 14 High

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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