Excursions in the unforgettable city of Barcelona

Hello! I would like to share my impressions of the tour in the greatest city in Spain, Barcelona. Sorry for possible errors or inaccuracies, I'm not a writer, so don't judge too harshly. Yes, it is not for nothing that Barcelona is considered one of the most desirable cities to visit. I am still bursting with feelings, I already want to go back, but business, work, homeland and other things by which we are limited in this world. I will say right away that I spent decently, because I prepared thoroughly and decided not to waste time.
The hotel was not the main goal, because I decided to only spend the night there and don’t fool around with the choice, so I just won’t tell you anything about the hotel, bed, bar, TV, 3 stars (which is quite enough). I was lucky with the guide, the girl knew an impressive amount of information, all the professionalism was on her face, that's what gives experience in a particular area. She told me very simply and interestingly, I liked the fact that she didn’t load all sorts of dates and numbers, which I got tired of back at the university.
Her name was Sophia, so if you apply, ask when exactly she conducts excursions, you won’t regret it, though she assured that there are a lot of the same professionals in their team. We took the Observatory of Barcelona, Montserrat and the Dali Museum. We spent 1300 euros on all 3 excursions, and believe me it was worth it. And so about all in order: Overview of Barcelona. They came for us exactly at the appointed time directly to the hotel, which saved us from searching for the address if we took a group tour, because they start from their office, which is located very close to the Sagrada Familia.
I really liked the car, it was a Mercedes minivan with a glass roof, so along the way we stared at the neighboring buildings with might and main, at the same time noting anything for a more detailed view. The first point was the mountain or hills of Montjuic, from there we had a very picturesque view of Barcelona, its cargo port. The Juan Miro Museum, the Barcelona Olympic Stadium, (where the summer Olympics were held), the National Palace (which now houses the National Art Museum of Catalonia), and the Spanish Village (Pueblo Españ ol) passed by there. The Spanish village is a place worth visiting on your own, which we did safely after completing the sightseeing tour.
An amazing number of different Spanish buildings, in short, this is the whole of Spain in miniature. I was surprised when I recognized the square from the famous film "Perfume". We went to Plaza de Españ a, where we saw the famous singing fountains during the day, also the Plazas and bullrings of Barcelona, however, at the moment the Arena commercial center has been built there. You can go shopping there, you can still go upstairs and look at Barcelona from above, take incomparable photos.
We drove along the unusual beauty of the street, Paseo de Gracia, there were statues right on the street, some kind of temporary exhibition. It is also better to walk there during an independent tour. There were also very beautiful buildings of the Spanish architect of the same Antonio Gaudi - Casa Batlló and Casa Mila, they laughed at the Spanish name La Pedrera, well, it just sounds kind of funny. And finally, we got to Guell Park, which is an extraordinary work of the same architect Gaudi (in my opinion, the Spaniards need to put a monument to him on every corner, and pay his descendants for life, for the contribution that he made to their culture). We spent a wonderful 30 minutes in the park.
What was not there, and what kind of nature, the photographs taken there turned out to be one of the brightest in our album, though there were enough people there. But no one interfered with anyone, everyone calmly allowed to be photographed with something beautiful. There is something just very positive in this place, some kind of aura of its own, you walk there and rejoice at something incomprehensible. And, of course, we ended up at the Sagrada Familia, here my words are simply powerless, this must be seen!
Just stare and look with your mouth open... I, like all of mine (they asked me not to write about them, my wife and daughter), were simply amazed at the power of the author’s idea, on the one hand, the view of the motherland, on the other, completely different. In my opinion, you can hang there for two hours just looking at every detail of this cathedral... Later we returned there and climbed the towers, from where we again looked at Barcelona from above, which was also very pleasing. Then we went to the Gothic center of Barcelona, where there were many old narrow streets, old buildings (they said that many of them were over 500 years old), visited the Cathedral of the huge Barcelona Cathedral.
We drove to the port, looked at the statue of Columbus, by the way, it has an observation platform where you can climb and admire the city. From the port you can take a ride on the cable car, that's where the view is! But relatives panic at altitude, so this had to be abandoned. Then we were safely returned to the hotel. I don’t post photos, because I and my relatives are there, I just didn’t take pictures because I don’t see the point. My opinion Photos are needed as a keepsake, and if I'm not there, why?