2200km by car in Spain

From 24.10 to 04.11. visited Spain.
We (four adults and three children aged 11.11, 13) fell in love with this country.
I'll start in order.
Initially, we decided to abandon the sightseeing tours. A month before the trip, we worked out the route thoroughly - thanks to the Internet. With difficulty, they knocked out visas at the Spanish embassy. You just need to carefully study the list of required documents. Visas received and forward in search of new experiences.
From the airport of Barca for 45E a taxi delivered to the place of deployment - apartments near the city center. We watched the city for five days. We visited what we had time. Metro and other public transport mastered in a day. They refused taxis not because of money, but because they decided to feel the city. For two days we traveled on a tourbus on two routes. We visited Ventura Park. Children are delighted.
We rented a car at the airport - a seven-seat diesel Fol's Cady. By the way - all hotels, apartments and a car were booked online from home. visited Taragona and in the evening were in Valencia. Night Valencia is something. The next day in the evening we went to Madrid - two days for inspection. Half day in Toledo. Fairy tale. Day in Zaragoza - luxury apartments in the center near the cathedral. Two days in Lloret de Mar. Day in Montserrat. We stopped for a couple of hours to visit relatives in Malgrat De Maar. In the morning to the airport, where they handed over the car without any problems. On the plane and home.
Ate breakfast at the place of overnight stay, lunch, dinner - in restaurants or cafes. They did not deny themselves food and it turned out no more expensive than in Kyiv. Housing is cheaper (they took 4 * or 4 * apartments).
The main thing is people. I liked the Spaniards and the Catalans. We communicated simply - a little English, a little Italian, and basically the sign language is universal. I took an electronic translator - I did not use it. But without a navigator on a trip there is nothing to do. Not only scored a route for the car into it, but also all walking tour routes. All the sights and even the stops of the necessary buses and metro. The car has covered 2200 km. They did not see the traffic cops - they probably disappeared as a class.
The most important thing is that we were free - where we wanted to go and went - not tied to a tour group. The weather didn't disappoint. Our friends traveled with a travel agent for the same period - they saw half as much. And they were in a constant hurry and embarrassment.
For 15 days we got a lot of pleasure from this country, having spent 1100E per person with a flight, housing, food and a car. This is a trifle compared to the received impressions. By the way, the children moved the trip to 5+. Despite the fact that they are not Spartans.
If you have any questions ask - I will answer.