The Brilliant MSC Splendida or Cruise from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and back. Part 5

13 April 2015 Travel time: with 26 February 2012 on 27 February 2012
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To be continued. Start here:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

5. Barcelona

For each day of the ship's schedule, in the evening the steward brings an information leaflet that describes everything that will happen on the ship and beyond. We knew that in Barcelona we have time from 12-00 to 18-00, but the first shuttle from the ship is at 12-30 to the city, and from the city to the ship at 16-45 the last one. The total time left for the city is no more than 5 hours. And this is Barcelona! In my understanding, is Barcelona really not interesting for Europeans, and Valencia, as it turned out later. Or is it discrimination against Spain by an Italian company. In the morning, having gathered for breakfast, and so we did along the entire route - we planned the day, cut our appetites for Barcelona, ​ ​ leaving the main thing - "Sagrada Familia" (Sagrada Familia), how not to see it. p>

Next House Mila and the houses on Grà cia Avenue, created by the genius of Gaudí , next Plaza Catalunya. We exit to Rambla and go towards the embankment, if we have time, we will go to Gothic Quarter. Park Gü ell disappears, we won't make it in time, to the Spanish Village too. So we decided. Of course, it was possible to take excursions from the ship (3.5 hours for 45-50 euros per person), but we are independent tourists. In the forefront, we got off the ladder, the blue “portobus” stop was nearby, boarded the bus, paying 3-50 euros / person round trip (ship shuttle - 8 euros / person). Portobas brings tourists to Columbus Square.

Columbus Square

There is a stop and Bus Turistik, a bus that runs on three routes, going around the sights of Barcelona. The cost is about 25 euros per person. But we get to the starting point of our route - Sagrada Familia by metro (3.5 euros / person).

The fantasy of this building is amazing. The towers look like giant stalactites, sculptures that you can't imagine in churches.

Sagrada Familia

Can you imagine such sculptures

How do you like it?

Facade of the Sagrada Familia

The cathedral was founded in 1882, and since 1891 Gaudi became the head of the work. The main basilica was planned to be huge in size for 15 thousand believers, the height of the main tower was 170 meters. By the time of his ridiculous death, Gaudi had built only one facade, the Nativity Facade, half a century later the Passion Facade was completed, and the Glory Facade is still ahead. Well, what to describe, you have to see it. There are photos, but words are not enough to describe. Further, at a pace, to the buildings of Gracia Avenue

Gracia Avenue

created by Antonia Gaudí . His creations do not fit into the usual framework, his motto is no straight lines. See the Baglio housewith multicolored glass and ceramic cladding,

Baglio House

Mila's house with iron bars and sculptures on the roof.

Mila's House

There are also a number of interesting structures.

Next Plaza Catalunya,

Plaza Catalunya

Turbas on the square

behind it is Rambla, which stretches for a kilometer to Columbus Square. Probably the entire tourist population of our ship walks on the boulevard, and also other people. The Rambla is the heart of Barcelona and the most famous pedestrian area in Spain. And we are walking, between souvenir shops, cafes, kiosks, shops, moving to the embankment, we do not have time to go to the Gothic Quarter. What can you do in Barcelona in five hours of boat parking? We still need to come here!

Barcelona Embankment

We get back into the blue bus. That's what else struck me, although I knew, but had not seen before. A disabled person in a wheelchair drove up and not only did the ramp move out of the door, but the bus seemed to sit down in his direction and the person calmly drove into the bus. We drive up to the terminal, go through control and before our eyes we have a Dutik with a wine department, and we have a whole day ahead of us at sea, and Morocco is an Arab country. We sent women to study perfumery, and we ourselves made a decoction, the cost of whiskey (liter - 8 euros) martini (liter - 4 euros). Don't take it wrong! After all, we have already passed control!

Next according to the schedule! A little rest in the cabin and forward to dinner. At dinners in the main restaurant, themed meals are organized, each day is dedicated to some region of Italy. Or the province of Veneto, or Calabria, or Apulia, or Naples. Accordingly, dishes from these provinces are recommended on the menu. In addition to them, there are generally accepted dishes.

These are the dishes in the restaurant. Red fish decorated with shrimp

I think it was veal

Some other dish

I can't forget "pasta with rabbit in -... with spices", ordered - they brought a very similar dish to our "navy pasta". I was hoping that at least there would be a piece of rabbit meat, but it turned out to be rabbit crumbs on pasta. We laughed! I won’t write about restaurants anymore, in my opinion that’s enough. During Day of Italythere were cakes with candles, performances with songs of our chefs and waiters, birthdays and other anniversaries were celebrated. After dinner, entertainment programs: theater, live music in all bars from classical to jazz, someone wants to try their luck at the Casino, at the stern - a disco with a choice of "Miss Splendida". The next day we have a rest at sea and a Captain's reception.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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