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Is it dangerous to go to Taba
I'm going in September.. Mom is in tears, won't let me in.. How can I convince her that everything is calm there?
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12 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-1412 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар Alex_classic
No way.
Is it possible to say that Israel is nearby, so if something goes wrong, there is a chance to escape to neighboring Eilat ...
аватар jabetta
Nothing (I repeat).
Just Taba is the least peaceful place - alas :(
аватар dmitrieva31
Egypt declares state of emergency...
аватар jabetta
The state of emergency has existed there for more than a dozen years. A curfew has been announced today, including the resorts of Sharm, Dahab and Taboo. Please do not confuse "state of emergency" and "curfew" (these are different things with different consequences and restrictions).
аватар travelsita
It's better not to say anything about Eilat - last week a rocket was fired at it. If not for the Israeli air defense, perhaps there would be no Eilat.
But now there is a new tour "Russian roulette". Tourists are taken to Cairo, to the central square. They also drive around the city at night. Fittings, stones, clubs, which are supplied to tourists, are included in the price of the tour. Medical insurance does not cover this tour.
But seriously, everything is calm at the resorts, the security of the hotels has been strengthened. Reassure mom that Israel is ALWAYS! a country at war, however, this does not prevent it from developing economically and culturally, sharply increasing the flow of tourists due to the abolition of visas for Ukraine and Russia. Medicine at the highest level. They are fighting for Palestine, and the rest of the territory is more or less calm.
In sharm and taba, a curfew was introduced from 7 pm to 6 am and excursions to the desert and beyond the territory of sharm and taba were temporarily canceled. Taba, like any resort town, is under the protection and patronage of the army. No one here needs problems with tourists. The police prefer to close some excursions outside the territory of Sharm (evening mostly), as they say, it's better to play it safe. Excursion to Israel again becomes a two-day.
In Sharm itself, you will not feel unrest.
There is still time until September, there are all prerequisites that this will not last long and that a stable situation will be restored as far as possible.
аватар Pachok
"Unless to say that Israel is nearby, so if something goes wrong, there is a chance to escape to neighboring Eilat ..."
Under the missiles...
аватар sebe1
If I'm not going anywhere, but just breathe the sea air
аватар sebe1
Don't confuse me, I'm flying to Sharmel Sheikh, not Eilat))))
аватар koroshchenko
Don't know. Look at mom. If you are still breathing sea air, she will not go crazy, then go.
аватар irinaaa200561
So in Taboo or Sharm al Sheikh? These are different coasts .... It's not scary in Taba. Except that sometimes supersonic military planes fly over... And if you don’t go anywhere, then you will have a great rest!
аватар sandra-art
reassure mom - say that you are flying to Turkey. (I'm talking about my mom). otherwise you will not reassure her, especially if she is a fan of the news to watch ...
аватар sebe1
No, today the tuff company that sold me the ticket is starting to look for a replacement for me.
аватар kareta
We were in Taba in the second half of July. Absolutely everything is calm but also comfortable. BUT, on an excursion to Israel, we met vacationers who bought tickets to Taba, and when they arrived in Sharm (airplanes fly to Taba only from October, so it will take you 3.5 hours to get to the hotel from Sharm), they just closed the road to Taba and they were settled in the hotels of Sharm. There they remained until the end of the holiday (they were unhappy). Recently, the situation in Egypt has changed for the worse, it is not safe there. After all, you still need to get to Taba from Sharm (and back to the airport). Is it necessary to take risks?
аватар sebe1
Thank you, I reassured my mother ... I won’t go .. I’d better go to Kemer, my sister was there recently
аватар Altus
Was at the end of June in Taba. Liked. Even the 3-hour road did not cause discomfort. BUT. Now I wouldn't go there. The 200-km road passes through completely wild mountainous and desert areas. An ideal place for attacks for various Muslim scumbags. Unless accompanied by military patrols. I wonder if the authorities still do this for safety?
аватар sandra-art
Altus - I'm not campaigning to go to Egypt and I don't even advise. but the practice of what is happening with them now there suggests that on deserted roads there is no use for them to attack. they prefer big cities.
and tourist buses like the military are escorting now, I could be wrong about this
аватар Anetka-gan
they also attack on deserted roads. and set up barricades. the roads are the main ones, there are not so many of them. someone will pass.
accompany all the military buses, it's true, they all sort things out in cairo, here we only know from rumors and telly what is happening there .....
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