Question about hotel Mosaique Beach Resort Taba Heights (Sofitel) 5*

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Does the beach in Sofitel have access to the sea from the shore?
I understand that in Hyatt (where the most beautiful reefs) you can get into the sea only from a pontoon, but in Sofitet?
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2 subscribers  • asked 2011-02-1314 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар chelita
there is an entrance, but a narrow path and preferably in special shoes.
аватар olinasport
I went barefoot in Sofitel (Taba), well, 2-5 meters (in some places) you can step over the pebbles
аватар petr2010
There are two pantones in Hyatt, it is better to enter from the pantone. In the middle of the Khayatovsky beach there is a passage to the reefs, but the last meters are better in special shoes.
In Sofitel, you can not from the pontoon, in the center of the beach, where the observation tower made a passage to the reef. Here you can enter without shoes. You can also enter to the right of the pontoon, but the entrance there is worse than in the middle of the beach.
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