Question about hotel Dessole Holiday Taba Resort 4*

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Christmas on December 25 is celebrated in the hotels?
We are planning to travel in December. One married couple is Catholic and it is important for them to know whether Christmas is celebrated. Last year they were in Movenpicks, where they celebrated on a grand scale.
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4 subscribers  • asked 2010-09-1015 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар papa74
Pegasus bought the hotel, but he does not write anything on the page of his website for the Christmas holidays:
The site of the hotel itself has not been changed,
also silent about such events.
And even if, even someone responds, who was on December 25 in it ... "a new broom sweeps in a new way" ...
Call your agent, and let him contact the owner Pegasus.
аватар abysfinks
And what about without fiction or armless? It is always possible to note the help bases of the REANIMators and with great scope and pleasure. There would be a desire and a company, which, as I understand it, exists.
аватар Lenok2009
It seems to me that Christmas and New Year are celebrated in all hotels. Who would refuse an extra penny. After all, not only Russians go to these dates, but Germans, British, Poles, etc. In all hotels there is a mandatory surcharge for Christmas and New Year's dinners and celebrate Christmas both Catholic and Orthodox. You can look at the prices on the website of the tour operator for these dates, as well as in the section of surcharges for dinners and everything will become clear to you.
аватар papa74
the hotel began to belong to PEGASU (Orthodox, not Catholic) - options are possible ...
аватар Lenok2009
I looked at the Pegas website, there are surcharges for this hotel for NG dinner and for dinner 01/06/2011 Christmas Orthodox. This hotel does not currently have a Catholic Christmas dinner, although many hotels have all 3 dinners. Maybe you should choose some other hotel where they will celebrate Catholic Christmas.
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