Question about hotel Dessole Holiday Taba Resort 4*

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Lenok15- unsubscribe
You rested along the way at the same time and they were in an accident, well, unsubscribe, it’s very necessary, with whom she was, maybe even have a photo, I would be very grateful
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4 subscribers  • asked 2010-04-2214 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар HotLine
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аватар rozanovv
The sewer accident happened at night. We did not quite feel it, because we lived on the 3rd floor. From under the door of the next room, as it turned out later, water was pouring into the corridor at all, but apparently the people rested to an insane state - we had to announce the alarm at 2 in the morning, when the wife went to the toilet and found water on the floor there. We called the reception, but came to eliminate only at 4 o'clock. Since we had a child of 7 years old, they didn’t raise a panic, but only removed everything that could get wet from the corridor, and paved the door between the room and the corridor with towels so that water did not get into the room, they turned off the condo and sockets and went to bed. In the morning the janitor came and removed the water from the sanitary room. And yet, there was no smell and no insects, but we don’t give a damn about the rest, like the furniture in the corridor and other crap. The door did not swell. There are no photos of the incident, because it was at night.
аватар n700inbox
yes no there was an accident with a minibus (white) crashed into a cart with a donkey when we were going to the market chtoli? while the driver was fiddling with the bumper and radiator, two or three hours passed, and naturally they didn’t get anywhere further
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