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Advise good accomodation, rooms...and the second question: what kind of Sinai stamp
They say a visa of 15 bucks is not needed, if you are not going on excursions? They put a stamp in the passport and that's it? Who knows, write..
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12 subscribers  • asked 2012-09-0313 years ago
Answers  •  57
аватар sandra-art
a Sinai stamp is a common stamp for crossing the border of another state.
at passport control say "Sinai only" and you do not need to buy a visa, a stamp is enough
аватар PolikSVT
You don't even need a stamp. For citizens of the Russian Federation, visa-free entry is established until August 30. Let's wait for it to be extended.
аватар Oleksii64
PolikSVI- in the sense of how is it that a stamp is not needed? After all, a mark on crossing the border is done in any case. If I'm not mistaken, they still don't fly to Egypt on internal passports :))))
аватар Larisa_mek
If you do not plan to travel outside the Sinai Peninsula, then you do not need to buy a visa. Say "Sinai only" at passport control. We flew in June.
аватар serega829
With a Sinai stamp, you can only be in Sharm and most of the Sinai Peninsula, but if you are planning excursions, you need a visa (except for citizens of the Russian Federation). Even if you go to the nearby Ras Mohammed by bus (with us, four tourists who traveled with us, so as not to lose the tour, then had to buy a visa from the bank and make "exit-entry").
аватар PolikSVT
Oleksii64, Under the phrase "no stamp needed" I meant the SINAI stamp. When crossing borders, they "stamp" - this is a must. If Russians, Azerbaijanis, and...I don't remember who else...are exempt from buying visas, then the Sinai stamp, which is a free alternative to a $15 visa, is not needed.
аватар Oleksii64
By and large, no "Siai" stamp exists. If you bought a visa at the airport (a pasted stamp for $ 15, which, for example, is mandatory for Ukrainians in Hurghada), then when you go through passport control, you are stamped with an arrival or departure stamp, respectively. And in the case of the "Sinai" stamp, exactly the same prints are put on a blank page of the passport.
аватар allak911
Hurghada is Africa, they pay for a visa there, and Sharm is the Sinai Peninsula, and for 15 days you have the right to stay there without buying a visa, by saying and filling in the ONLY SINAI migration card, and you will be stamped entry-exit. Ras Mohammed can only on a boat. We did just that. (Ukraine)
аватар serega829
In addition to everything: visa-free entry for citizens of the Russian Federation was not extended, from September 1, a visa is needed, well, or put a Sinai stamp.
The Sinai stamp allows you to be in Sinai for 15 days, but if you want to visit Cairo, Luxor, Moses Baths, Alexandria, or go to Ras Muhammad by BUS you will need to buy a visa. if you are planning a trip to Israel, Petra, Mount Moses, etc., a Sinai stamp is enough.
Unfortunately, visa-free entry has ended and from September 1 you have the choice to either buy a visa or Sinai only.
аватар Oleksii64
And what did they minus, does someone have a stamp in their passport that says "Sinai"?
Read the answer to the end, not the first two words.
there is a difference between the stamp that is put on the visa and the Sinai stamp (they are different in shape and size) any person arriving in Hurghada must buy a visa (except for the time when Egypt allowed visa-free entry). in this case, a stamp is put which is put if there is a visa in the passport. Now people who arrive in charm have a choice to put a Sinai stamp or buy a visa and another stamp with an arrival mark will be put on it. Accordingly, there will be a difference in the possibilities of moving around Egypt.
аватар Oleksii64
I looked again and Hurgadovskie and Sharmovskie stamps, they are all different! :) But I didn’t find the word “Sinai” on them, and okay, it doesn’t matter.
аватар Aleksandra23
we had room 3217, sea view, high ceilings.
аватар PolikSVT
Oleksii64, if you did not ask the border guards to supply YOU with a Sinai stamp (this is instead of a visa stamp), where will it come from????
аватар allak911
You don’t look at the stamps, but look at the pasted visas (they are like large stamps and Egypt is written) you pay money for them. With ONLY SINAI they will not be pasted, you don’t need to pay money, they will only put a stamp. Take a migrant. card, fill it out and check it out.
аватар Oleksii64
PolikSVI-something we are already somehow pounding water in a mortar ... Why didn’t I ask, I wrote only sinai. I just wanted to say that, in my opinion, the stamp itself is the same for both the visa and the "Sinai" version. Just in the second case, put on a blank page, without buying a stamp. But these are purely technical issues of the Egyptian side and have nothing to do with tourists.
аватар PolikSVT
Well, I won't argue! Only now I don’t remember the case when the SSH was done in a quiet way, without objections and even scandals from the Egyptian side. And it was written in my stamp exactly ONLY SINAI. I can't believe it now - the passport is new ...
airport stamps are different. there is written information about the airport of the date of arrival; the visa stamp itself has a curly shape. The Sinai stamp has a rectangular shape. here is a link with stamps (there is a shinai stamped variant of taba crossing the border by bus). this is what the Sinai stamp looks like upon arrival at the airport
аватар travelalex
will take diving - do not forget that your standard insurance does not cover diving.
for diving you need to take a separate insurance "sport"
We are talking about a very expensive thing - a pressure chamber.
2 days AFTER and 2 days BEFORE the plane you can’t go diving either. Not getting enough sleep, after alcohol - too.
And in general, I do not advise you to start diving in Egypt.
It is better to get initial experience in your own country.
In Egypt, in this regard, irresponsibility is high.
аватар 7alawa
if there are no excursions to the Sinai stamp .. just fight for it to the last !!!))).
аватар Oleksii64
"We are talking about a very expensive thing - a pressure chamber" - this is a proposal, why ????
аватар natamelni
I look in the passport, the stamp does not indicate "Sinai Only" :) Namely, as in the photo at the link - "EGYPT. SHARM ELSHEIKH".
аватар natamelni
"Sinay Only" we always write on the migration card (on the back) upon arrival at Sharm airport. With it filled out and with a foreign passport, you stomp to passport control.
Never had any problems or failures. Always put the stamp without problems.
аватар natamelni
About the unstable political situation and demonstrations in Egypt, I think you know. Therefore, I do not think that you will dare to go on excursions to Luxor, Cairo or Alexandria. ;)
You can enter Israel with a Sinai stamp. But this is also not the safest excursion at the moment;)
аватар Oleksii64
natalmelni-everything is absolutely true and I support 100%. These are already technical details, but still: what does the stamp that is put in Sharm on a VISA look like, and does it differ from the stamp called "Sinai".
аватар natamelni
A visa with stamps looks like this: gfM:&imgrefurl= %25B8%25D0%25B7%25D0%25B0_%25D0%25B2_%25D0%2595%25D0%25B3%25D0%25B8%25D0%25 BF%25D0%25B5%25D1%2582_9.html&imgurl= /pageImage/visa-egypt_7.jpg&w=899&h=600&ei=ZktIULSuH4bdtAajzoDIAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=188&vpy=161&du r=3388&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=166&ty=113&sig=118297423248543538897&page=1&tbn h=146&tbnw=210&start=0&ndsp=42&ved=1t:429,r :0,s:0,i:72
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