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Who flew with Anex Tour, respond! How likely is it that we will fly out later than stated?
Bought a tour to Sharm on February 23rd. Two days ago I looked at the tours and it was indicated on the website that the departure time from Kyiv is at 2:55 am, and back at 8 am. We are more than satisfied with this. Yesterday I went to a travel agency, and the departure time is already different, from 2:55 they moved it to 13:30. They offered to pay extra $ 75 for flying at 2:55. Didn't agree. I bought it as it is. But then I began to read reviews about Anex Tour (we had never used their services before, we always got to Join Up and TPG - everything was fine). And in the reviews, absolutely everyone writes that Anex steals days, even from those who paid extra for an early flight there and a late one back.
My question is this: how likely is it that we will take off even later than 13:30 (if they reschedule to 2:55, then fine, I have nothing against it). And can it be that the flight back will not be at 8 am, but in general at night? That is even earlier? Maybe someone faced such a situation? What were your transfers?
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25 subscribers  • asked 2019-12-145 years ago
Answers  •  63
аватар 0676307776
Three years ago there was an attempt to fly with Anex, but after the fact that before booking the tour they suddenly offered to pay 25 dollars per person at a convenient time, although they warned that there were transfers, as it turned out all the time. Friends dissuaded me in time. Now Tez, Tui, Coral. For seven flights all without problems.
аватар lina.fursova
So now I doubt it .. I don’t know what to do .. The hotel we are flying to offers only an annex, others do not fit into the budget, and vacation dates are clearly defined, there is no possibility to fly on other dates ..
Your head just explodes
аватар klichko
Apparently there are three of you. For two, they have already paid 50 dollars for flights several times, everything is clear (max 30 min + -). Just before the flight back, there were a lot of flight transfers on the online scoreboard of the annex, and we flew out clearly. Money, as it turned out, is returned upon transfer. Now on purpose I will look only for paid flights. Not only that, there are sleeves back and forth and no sickening buses. It's really worth it
аватар klichko
Our hotel is also only near the annex. Paid flights only please. Anything used to happen, especially after three years of the carousel. With the overpayment, everything settled down. The company immediately pays for the corridor, and does not wait for the "queue". Plus the sleeve is expensive. Hence the price issue. Bonus day for free and mind you, almost guaranteed day. And in case of force majeure, the money is returned ... who needs it? So far so good!
аватар lina.fursova
And if I decide to cancel the tour, on Monday for example, will there be a penalty? More than two months before travel
аватар lina.fursova
Yes, there are three of us. The stolen days of rest will not be so offensive as the difficulties with the child. You can’t starve him, and you can’t feed normal ones at airports, mostly fast food there .. It’s hard for an adult to sit at the airport, but doubly with children
аватар klichko
You are confusing something, the surcharge for a night flight is nonsense because the corridors are cheap. The meaning of the overpayment is in a comfortable departure time and a guarantee of extra hours of rest. Take the morning there, the evening back ... this season Anex indulges in choice. And why extra time to suffer in the port. Book your seats and arrive by the end of registration, it ends at the annex 40 minutes before departure (but you don’t need to back to back))
аватар lina.fursova
They have a flight there at 13:30 and back at 8 am. And if with a surcharge, then the departure will be at 2:55, and back also at 8 in the morning. And it is not a fact that by paying they will not transfer everything to the originally planned time. Judging by the reviews of people, Anex often practices this. It turns out that people not only lose money, but also days of rest.
This is good for the locals, you can leave at the last moment. And we still have 6 hours to Kyiv
аватар AndreySWAR
Didn't quite understand the question? What's with the tour operator? The question is more to the carrier!
You fly on a charter flight, for a penny, in fact. So be prepared to be put into any suitable plane.
For the sake of interest, monitor how much a "non-charter" flight will cost.
A week ago, I flew on a ticket from Anex Tour, carried by Azur Air Ukraine, there at 2:45, back at 19:30. Didn't pay extra and arrived on schedule. But I still think this is a matter of chance, in April Sky Up rescheduled the flight and stole half a day and night in fact ... something like that.
аватар klichko
What's with the tour operator?
What's with this retort? The charter does not have the right to sell tickets. The carrier in the form of Azur is dead tied to Anex and all responsibility is on TO
It happens that convenient flights go free of charge, but then TO reserves the right to transfer. In the event of a surcharge, the risks tend to zero
аватар klichko
And if with a surcharge, then the departure will be at 2:55, and back also at 8 in the morning.
Nonsense and an extreme degree of disgust TO. It's definitely not worth paying extra for. How very doubtful. Voice the dates, I want to find out what kind of divorce Anex began to practice
аватар moy_contakt
If we are talking about departure in the near future, that time may not change dramatically. But in this case, the tour in February and there are a lot of options. Our tour booked in the annex for 3 months postponed departure from 14 hours, then at 16, then at 18, and the results set a time of 23:55, and departed after 24 hours (but there are little things, the delay was only 30 minutes ). But back our departure at 13 o'clock (picked up from the hotel at 8 am) just postponed every two hours and so until late in the evening, the annexation did not pay the airport refueling and maintenance, the plane was standing, but it was not refueled, not serviced. It was not in Egypt, but in Thailand ... Now I do not look towards the annex. But again, you flew with genies and tpg. These are the most unreliable MOT, so you decide how and what, but the transfer to February will definitely be and they have the right to do so under the contract. Unfortunately, these are our realities
аватар moy_contakt
More precisely, not That, but the air carrier, but as everyone knows, Anex and Joe have their own Skype and Azur
аватар klichko
We paid good flights for more than a month. Those who took a convenient time for free shortly before departure were resting with us and they were cruelly transferred. I insist on the reliability of paid flights from Anex. But paying for a night flight there and an early morning flight back is complete nonsense. The surcharge for such failed flights is a clear swindler
аватар veritasana
Anex or not Anex... And what kind of air?? this is important..
аватар lina.fursova
Departure 02/23/20 at 13:30, return 03/01/20 at 8:00
аватар lina.fursova
The fact of the matter is that when we flew with join up and tpg everything was clear to the minute. They didn’t delay or endure anything .. Although many also complain about these Tour Operators, there are different complaints about them. And for anex, more than 90% complain about transfers and delays.
Yes, the Ukrainian tourist, unfortunately, is not protected in any way.
I believe that if you provide your services, then do it as stated. What's the point of cutting rest days, your reputation. Do they really not think that someday, but everyone will simply refuse their services, because it is not profitable for anyone to cooperate with those who have a million complaints
аватар lina.fursova
And Anex only cooperates with Azur Air
аватар klichko
Departure 02/23/20 at 13:30, return 03/01/20 at 8:00
This is a clear outrage. Where are you flying from? There are a lot of options from Kyiv for these dates, and I don’t see what to pay extra for
The meaning of the surcharge is in a relatively normal sleep there and a reserve of the day back. We took 8.00 there and 19.15 back. They rescheduled it for 7.30, flew back to the minute. Only for such flights I pay extra
аватар maxud
First flew in February 2017
from Odessa, everything worked clearly.
аватар AndreySWAR
You can buy charter tickets yourself, and don't worry about tour operators!=)
аватар Vika284
Will a ticket purchased independently for a charter flight somehow significantly affect that this flight will not be rescheduled?
аватар Fancase
ANEX introduced an additional payment for the selected flight back in the year 2016, so I try to bypass this tour operator, because. for a family of 4, you get $100 there and $100 back.
аватар zaeugene
He flew most often anex. And tui many times. I paid extra at the annex for convenient flights. Sometimes I did not pay extra, but there is a big difference to get to the hotel at 8 am and at 8 pm. Choose economy or comfort here. Well, or another TA with a greater chance to fly even worse :)
As for me, zzur and rose have a smaller percentage of transfers and delays.
I bypass join-up with sky-up, which was praised above :) Statistics on flight delays are easily googled
аватар zolyshka111
I flew three times with Anex, twice there was a delay in flights from Kyiv, once at about 9 hours, the second for about five hours somewhere. Departure from Egypt always on time)))
At the expense of surcharges, then yes for a night flight there and an evening flight from there, they want surcharges. Like you want to stay at sea as much as possible - pay.
аватар lina.fursova
Thanks to everyone for the answers) I conclude that everyone has their own story, someone is not very positive, but someone was lucky and didn’t endure anything))
Let's hope everything goes according to plan :)
аватар Tonel
A month ago, everything was stable at the anex. Only the departure-arrival of all flights was shifted later by an hour. What was reported in a week. As it was before, I don’t know, I’m with anex for the first time.
аватар zolyshka111
Wind rose has the fewest flight delays, followed by UIA, Anex and Join. The rating is based on personal observations.
аватар solt07
90/10, which will be transferred to an even later departure. Place your bets gentlemen!
аватар lazy_person
Conversations on this topic (will be transferred, not transferred) are futile. Rescheduling charter flights, a covert tactic to screw up a day or two, has become a practice for all TOs and their associated airlines. It's useless to guess. The transfer of a charter flight is LEGISLATED and everyone skillfully uses it. There is only one recipe - to plan more days of rest days, then these nuances will be less noticeable ...
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