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Who drove a one-year-old child to Sharm in winter, how was the acclimatization? Can I buy baby water there or bring it with me? Are there baby food from our manufacturers in the markets?
Who drove a one-year-old child to Sharm in winter, how was the acclimatization? Can I buy baby water there or bring it with me? Are there baby food from our manufacturers in the markets?
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22 subscribers  • asked 2019-10-225 years ago
Answers  •  55
аватар Elenka08
No matter how acclimatization goes, if you are only traveling for 7-10 days, it will not be useful for such a baby.
аватар mindguru
There are no baby food stores. Too much shock for a one year old.
аватар Nusia
There is water, diapers, but take food with you, something that the child is used to, so that there is no additional stress. Purees, juices and some food are in the market.
аватар olg195710
I also don’t understand why such a crumb should be dragged to Egypt! Stay at home and raise your baby until he grows up! When I flew to Egypt, I took a bunch of medicines with me! And here is the baby!!! And if something goes wrong, what are you going to do with it? Once I also observed a small child -2 years old, all covered in red spots, bitten by mosquitoes. Even the temperature rose. What kind of vacation is this?
аватар vezha2
Is it worth it to arrange such stress for the crumbs?
Acclimatization can go well, but with baby water, and especially with baby food from our manufacturers, a complete failure - it is simply not available in stores. Food and water from other manufacturers are still found, but if you decide to go, bring everything with you.
аватар travelsita
From winter to summer and then back for a one-year-old child?!!! Quite already....
аватар V.Zolot
Take care of the child
аватар Vika284
I will repeat my answer to a similar topic
My friend flew to Turkey last November, at the beginning of the month with a 1.5 month old baby for 7 nights, everything is OK, and this year in July she was already resting in Sharm (a child is 1 year old in September) reading her facebook feed comments of other mothers for rest, I realized that many mothers successfully and without any complications for the child travel and relax
аватар YanaKaramel
Take water and diapers for the first time, buy in addition on the spot. Food is better to take the usual for the baby. The issue here is not water and food, but the choice of a hotel since mid-December is very strong wind, look in the bay otherwise it will blow everyone. On the recommendation of a pediatrician, any trip to a "foreign" country should not be less than 10 days, then this is in favor. It’s clear now that they will rush at you like dogs and tell you to stay at home until you are 18))
аватар Elenka08
YanaKaramel, with dogs somehow too much. Don't you think?
аватар YanaKaramel
No I do not think so
аватар AllOverTheWorld
Each child is individual, just like an adult. In general, I would not risk the first trip with a radical change in climate.
I am an adult aunt and I suffer from acclimatization, and not weak, so in winter I don’t change the climate much, except for trips lasting from one month. And what can we say about the one-year-old. And you do not rest and he does not understand what.
If you have already decided, then do not shift the responsibility to strangers, decide for yourself and consult with your pediatrician.
YanaKaramel, so that they would not "throw like dogs" there is nothing to apply to a public forum.
In general, I am amazed at the "mothers", sometimes they are afraid of coxsacks in the season, sometimes mosquitoes, then the lack of blenders, although they themselves drag sick children, nevertheless they are "paid"
Who remembers when he was a year old? but mom, of course, rest, with her katomki with water, food, etc., and twitch there, what if something happens ...
аватар Elenka08
YanaKaramel, if there is an expectation that dogs will attack, then do not be surprised in the future. And as they said above, there is no need to ask public questions if you expect to hear what you want
аватар Tigrusya
It’s too much with “dogs”, and idiots call names like norms .. We go on vacation in winter - there are a lot of little ones in hotels, especially from Europe we met (they don’t bother much at all, when we lived in England, the little one was still in boots, and local parents barefoot on the sand allowed). Still individually. A child is not a disease, just like pregnancy. To sit , wait for this diagnosis to end . And if there are several children, do not leave the house at all, wait until everyone has the right age?
аватар YanaKaramel
I support you completely)) but our mentality does not understand this. They flew from the first from the age of 3, if there was an opportunity, they would have flown without hesitation before, with a visit to the seas, orz were not present for half a year in principle. Started with the youngest at 6 months. Yes, and the whole environment at the age of 6-12 months who managed to visit where, the main rule is the child must be healthy and the trip is not a week.
аватар liliamaria78
We flew with a child for a year and a half in December for 12 nights, everything is fine, there is no difference at all with the flight before that in the spring. The difference in temperature is not so terrible as the airports themselves and the plane, in a closed space there are various foreign bacilli. You better know what kind of immunity your child has, and whether it is worth the risk. Some people are not afraid of any infections, while others are in the hospital after a half-hour walk, so no one can tell you what to do. Food is definitely with you, you can put it in your suitcase. Children's purees were taken with them on the plane, they had a snack during the flight. Their bottled water suited us perfectly, but we boiled it additionally. The level of the hotel is also important, of course. From our experience, the child endured the flight perfectly, better than some adults, did not react to temperature changes, behaved as usual.
аватар Pachok
To carry a child or not is a personal matter for parents.
But you need to know the features, and not only in nutrition, namely - in Egypt, not medicine, but complete .opa. God forbid something happens - and under insurance it will not be a sterile, equipped and modern Turkish or Emirati hospital, and don’t understand what, and they will still bargain.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
Tigrusya, my nephews (my brother is over 25 years old in the states) have been flying since 6 months, and the eldest is already 17, but! the first flights to a minimum distance and, accordingly, a direct flight and a minimum of 2 weeks.
Let's not compare the standard of living and flight conditions, and even the level of resorts.
I don’t mind when in May or September-November they fly with Manyus to the same Turkey for 3-4 weeks with the whole family, with “mothers-nannies” and air for the child (as in the country) and mother rest. But again, this is the decision of the parents! And the question about acclimatization for a one-year-old in winter in Egypt is an irresponsible act. There are special forums, there are pediatricians, etc. And dragging manyunya is not clear for how long and it is not clear which hotel gives rise to a lot of gossip and not a very good opinion about parents ....
аватар Tigrusya
AllOverTheWorld, I agree!
But I immediately remembered how we went to the Crimea - the night on the train, then the bus. And the little one was regularly sick there, although the temperature difference was minimal - we went in June and September. In Egypt, she fell ill once and stopped. Everyone is different. In any case, this is the personal responsibility of the parents.
аватар liliamaria78
AllOverTheWorld, I love such conclusions with opinions))) That is, if I fly with a small child to Egypt in winter without "mothers-nannies" (we simply don’t have them), then I choose any hotel I don’t understand and fly for 3 days to feed the child to the locals mosquitoes) Acclimatization in a child, like in an adult, is not a mandatory phenomenon, it may not be.
аватар JudginAsh
Of course, it can be different in winter, we were in November 2017 with 2 children, the youngest was 1 year 1m, up to the fact that he ate from the common table) Of course, it still depends on the hotel.
I don’t understand your acclimatizations, now let’s say a difference of 15 degrees per day. Those. in fact, in the same November, the difference between country A and country B will be even smaller. The main thing is to drink plenty of water after arrival in the first days and everything will be fine.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
liliamaria78, what do you have to do with it? logic is not your forte.
I explain: the child is the responsibility of the parents and no one else, the parents feel on an intuitive level (at least they should) that their manyusik is good.
the question was not from you?
if you don’t understand, I’m not for or against, because in the question it’s not clear to me whether the first air trip, for how long, to which hotel, how the baby generally transfers, etc. ......
JudginAsh, what does November have to do with it, if we are talking about winter?
about feeding, which I'm talking about, all babies are individual, some are still on breastfeeding or / and on mixtures, while others are already eating "from the general table".
Such questions always give rise to a lot of controversy, because any GOOD mother believes that she wants and does the best for her baby and of course she is right, but for another mother it will be radically wrong!
аватар Elenka08
The author of the question has disappeared or has already decided everything herself. And from everything read on this topic, we must conclude that such questions can not be answered at all. This is the same as the questions *what to take from clothes? Will it be warm?* Someone in September in ugg boots, and someone in a T-shirt. So it is here, for someone a child at 1 year old eats from a common Egyptian table and this is the norm, but for someone he has been sitting on a healthy lifestyle for a year. Someone in the subway, after licking all the seats, mom gives whitewash or chips to a 2-3-year-old girl, and this is also normal for her. With me on the plane, through the aisle, the child threw the pacifier on the floor 5-6 times. The first time I gave it, holding it with barely two fingers, so as not to slap (the nipple fell on the right side) And then I saw that no matter how the nipple fell after that, the mother immediately into the child's mouth. From the floor of the plane! And if you ask her * how was the trip *, she will say that everything went great. So, answers to such questions, wasted time
аватар liliamaria78
AllOverTheWorld, you don't know about my skates) What do I have to do with it? Only despite the fact that I am a parent, and your answer, or rather part of your answer to the author of the question, to be honest, hurt me, and nothing more. It is this part: "But dragging manyunya is not clear for how long and it is not clear at which hotel it gives rise to a lot of gossip and not a very good opinion about parents ...."
аватар AllOverTheWorld
liliamaria78, and what hurt you?)
many Soviet grandmothers still think so about young mothers, because in Soviet times it was generally considered unacceptable to change the climate for a short period of time up to 3 years, and even now many pediatricians do not advise this. Again, you need to understand the financial situation of each parent, someone is mivin, nuggets are normal, and someone gives steamed nutria cutlets for a child, therefore the level of hotels is different for everyone.
And in general, with regard to the upbringing and formation of the child's worldview, it depends only on the parents, and not on the forums, etc. Moreover, there are a lot of such topics on special sites! Communicate with like-minded people, share experiences and nothing will "hurt" you
I did not offend anyone, did not reproach, so what to do with the child is a purely personal matter of the parents! and bringing such questions up for discussion, one must understand that opinions will be different, this is just the same and it sounds, almost in every post.
аватар Polupan07
you would have consulted with your pediatrician whether it is worth it, but any year is a very small age
аватар Slav_na
do not listen to anyone: if health, opportunity and desire, fly to health (sorry for taftology)!
Take everything your baby needs with you. a hotel like Alcazar, of course, will provide you with food for a young traveler, but it's better not to risk it
Great relaxing holiday!!!
аватар AllOverTheWorld
YaSlavnaYa, so why should the author listen to you if you advise not to listen to anyone;))))))))
аватар Slav_na
AllOverTheWorld, and let him not listen to me - I do not mind.
If a person has already decided to take a child to the seas, why tell how bad everything is there? The author did not ask for advice, to go or not, iznt um?
wrote about it))))
аватар Elenka08
AllOverTheWorld, +100, oh how missing stickers, especially for your last reply :))
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