Египетская СИМ, купленная на паспорт аборигена. Два года работал Вайбер - от зубов отскакивало, но с 23.09.19 произошел парадокс - пакет 20 Гиг, перестали грузиться фото и видео
An Egyptian SIM bought with an Aboriginal passport. Viber worked for two years - it bounced off the teeth, but from 09/23/19 there was a paradox - a 20 Gig package, photos and videos stopped loading
An Egyptian SIM bought with an Aboriginal passport. Viber worked for two years - it bounced off the teeth, but from 09/23/19 there was a paradox - a 20 Gig package, photos and videos stopped loading
8 subscribers •
2019-09-265 years ago