Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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Related question «Hotel selection»
The opinion of experienced travelers, what choice to make ,, Sunrise Diamond, ,, Sheraton Resort,, , Domina harem,,Island view Resort, ,,Tropitel Naama.
The priority is decent food, a safe, relaxing holiday, a shallow entry into the sea, because a child of 13 years old swims not so hot, but to get at least a little acquainted with the underwater world. Thank you all in advance!
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4 subscribers  • asked 2019-06-016 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар klichko
All hotels are budget, most are dead. Of the lesser evils Diamond and Sheraton. Entrance for a child only splash. In Diamond, the food is better, but the heat in the summer is on guard. Corals in both are not the worst option. It remains Sheraton, the main thing is to knock out a normal number
аватар vezha2
Of those listed - Sheraton, good territory and reef
аватар Amadeea_Lacrimioara
Thank you all for your opinion and information, but how is the food at Sheraton, no worse than at Sunrise Diamond?
аватар Amadeea_Lacrimioara
We're leaning more towards it...
аватар Amadeea_Lacrimioara
Although the reviews from Sunrise Diamond are painfully positive, and here on the site from 11th place, however ....
That's why we ask experienced and experienced!!!
аватар klichko
Diamond summer categorically not! The territory is tightly protected from the wind, everything is heating up, crawling uphill to the canteen is akin to torture. But if you like hellish heat, definitely go there with a child
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