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Got a question! Flight home
Due to frequent reviews and personal experience related to queues at the airport for departure and going through all the circles of hell upon returning home, I had a question ..... What should you do if you missed the plane and it flew away without you? Has anyone else experienced a similar event?
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14 subscribers  • asked 2019-02-126 years ago
Answers  •  21
аватар AllOverTheWorld
What are the circles of hell?
If specifically in Egypt, how can you manage to be late for registration? if you are already standing in line for the check-in of your particular flight, they certainly won’t fly without you.
If you are still late (that is, you ignored the transfer, did not arrive at the airport on time, etc.), then contact TA (if a good agency will help you buy a ticket for a charter of any TO) or TO and buy a ticket for another charter at your own expense.
What is the problem?
If the passenger was late for check-in, i.e. did not arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure (sometimes more, depending on the flight), this is purely the passenger's fault.
аватар travelsita
There will be money - there will be no problems.
аватар _727615
There is no hell in Sharm !!!!! I even left a thank you for the last time at Sharma Airport (clear, fast, organized, compact). that there are tables for budget tourists who want to eat their food instead of paying for food in a cafe.
аватар Alex714
If you miss the transfer, or rather refuse, because they won’t let you miss it - they will search all over the hotel (I remember how they waited on the bus for almost 40 minutes, when tourists ran around for “breakfasts”, and the whole world will wait), if they deliberately refused, and then if you didn’t calculate the time - get the money ready for the flight, and it’s not a fact that they will find places for the next charters.
And if you get on the TO transfer, which brings, as a rule, 4 hours before the flight, then you will have time for everything, even sit in a cafe.
and about AE Sharma, you don’t need to worry at all - it’s the size of a metro station - we went in, registered, went through customs, we sit waiting at the gate. There’s nowhere to even get lost, in the same Antalya people wind around the AE more. What circles of hell, I don’t understand what then to say to the packet workers who are brought to the Bangkok AE, which they themselves run around, and do not direct "in formation" as in Sharm, and then they there is still a transfer to be made in Dubai, and there, if you don’t orient yourself at all, and the flights are from different terminals, here’s an interesting quest.
аватар moy_contakt
In fact, the situation with being late for the plane can happen anywhere and through the fault of both parties. I had something like returning from India, early check-out (2 nights) and no transfer. He was late for 1.5 hours (the driver overslept). Transfer from TO, we were taken away first, after us there were 3 more hotels. Wherever we called, everyone and everything, including Ukraine, were raised to the ears (the rest also called), they tried to call a taxi, but alas, while the hotel employee found a driver who was ready to take us, the transfer was found. Too late. We were at the airport in an ahapka and along the green corridor with a minimum inspection. And if not, I don’t even know how the issue would be resolved. For the same reason, we use a private transfer only upon arrival, so that on the way back, if something happens, it will sort it out, and not like in India, the driver overslept and to whom you will prove what later.
аватар moy_contakt
Recently, here I read a story of travelers to Turkey who did not check their flight before departure. But it turned out that it was transferred from late to early. The guys came from the tour and went to bed. In the morning (this was the day of departure), they called their room to inform them that they had come for them, and they said that they had a late flight, on which they left them alone. Later, they did find out that the plane had left in the morning... Well, the story of who is to blame, and so on... And that relatives from Ukraine had to buy tickets for them, as they no longer had money. +600 ye to the tour ... Well, how expensive everything is at the airport and that Galina is not the only way to help.
аватар moy_contakt
T9 made adjustments, inserted words :) but everything is clear :)
аватар Alex714
Well, about other countries, I also made an emphasis, that everything is individual there and the force majesrs can be the same, especially if you rest far from the AE, but a person asks about Sharm and the circles of hell, if the AE is within the city, and by taxi for a maximum of you can drive for half an hour, but on average 15 minutes and there + AE is small.
аватар Alex714
"who did not check their flight before departure. But it turned out that it was moved from late to early. The guys arrived from the excursion and went to bed. In the morning (this was the day of departure) they called their room to inform them that they had come for them, and they said that they had a late flight, on which they were left alone. "
Oh, it’s not undesirable to joke with this, I remember staying at a hotel in Bangkok, settled with my compatriots on the floor, apparently looking at the passport, they decided that it was good. I have a plane at 7.30 pm, a hotel transfer was booked for 5 pm (the hotel was not far from the AE, so I was not afraid of traffic jams), and the neighbors flew away early in the morning. After a day of wandering around the metropolis, I returned late, fell asleep. At five in the morning I they wake me up furiously banging on the door (the phone apparently couldn’t wake me up), I open it, there the “corridor” in terribly broken English says that the car is already waiting for me downstairs, I couldn’t get more from it, I ran to the reception in some shorts, at least they speak English there, I thought, what if the flight
аватар Alex714
they moved it, and the only money left was to eat on the road, and somehow there was no desire to get stuck on the other side of the planet. It turned out that this "stupid" mixed up the rooms and instead of the neighbors went to wake me up, ran into them near the elevator - neighed, wished me a safe journey and went to sleep. so I expected everything and was on the alert.
Why did I ask this ..... 2 years ago, my wife and I flew to Sharm, everything is super .... It's time to fly away, the transfer brought us to the airport far from 4 hours, but somewhere in an hour! We went to the airport, and there was a queue for the first checkpoint of 500 people, or even more, standing and not moving. It saved us that a couple flew with us from our hotel on the same flight, their Arab friends live in charm and came to see them off, they took us in an armful and led us through the queue! Then, right after the frame, for about 10 minutes, they sorted through all the hand luggage with their hands, then check-in, passport control, again inspection, then another one and everywhere there was a long queue, in general, they asked for a plane almost at the very last moment! Yesterday I read fresh reviews and realized that nothing has changed since that moment, on February 18 we fly again, so the question arose
The couple’s friends really slept for us and the fact that the plane arrived from Ukraine with a slight delay, here is such a story
аватар super_p
We flew from Sharm on Saturday at noon in November - that was something!
The first line - 500 people, stood with small children for 30-40 minutes. Then check in for 15 minutes, and then the real hell began before entering the gate zone. A crowd of people gathered at once for 5 planes to Ukraine, the queue almost did not move, because very slowly two windows were just working (and there are no more). We stood for 30 minutes (advanced 20% of the way) and our little one could not stand it and started screaming, many people asked us to go without a queue, but it was another test with a stroller to go through all. Very grateful to all who missed.
As soon as they passed the control, there were enough hours only for toilets and they immediately got on the plane.
I don't know what would have happened if we hadn't missed the last check-up.
Arrived at the airport by transfer from MOT in the morning, 2 hours.
I do not recommend flying back on Saturday at noon, as this is the busiest hour for Sharm and a lot of departures at the same time.
аватар moy_contakt
We didn’t face such horror in Sharm, yes, there are a lot of checks, yes, the crowd is not small in places, but somehow it’s always on time. Somehow in Sharm I also observed this, how a group of people were taken to the plane without a queue (they were late for the flight), honestly, if I had something like that, then I would call the TO representative on the phone (I always take their contacts and it happens that they are useful). It’s hard to say what else I would have done, but I would have done something and just didn’t stand there.
аватар Vika284
A real case about which they wrote a family of 3 people who missed their flight. The flight from Dalaman was supposed to be on June 22 18:15, the tourists a day before departure took a printout of their departure from the hotel at 13:20 and the evening flight at 18:15, and after 21:00 the TO sent a fax of the change that their flight was at 12:05 and departure from the hotel at 7:00 and no one said about it and no one was looking for them in the morning. Then they bought tickets themselves and paid for another day at the hotel.
аватар sharm2112
It's amazing how many commentators are captivated by stereotypes! Why consider Sharm el Sheikh as the holiday capital for the herd? "Group" tourism, "package tour", "group" transfer "... Network tour operators are doing a good business, but why fall for stereotypes? Many of my acquaintances generally think that there is nothing in Sharm el-Sheikh except hotels and shops.I'm in shock at all.
I want to say that the question asked is very correct and vital. More and more people fly in to relax as a savage - many come, work at their jobs remotely, and live in Sharm even for several months.
As for the question, the answer is not simple, but it is obvious
аватар sharm2112
1. You need to calm down: nothing terrible has happened to you.
2. Take care of your economical accommodation while you have everything settled. Believe me, the closer to the evening, the more acute the problem (and therefore more expensive). If you find it expensive to renew at your hotel, contact one of the residences: Delta Sharm, Riviera, Naama View. Prices are about $15 for a double room. How to find them - Google to the rescue.
3. Make sure you have a connection: buy a local sim card with a supply of internet and local calls. There are operators' offices in many areas, but the main ones are in Naama Bay. Communication will give you the opportunity to communicate with those who will help you solve your problems.
4. Contact your friends or relatives. Ask them to replenish your bank card (this is better), or send a money transfer (you can get it on your passport on working days, except Friday and Saturday).
5. Find yourself new tickets on the website
6. Enjoy extra rest!
аватар sharm2112
If you are unable to do any of the above, ask your hotel to call a representative of the operator from which you flew. Operators have special people trained to "solve problems" on staff.
If you flew without an operator, ask at the reception to connect you with a representative of the company that is responsible for your flight. People do not owe you anything, but adequate tourists are usually met halfway.
If for some reason you could not contact them - call the so-called "ambulance": +2 01110006349 Mr. Mohammed Mukhtar (just don't laugh!) - he speaks fluent Russian, works at Sharma International Airport . The person is authoritative and very experienced. He will help (do not forget to thank the person later somehow, or something).
In general, good luck!
Thanks for answers! I think that it won’t come to this, at least I am able to do everything for this! Thanks
аватар Shev37
Sharm 2112, Exhaustive answer, bravo! But about Mukhtar in more detail, maybe he not only fills the airport. Maybe you can ask him about housing in Hadobe closer to Sharm el May, not only to live in Delta Sharm. However, it's not bad
аватар sharm2112
Shev37, call Mohammed, he's a loyal guy. I think it will help with any issue. But his main forte is questions related to the airport.
аватар alla.neshcheretnaya
February 16 flew at 19.15 passed control for more than 2 hours, they took fingerprints from both hands at passport control, photographed and entered into the database. In general, for each tourist at least 5 minutes. Our friends flew away on February 15, nothing of this happened. Probably new trends, we are in this circle of hell.
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