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Related question «Weather and seasons»
I don’t understand what’s wrong with the weather now? Shows 22-21 in the afternoon ... cold? And the water in the sea? Who just was?
I don’t understand what’s wrong with the weather now? Shows 22-21 in the afternoon ... cold? And the water in the sea? Who just was?
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13 subscribers  • asked 2018-12-046 years ago
Answers  •  17
аватар _727615
We were there in December that year. For me, it’s normal in the sea, it’s very cold in the pool and those who went down the slides immediately fell ill (especially children). On the street in the evening I went in a windbreaker and jeans. There was a wind. THAT'S WHY in December the prices are cheaper. Rest (for me) is not very comfortable. I do not recommend with children. And no matter what they write about closed bays, in DECEMBER it is better to choose India, Thailand, but this is a different budget. If you have already bought a tour, then good luck, do not choose the NBK bay in any case.
аватар kryukovskaya
The water in the sea is not lower than 22-23 degrees (as they say coral breathes). Everyone sits in the sea for hours, it is warmer than in the air. _727615, why write so generally, in our pools it was 25 degrees, in the children's pool 30. You just need to carefully choose a hotel for the winter. All good hotels in bays with heated pools are very rarely on hot tours.
аватар _727615
Usually heating is only in 1 pool for the entire HOTEL (hygiene is lame). If we consider expensive hotels, there are certainly better. But those who can afford expensive hotels usually do not fly in December and January. Average: Cleopatra, Sultan, Hilton - also nothing for recreation. Winter is also WINTER in Africa.
аватар kryukovskaya
_727615 , sorry, but you have strange ideas, since when did Cleopatra and Sultan become average hotels? Do you think luxury hotels are empty in winter? What hotels have you been in where the unsanitary conditions in the pools? Just horror, about winter holidays! And what is Thailand, Pattaya and India in terms of price equal to Egypt, short flight, all-inclusive, beautiful sea and lack of sweltering heat?
аватар _727615
Were in many hotels of Sharm 4 * and 5 * (11 times) at a price of no more than 13 thousand UAH per person
аватар dmitriy838497
returned from charm yesterday
in the afternoon everything is fine - the sun warms BUT a lot (every other day) cloudy days - which is rare for charm - for felting on the beach - not so hot, but on tours the weather is the most
the sea is cool - however, in a hydra - I swam all day (a trip to the teran) without leaving the water - replacing scuba gear with a mask
I completely agree about unsanitary conditions - in heated pools it's just HORRIBLE! - just look there with a mask - you won’t want to climb a second time
I don’t know about Cleopatra and the Hilton - but the Sultan is a very old hotel - (I went there three times) - I wouldn’t take it to luxury - I won’t go again - there’s no point in overpaying for it!
аватар oksanashewchenko
Now the weather is great in charm and do not listen to those who say that there is no summer here now. Things are good. The only minus. Hot until 15.00. But this time is enough to get tired of a beach holiday. We with the child, from 9 to 14.00 have time to swim 4 times. You can also warm up in the warm pool. Were in October 2017. The weather was not better in Hurghada
аватар pavlyukn
Was in 2018 from 16 to 23 January in Sharm Bay Gardens Bay, the wind was not at sea at all, 1 pool was heated, but I preferred the sea, the water was warm, going into the sea was comfortable, I do not know how in the bay of Ras I picked up a hotel there in January, but isn't it cold?
аватар pasmor
Two weeks from Sharm. Water according to reviews 28-29 degrees. The wife did not get out of the water for half a day. There was no wind. Quite comfortable.
аватар vetla61
Arrived on Sunday, i.e. 3 days ago. It got colder from December 1st to 2nd. At night 17 (feels like 20-22) in the afternoon 25 (feels like 27-29 in the sun, or even more). 10-15 minutes and again I want to go into the water. The wind is not cold. All grace until 15-00. Then it gets cold. Water 24-25.
аватар vprocenko
We returned 1/12, it was quite comfortable, only on the day of departure the temperature dropped, the wind blew strong and after lunch it became cold on the beach, it’s normal in the water, and if you hide behind a stone or a building on the way out of the sea, it’s quite okay :-)
аватар vprocenko
By the way, there are 2 SIM cards with Internet Vodafone 5Gb and Etisalat 7Gb, if anyone needs it, I’ll give it to the Palace of Sports district in Kyiv.
аватар lenidovna.ira
Good morning everyone!
We are lying on the beach, sunbathing, +25 the sun is hot, here the temperature is completely different, there is a slight breeze and so on until 16 pm, until the sun sets.
we arrived a week ago, it was warmer, now the weather has changed a bit, it is noticeable in the evenings, and in the afternoon the sun is warm, the water is warm, everything is fine.
It was very cold last night, although it showed +20, the wind was strong and cold, I would need a warm jacket or a good windbreaker.
But in general, everything is fine, it's worth coming, just take things for the evening to go for a walk
аватар marinaportus
I just arrived +27, the sea +24-25 .. it was very warm, the sea is warmer than the pools. But it depends on the region where you are. Yesterday in Jaz Phanara - a strong wind, especially in the evening
аватар 17061955
Every year we have a rest in Sharm with children 3 and 4 years old (starting with the smallest) December-January. Never had a problem with the weather. It is cool in the evening, you need a jacket or a light jacket, children in sweaters and jeans. There are heated pools for adults on the territory, maybe not all. In children's pools, the water is generally +30. The sea is also excellent, comfortable even for children (they constantly sit in the water on the shore). Last year we had a rest from December 26 to January 6. In general, it was comfortable.
аватар Morkovkin
11/30/2018 the water was 26 degrees until the 27th the water was 27 degrees.
аватар vic21
We returned tonight. Warm during the day (provided that the sun is not overcast). At 3-4 pm it was cool on the beach, because. wind blew. The water is warm, but it was cold to get out of it. In the evening it is also cool, you need to wear a windbreaker or sweater
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