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How many NORM towels are in a 4*, 5* charm?
We had, we were not informed, please do not write ....
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15 subscribers  • asked 2018-12-026 years ago
Answers  •  26
аватар olesjo
аватар mindguru
Weird question. We were in fives and fours: it seems that the number of towels is not much different.
аватар Elenka08
Are you smoking something at the time of writing the question?
аватар Al-la
At a minimum, for each vacationer in the room there should be - 1 for hands, 1 large bath. For feet, they usually give out 1 towel for everyone who lives in the room. But, in my opinion, in 5-4-star hotels - three towels per guest in the room + one for legs. Beach towels are issued separately; usually on the beach.
According to the wording of the question: it is not clear what not to write about?
аватар norhin
For each vacationer 1 set: 1- for legs (small dense), 2- for face and hands (medium),
3-bath (large), 4-beach (large); it is worn only on the beaches and you change it yourself (usually they give a voucher for it. After the rest, this voucher (card) must be handed over to the reception, or they will deduct for this towel !
аватар mindguru
I would never have thought that a card for a towel is called a voucher!
Live forever...
аватар Aleksandr532785
I didn’t count in the room. I came to rest, not to count towels. People ruin their own vacation.
аватар vp815027
Who do you think sets the standards in hotels? Egyptian government, NATO, UN? The question didn't just arise. If you think that somewhere the norms for towels, chairs, stiffness and toilet paper footage are prescribed, then share your thoughts here, and we will discuss them.
аватар Al-la
Previous post. Q: Who do you think sets the standards in hotels? Egyptian government, NATO, UN?
Of course, the Egyptian government, when it comes to certification of hotel services. In Ukraine, there are quite a lot of regulations in this area. As for Egypt, then, I think, there are also rules for the mandatory certification of hotel services, the state. hotel classification standards.
True, I'm not sure that these standards are met in all hotels in Egypt ....
аватар travelsita
The author of the question asked not to write. :)))))
аватар MaiKK
For each vacationer: 1 - for the face and hands, 2 - bath, large, 3 - on the floor for the legs, general, small. In winter + bathrobes for each vacationer. (from December)
аватар Uman4anin
Once in the Inspector Hoteliers said that the number of towels per person should correspond to *.
That is, if 4 * then in general there should be 4 towels
аватар _727615
There is a strange question here. Yes, no, the question is very relevant. For example: the norm is 3 towels per person, there are 3 people in the room, that is, 9 pieces. Usually they write that they arrived in the room there was one towel, they walked, scandalized, and asked ......... As a result of the eviction: for the lack of towels, my relatives were called from the bus when traveling to the airport and a fine for 3 missing towels was 15 bucks for one = 45. Well, of course, it’s nonsense to pay more than 1000 UAH on the way home, when there is no money already.
аватар _727615
It's strange that one person writes "do you smoke something" when asking a question. you either never went or never got on these towels, or you have a lot of dough and you don’t have to pay fines.
аватар _727615
Somehow they stole our beachwear on a sunbed, well, it’s our own fault, it was not necessary to leave it for a long time. But to get to the fact that out of 3 there was one and then also pay at the end of the rest or prove with foam at the mouth and run around yelling --- somehow you don’t really want to. Therefore, if there is a norm = there is something to demand when checking in. Although then it will not be reported and again all over again.
аватар Elenka08
_727615, you read your question (if I may say so) with someone else's eyes, how do you word it? Ending about "please do not write", generally fire
аватар _727615
Question: The rate of towels in Sharm ?? Further explanation of what is not necessary to write, because after reading about the rate of towels everything will start (READ THE BEGINNING OF REVIEW OF ANY HOTEL): we arrived at the hotel in the room was 1 towel for three, we were looking for a cleaner, as there was 1 polo, we do not reported 2 towels and we ran to the reception, we did not apply towels after cleaning constantly and this nonsense is in every review (MAZHEV every hotel). The question NORM was asked, and then ;; we had, we were not told not to write ....... Really not clear ,,,,
аватар _727615
Question: The rate of towels in Sharm ?? Further explanation of what is not necessary to write, because after reading about the rate of towels everything will start (READ THE BEGINNING OF REVIEW OF ANY HOTEL): we arrived at the hotel in the room was 1 towel for three, we were looking for a cleaner, as there was 1 polo, we do not reported 2 towels and we ran to the reception, we did not apply towels after cleaning constantly and this nonsense is in every review (MAZHEV every hotel). The question NORM was asked, and then ;; we had, we were not told not to write ....... Really not clear ,,,,
аватар Alex714
I never understood the people who "steal" towels in hotels that 100,500 people used before you, go to the nearest "karkusha" and buy a couple of different-sized sets, if they are needed at home, the option is not very expensive, especially if you bargain normally. But with beach - trouble, our tourists are stealing, so as not to take it away with them - everything is ok in the room with the number of towels, beach cards are handed over, and in the luggage there are a couple of ball towels, and other tourists "lose weight" by 15-30 USD. depending on the hotel.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
There are about 30 "norms" in the tourist industry, that is, more than 30 systems for estimating hotel stardom, not to mention the standards in specific countries.
the number of towels does not indicate stardom (according to many standards at 4 and 5, there should be 4 per guest), but about the level of the hotel itself.
It's not a secret for anyone that some 4s are much better than budget 5s ... so it's better to find out on the official website or when you check into a particular hotel their "towel" norms ....
аватар travelsita
The author of the question would do well to familiarize himself with the rules for punctuation. Then there will be no difference. At first glance, the question sounds rather comical.
аватар Elenka08
travelsita, and it can be called a question with a stretch.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
I understood the meaning of the question only after reading the answers;) more precisely, it’s not a question, but what exactly you don’t need to write;)
How many towels are normal....sounds great ;) it's kind of like talking to foreigners...
аватар Elenka08
AllOverTheWorld, similarly))) just some thoughts out loud
аватар _727615
To confuse the question with thinking aloud - well, this is ,,,,, But there are different questions ........ Someone is interested in how things are with water in such and such a hotel, advise the hotel (although people are different and one bar with a swill in the first place, someone has a number with dust, someone has food, shob from the belly). The taste and color ........ And about the towels, I realized for myself that no one really knows anything, so someone shows off looking for mistakes, punctuation marks, someone tries to help based on logic 4 * - 4 pcs, who from experience 3 pcs per person plus for the legs. No response received. Thanks to Alla, she was the only one who wrote that the certification of the hotel and its category also implies the classification of the hotel with its services. The conclusion is obvious where to look for information.
аватар Slav_na
I don't know the state rules.
In fives, we usually had:
- big bath
- manual average
- thick medium under the legs
- sometimes small for the face
- beach with voucher
There were no fours for the face, for the legs - one per number
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