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Packing baggage Boryspil-Sharm for a fee?
I saw blue and black garbage bags on the suitcases. Is this possible??? Who has a fabric reusable cover for a suitcase - no problems ??? About food captivity
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11 subscribers  • asked 2018-11-286 years ago
Answers  •  36
аватар AllOverTheWorld
I have tissue, for more than 5 years, what should be the problems?
аватар travelsita
Pack AS YOU WANT. You can at home, you can pay at the airport. You can fabric packaging, a large dense garbage bag, cling film. Top with several layers of tape.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
you can in a large ATB package, or a suitcase in a checkered bag!
аватар cgistalker
You can not pack at all, it is not necessary.
аватар _727615
Well, a suitcase will NEVER fit into a large ATB bag or into a checkered bag. Although the suitcases are different. I saw a family with only a small hand: well, if only a swimsuit, shorts, slates and two T-shirts (probably one in a hundred women can pack a bag like that).
аватар mindguru
It is not necessary who has a disposable suitcase.
аватар lazy_person
I have been traveling with a bag of 8..9 kg for a long time. Never wrapped. True, there is nothing of value there, except for swimming trunks.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
So what is the actual question?
Packing - for a fee in Boryspil
who has tissue - no problem.
You don’t want to wrap your suitcases, but if you want, you wrap them in foil, even in tracing paper, even in garbage bags.
аватар mindguru
In Sharm, of course, it is also paid.
аватар nadin65
You don't need a lot of things to rest on the seas and oceans! The first time we took an average suitcase for two on a trip, over the years I realized that I need to take only the most necessary things, and we have no more than 15 kg. The rest weighs alcohol, some food if not all inclusive.
We pack a suitcase from home to make it different from others - it will be easier to search on the tape. First, in a large bag, then tightly with tape of a different color, I also wrap a short colored ribbon on the handle.
By inattention, standard packed suitcases are sometimes taken by someone else - this was the case with my friends, found at home, changed after 2 weeks at the airport, some things were no longer inside.
аватар svarozhychi
аватар AllOverTheWorld
There has already been a discussion about this...
I have stationary neoprene covers, which are 5 years old, have already paid off a long time ago and I definitely won’t confuse them with anyone, about the winding, in many countries it is prohibited, because they can arrange an inspection without you! and if you, too, while you take off this winding, everyone around, including you, will spend a lot of nerves.
аватар _727615
I am always surprised by families with children who have little luggage. To be SO little, you need to be able to and not everyone can do it for sure. I just always pay for packaging and now I think either to sew a fabric cover myself, or to buy large garbage bags plus adhesive tape. Does the color play a role? Because I haven’t seen large transparent garbage ones, will black ones go???
аватар travelsita
AllOverTheWorld, winding is indeed prohibited in Europe. In Paris, aviation security looked at our wrapped suitcases with round eyes. The question of some tourists, where it is possible to wrap bags, introduced the airport staff into a stupor.
But the question is specifically about the departure from Boryspil. They pack as they can and as they can.
аватар ser_____Witness77
I always also take ONLY the most necessary ... I barely fit into 20 kg) in Egypt, the winding is now obligatory = $ 5 in the port / or stretch, garbage. bags for 120/240 liters with sketch from home ;)
аватар Alex714
As for things, the question is very individual, if I’m going to see the sights, I take a small suitcase or a backpack. But for Egypt I have a special large suitcase and the things there are mostly shorts, swimming trunks, slippers, and the rest of the diving equipment (large flippers under they bought a suitcase, masks, tubes, boxes for cameras), so my friends have already stopped joking - "that my suitcase is larger than my wife's ;))", they got used to it.
As for packaging, I always pack at home and take film and adhesive tape with me on vacation, before leaving I pack at the hotel, saving time and money.
At some time, they forgot the film and scotch tape, at the hotel packing a suitcase for 5 bucks, went to the supermarket bought a skein of scotch tape and shopping bags (like ATBs), tore the bags, overlaid the suitcases and wrapped them with scotch tape, three suitcases - instead of 15 c.u. it turned out about 2-3 cu
And so I saw how people pack in garbage bags, and in cling film and according to my described method - a nesting doll from store bags.
аватар Alex714
By the way, keep in mind that I won’t be able to bring scotch tape into the cabin - they will take it away, so if you pack before boarding, it’s better to give it to someone in line.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
on aliexpress, suitcase covers (3 pieces of different sizes) cost about $ 20,
but our people cannot be defeated and are recognizable all over the world with garbage bags on their suitcases.
аватар lazy_person
Interesting ... "winding is now mandatory in Egypt." In April, I flew from Sharm el-Sheikh, did not wrap anything. What nonsense...
аватар travelsita
It is no longer obligatory and tourists do NOT load their suitcases onto the plane on their own.
аватар lazy_person
I was completely bullied. He walked through the frame, back and forth, four times, took off his shoes, belt, raised his hands up ... they nagged and groped. The bag was dug upside down, especially the medicines were looked at. Near the plane, everyone was dragging their luggage to the cargo hatch ...
аватар travelsita
lazy_person, in June and October we did NOT load our suitcases. But the fact that they "smoke" there to the fullest is the purest truth.
аватар ser_____Witness77
"on aliexpress, cases for suitcases (3 pieces of different sizes) cost about $ 20,
but our people will not be defeated ... "- just all sorts of handbags / bags / reusable packaging = this is the 20th century / detective scoop) - just disposable packaging is: hygienic / practical and convenient = used / thrown away ... or you are in and go to the grocery store now with rag bags in the style of made in USSR? )))
аватар _727615
Thank you all. I found the answer for myself: 1) any store of disposable packaging and utensils 2) buy a transparent bag for salting vegetables (it has a clasp), all sizes are 3) price 9,13,18 UAH, etc. depending on the thickness and size. 4) take 2 pieces and go to Jega.
аватар _727615
normally so 20 dollars = 9 hryvnias.
аватар nadin65
Or you can make your own from a STRETCH sundress or T-shirt, former kremplins are suitable. It is put on from the top from the handle - down to the wheels.
A neck for a handle, pull further to the wheels, use the wheels, and before checking in luggage, lower it lower and close the wheels.
I sew a Velcro on the bottom of about 20 cm. And on the sides there is a carabiner with a very short braid up to 5 cm. First I close it with Velcro and then fix it with a carabiner, the photo shows a small suitcase and a cover for a medium suitcase.
аватар ser_____Witness77
... and also (in save times) I heard condoms were washed / dried and used several times)))
аватар AllOverTheWorld
ser ..... the whole world is fighting plastic, and even your disposable bags are banned in many places ..
use recycled materials (paper, etc.)
and reusable canvas bags..
so condoms will help you...
You don't need to stick out your limited horizons.
аватар ser_____Witness77
understandable = thank you for opening up new horizons of knowledge tskt ... now condoms and toilet paper I will wash = so as not to pollute the clean environment in which we happened to live)))
аватар Vika284
According to "rag bags", the design of an old Soviet string bag in 2017 inspired one of the Italian designers to take a fresh look at the string bag and the price of such bags a la USSR is from 2800 euros
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