Привет всем экспертам и опытным путешественикам!Рассматриваем поездку в Шарме с 14 ноября,семья с ребенком 12 лет, приглянулся Reef Oases Blue Bay,что посоветуете?Или что то другое?
Hello to all experts and experienced travelers! We are considering a trip to Sharm from November 14, a family with a child of 12 years old, liked Reef Oases Blue Bay, what would you recommend? Or something else?
Hello to all experts and experienced travelers! We are considering a trip to Sharm from November 14, a family with a child of 12 years old, liked Reef Oases Blue Bay, what would you recommend? Or something else?
7 subscribers •
2018-09-017 years ago