Скоро будем отдыхать в Шарме курортном районе Набк Бей. Очень хотим попасть на экскурсию в бухту Sharm El Luli (Шарм Эль Люли). Кто-нибудь был там, подскажите, чем добраться?
Soon we will rest in Sharm, the resort area of Nabq Bay. We really want to get on an excursion to the bay of Sharm El Luli (Sharm El Luli). Has anyone been there, can you tell me how to get there?
Soon we will rest in Sharm, the resort area of Nabq Bay. We really want to get on an excursion to the bay of Sharm El Luli (Sharm El Luli). Has anyone been there, can you tell me how to get there?
4 subscribers •
2018-08-027 years ago