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Related question «Hotel selection»
How to change a hotel already selected and paid for by 50%?
We chose a hotel in Sharm, already paid 50% of the cost of the tour and then found out that there is no pontoon there!!! For me, it was generally a surprise that there is NO PONTOON in the Sharma Hotel! It's like going skiing and realizing upon arrival that there is no snow and mountains nearby. Now we want to change the hotel to another. In this case, the TRAVEL COMPANY will require some monetary fines from us? We will incur some monetary losses. Almost a month before the departure date.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2009-10-1815 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар dmn1112
It all depends on the travel agency. Did they book a room for you, how long ago did they pay, etc. It is best to approach the travel agency and calmly explain the problem. Even if the room is booked, they can put other tourists there. In this case, fines are usually not taken. If you have to cancel the reservation, there will be a fine. Don't delay - the sooner you arrive the better.
аватар Hotline_Kate
I wonder what kind of hotel. And for your refusal from the hotel - read carefully the contract clause Responsibility of the parties - fines are prescribed if you refuse a confirmed tour: for example - for canceling a trip 20-15 days before the start - 20% of the total cost;
- for canceling a trip 20 - 15 days before the start - 40% of the total cost;
- for canceling the trip 7 - 3 days before the start - 60% of the total cost;
etc. The main thing is that the travel agency wrote in the contract.
аватар ines_journ
Yes, we found out about the hotel on Friday, and tomorrow - on Monday - we are going there and we will decide everything, because. The travel agency is closed on weekends. And about the 2nd comment about the clauses in the cancellation agreement, we don’t refuse the trip at all, we just ask you to change the hotel. And usually when the travel agency pays the Egyptian side for a room? When did we pay the full amount?
For garyacha - the Regency Plaza hotel, there is not even a pontoon ((((
аватар Hotline_Kate
if the hotel has already given confirmation and you want to replace it - this is a contractual refusal. That's why there are penalties for refusing.
аватар Hotline_Kate
the travel agency pays for your tour to the operator from whom you eat.
аватар Hotline_Kate
after confirmation - within 3 days.
аватар ines_journ
Well, we were just this Friday at a travel agency and paid 50% right away. Now on Monday we will find out for a replacement. In fact, only a day and a half will pass from the moment the contract was signed. I wonder what can change these days.
аватар Hotline_Kate
if the hotel has already given confirmation, but if you have a trip after 30 days, then there should be no fines.
аватар Hotline_Kate
it all depends on the manager and what you have in the contract. what do you have written from how many days are fines? look .
аватар ines_journ
From 10 days, from 5 days and from 48 hours. There are no more dates.
аватар Hotline_Kate
that is, the first fine costs from 10 days for refusal, and you have a trip in 30 days, then there is no problem at all.
аватар Hotline_Kate
write how your meeting at the agency will go - what is the result.
аватар ines_journ
Certainly. Tomorrow I will write! Thanks for answers.
аватар ines_journ
I hasten to tell you good news for us - everything changed without loss. We paid only for a new tour, which is more expensive than the previous one. But there are no penalties!
аватар Hotline_Kate
I'm happy for you, have a good rest!! and impressions!
аватар Amir1
I changed the hotel half a day before departure. It all depends on the image of the agency from the tour operator. But this applies only to short flights. There will be no fees for the month. All fees are specified in the contract. I'm glad that you changed the hotel, although I'm sorry that you had to worry, because there was nothing to worry about.
аватар ines_journ
Yes, the manager at the travel agency got worried. When I said that I want to change the hotel, they say there are no corals and a pontoon. So she: I do not advise you to change the awl for soap. If you want corals - go to Ras Mohammed! Wow answer, I think. If it weren’t for the fact that we’ve been ordering tours from them for the 4th time, I wouldn’t have appeared in this travel agency again.
аватар Amir1
what's the difference to them? Is it difficult to write a letter to the tour operator? Moreover, you also pay extra, and this increases the remuneration for the agency. Maybe you really should consider changing your agent? We are only happy when a client changes a cheap hotel for an expensive one, I think there are quite a few like us.
аватар ines_journ
We will see. The main thing is that everything has already changed the way they wanted. Thanks for your complicity :)
аватар shulga.jan
I paid in full at the travel agency tour
when I arrived home and called to change the dates but the tour was confirmed
really change to earlier for 6 days
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