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Tell us about the excursion to Mount Moses
Who was on an excursion to Mount Moses, tell us more, please
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20 subscribers  • asked 2018-02-017 years ago
Answers  •  42
аватар L_ena
Well, in short, first you go, you go, you go. Then you get out and go. You go, you go, you go. Mostly uphill. You go, you go and you get there. Then dawn. Then you go down, you go, you go, you go. Then you go go go and the hotel.
аватар alex45
Cool answer!!! And also, how enlightened you become, for the rest of your life!
аватар Vika284
Take warm clothes and comfortable shoes (preferably sneakers)
аватар Linapavlova139
It is very difficult. Without exaggeration. We were brought to the mountain at about one in the morning, and we went down at about 9 in the morning. During the hike, small stops for 5-10 minutes. It is very cold, you need full-fledged, warm winter clothes with comfortable shoes. It’s already more fun and easier to go down, the weather changes and you have to carry all the warm junk in your hands and backpacks.
аватар mindguru
I don't see much point in going.
аватар AndyKorg123
We bought an excursion to the mountain, well, we think we’ll come by bus, we’ll walk 3 kilometers maximum (we didn’t think it was up!), We’ll meet the dawn and back. Aha, now!
We drove for a long time. We arrived, around the desert! Nothing is visible! It's night! Around the Arabs and tourists. For a long time we trudged along some unpaved (like) road, which gradually became steeper.
The road narrowed more and more and pulled up until it turned into a path. The trail is not very wide, it can fit two people and a camel.
It is quite hard to go, especially at the end.
Dog cold! Arabs rent capes or can help you get up for a fee, supporting you under your elbows. You can also rent a camel.
On the way there are chufanki (two), where you can buy tea, food - such as chips.
On the mountain you need to stand and wait for the sunrise.
Then we go back, the same is not sugar. Unaccustomed to the end of the descent, the tendons on the foot hurt, and where they should not be! You can go down the "wild" path - in the photo
аватар YuliaBoichuk
Enjoyed the tour very much! When you see the dawn and understand that you have come here - it's indescribable!!! The walk is not easy, especially the last section where you have to climb stairs, but it's worth it. Be sure to bring a hat, jacket and sneakers! Since I was in a sports jacket, I took a blanket for 3 ye on the mountain, because it was very cold! The main thing is to set a goal and everything will work out! The next time I'm in Egypt, I will definitely repeat this mini ascent)
аватар annanom
Read my review
аватар Pavel1900
YuliaBoichuk but in general this is a cool lure)) That's who determined that this is the mountain of Moses, or rather that he was there *???) No one, with the same luck, you can climb ANY mountain in Sinai with the same success and meet the dawn, for example mountains in sharm start literally 2 km from the hotels,))
аватар alex45
Yulia Boychuk! After all, I wrote "what an enlightened one you become, for the rest of your life!"
Yes, there are tourists! in Turkey, they are looking for St. Nicholas, and since the time of Byzantium, part of his relics on the Lido di Venice, and the main one - in Bari !!! Can make an excursion to the sea, where Moses led his people, like on dry land.
аватар Galina50
I advise you to look.
аватар Pavel1900
alex45 ... and for complete authenticity, make a tour of the desert along the paths of Moses 40 years long)))
аватар YuliaBoichuk
Pavel1900, alex45 I didn't go on the tour to get enlightened) I personally liked the tour itself. I would go to another mountain, but they only take it here) When you are relaxing in Sharm, and it is constantly hot there, the sea, fish, then this excursion is a great reason to diversify your vacation)
аватар lana_181
The first and most important thing you need to remember is that it’s not easy to go up there. But only because 1 is dark), the second is cold, the third is there is no asphalt under your feet) and 4 if there is not at least some slightest physical training in overcoming steps. It is important to choose the one who will arrange this excursion for you, we were lucky, we seemed to be 12 or 15 people. One guide takes you and hands you over to another guide. And now he is already leading you. Your speed and your halts and your impressions. if you’re too lazy to drag something warm with you to sit on the mountain, you can take blankets at the last halt before the very top, I don’t remember the exact cost. For rent. We had a good guy guide-Handsome! so he called himself) He knows several languages, including Russian. So he provided us with the best places at the top. There were no people in front of us. We came back in the morning .. we also went to the monastery of St. Catherine. Then they fed us and we all sailed home together. By 4 o’clock in the afternoon we were already at the hotel.
аватар lana_181
the tour is wonderful, but next time I’ll go in the summer) We were in the winter, it’s cold around. but it’s hot when you go .. but you can’t undress .. uncomfortable)
аватар lana_181
Pavel1900 this mountain is described in the Bible, and in many other places, for example, in the Qumran scrolls .. but what am I talking about?)) You know better than the ancients, right?)
аватар Pavel1900
lana_181 really more)) To believe in a book with a huge number of logical inconsistencies, magic and legends, well, sorry, this is superfluous)) But not about that! I wrote about who said that exactly the mountain to which they carry is the mountain where Moses was? Usual historical marketing))
аватар igor-11
Definitely go! Be sure to bring a headlamp, warm clothes with a hat and, of course, comfortable and reliable sneakers. You can also collect sweets or small bills. on the way back, Arab children will run after you and beg. If you have health problems think for yourself. With us, a woman of about 50 stumbled and broke her leg, another aunt, about 55-60, I dragged to the top by the arm. Another Asian woman crashed from a camel when descending, and this was from 2.5 meters onto stones, but fortunately she didn’t break, everything was bruised, so it’s also neat here.
аватар karo555
As a tourist-pedestrian I will say that a normal excursion. Advantage - you go without equipment and extra things. Be sure to wear warm clothes and comfortable shoes. And warm, not in the sense of a windbreaker and closed sandals. Get ready that now in the mountains it can be below 0. Clothes are better than the one you flew in: a warm jacket, hat and comfortable warm shoes. Be sure to bring a small backpack behind your back (not a bag!) In which there will be a camera and a thermos with tea or water, sandwiches. You have to get up all night. The climb is not very steep, but the climb for an untrained person will be noticeable. The last hour will have to climb the crooked steps of a thousand-year-old manufacture. Next to the tourists are the Arabs, offering to climb on a camel for 30 bucks. But camels won't walk up the stairs. At the top is an abandoned temple, more like a chapel. At dawn, a beautiful view of the Sinai mountains opens up, it takes your breath away. Recommend!
аватар lana_181
Pavel1900 the one who thinks that he knows more=does not know anything. Not I said). Well, for you, this is marketing .. but for many, a historical fact. And yes, this is not about that. But you started writing about it. Decide.
аватар Vika284
lana_181 you can learn more about the historical facts about Moses, the mountain and 40 years of travel in the wilderness
just the very historical existence of Moses or the reliability of his biography of Moses are being debated by leading historians and biblical scholars of the world
The current practice of climbing a mountain at night to meet the sunrise, of recent origin, is a product of the tourism industry.
аватар Pavel1900
lana_181 and what is there to judge or determine?? People then could neither write nor read simply, their whole world and its ideas were so meager that having now talked with such a person from the past (purely theoretically) you would have thought that you were talking to a very stupid and narrow-minded person to put it mildly. You are aware that the Bible began to be written only from the 3rd century (its head), but do you know why? Because no one knew how to write then, everything was transmitted in words in Aramaic, and then it was only written down through AJ for several centuries in ancient Greek.)
аватар lana_181
Vika284, So google it, this is not a course on ancient history.)) But no one says that it is to rise at night .. a kind of mystery and that this is tourism. You can climb during the day. ) They rise to meet the dawn, the simplest thing is for those who want and want to know more .. they need more and don’t care if it’s tourism or not. And to question everything .. the right of any person.
аватар Alla45liska_
Everyone, everyone, everyone, thank you very much for discussing this topic, I learned a lot of useful things for myself, but, probably, we won’t go now, because it’s cold.
аватар alex45
Some at sea meet the dawn, and not only in Egypt, so who will forbid what. This is your wish!
Someone climbs Everest, but this is not tied to myths! It was not in vain that I gave an example of how people go on a pilgrimage to the Lycian Worlds (Turkey) to St. Nicholas, but he has not been there for a long time. You have to go to Italy (Venice and Bari). His relics are there!
In Luxor, in the Karnatic temple, they walk around in circles, as it were, a sacred scarab, and in New York, the sculpture of a bull rubs eggs with their hands to a shine. All tourist myths.
All for the benefit of tourists or for the money of travel agencies!
аватар Vika284
lana_181 not any people are questioning, but those who are professionally engaged in history and beaches and professionally study the Bible and historical facts and personalities and various historical documents related to the Bible
and the Qumran manuscripts you mentioned were written or copied from other texts in the period 408 BC to 318 AD by a closed Jewish sect and they are more historically interesting for the study of early Christianity and the emergence of Christianity
how many beaches of Cleopatra in Turkey, where you will not come everywhere Cleopatra sunbathed on the beaches of Turkey
and Juliet's house in Verona and especially Juliet's monument
and how many new tourist routes were laid by Dan Brown's books "Angels and Demons" and "The Da Vinci Code"
аватар Vika284
sorry on my smartphone, I did not successfully write "those who are professionally engaged in history and professionally study the Bible ..."
аватар lana_181
alex45, by the way, about the trip to St. Nicholas in Turkey .. so he lived there, this is a proven historical fact. And the relics were transferred to Bari .. and by whom and why .. you can read this if you want. There are many tourist myths .. for example, Juliet's balcony) But just the scarab is quite a magical symbol of the ancient Egyptians .. whether to walk around it or not is another matter .. but not all tourist lures are fictitious.
аватар lana_181
Vika284, maybe I know a little more than you about ancient history and the Qumran scrolls, but I won’t share it here. Whoever wants to. He will know what and how ...
аватар alex45
I have been to Bari, and Venice, as well as Turkey, so I don’t need to tell the well-known truths!
We are talking about tourist MYTHS.
Because of who someone lived or was somewhere, it does not mean that they should go there and pray, as I saw it. Well, take it!
Personally, I saw the relics in Bari, and pilgrims crawling to the relics there too. And I saw crowds in Karnat in three rows around the scarab. So answer, how is the dawn on the mountain of Moses different from the dawn on the seashore or just in the mountains? Nothing, I'll tell you! It can only be self-hypnosis that it is on the mountain of Moses.
In general, the TC has already abandoned this excursion. and not because we are having discussions here, but because it is cold there in winter.
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