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blacklist in Egypt what to do?how to return if you are blacklisted
maybe you have more recent and accurate information, today I found out at the ARE consulate in Moscow that I am on the black list, for what reason they don’t know, I can’t find out in any way, and most importantly, if I’m already on the black list, is it forever or is there a way to change this? the secretary at the embassy hinted that some are changing their surnames - but I think this is too radical an option. I really want to go to Egypt.
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7 subscribers  • asked 2014-09-1010 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Adam-tour
yes, the change of surname was hinted to you correctly
аватар sent2008
Write a letter to the consulate with a request to indicate the reason for adding you to the “black list” and how soon you will be excluded from this list.
My work colleague was denied a Schengen visa to the Czech Republic, she wrote to the consulate and everything was explained to her (in writing).
The embassy must explain to you the reason why you are on the blacklist. The black list is not forever, can you at least guess why you got on the list? If there is a reason, then of course a change of name. If it is not there, seek the reason for putting you on the list and then you will understand how to proceed.
Question - have you ever been deported from Egypt? did you have an official husband here?
аватар Matveika
Have you been visiting Israel for a long time?
аватар Matveika
The lists are compiled by the Egyptian Ministry of Internal Affairs - it is closed. Article here:
аватар andreyvip
Try to make a request. Although the situation in the country is such that they may not remember your request or it will simply be lost, and in general, Egyptian laws are very different from European ones and are far from always logical.
And at the same time, try to guess for yourself what you were guilty of before Egypt, they don’t make it into the black list because of broken dishes in the hotel and a drunken brawl.
In Egypt, this list is quite extensive. Here are some examples of reasons: to live without a visa for some time and get caught by the police. Prostitution, venereal diseases. Moreover, the presence of venereal diseases or AIDS is not proved by tests, but, for example, simply by a report to the police written by your enemy. Since Egypt is basically a Muslim country, unresolved situations with men (husband, fiance) can also become a serious problem for a foreign woman. The law will always be on their side. This also includes all standard options with contraband and prohibited items.
Half a year ago, namely on December 29, 2013, one tourist with a child was not allowed into the country only because her last name and first name coincided with a person on the black list, and despite the fact that all other data were completely different, she was deployed.
If a person is deported from the country and put on the Black List, then as a rule it still shines with a red deportation stamp in the passport.
аватар glob07
thanks to everyone for the answers, but it was at the Egyptian embassy in Moscow that I found out that it was really me on the black list, and not my namesake. The ambassador was very polite and immediately warned that the information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was closed and they would not tell him for what reason they brought me in and how long it happened, a month later I received an answer I was on the black list, the embassy could not help. I broke my head thinking up reasons why they could bring me there, but I’m a quiet person, I go diving, I don’t drink, I didn’t take corals out, I don’t have a fiancé, I don’t have a husband, I just refused a couple of locals to spend free time outside the hotel and that’s it. After visiting a one-day excursion to Israel five years ago, I was in Egypt two more times without any problems. They also say they don’t let me in for the second time after visiting the UAE, I was in Dubai in April, but after that I calmly entered Egypt in May. This is where my imagination ended. But the question remains open what to do now, how to return?
аватар glob07
They didn’t put a red deportation stamp in their passport, maybe it’s for European countries or they themselves weren’t sure then that it was me, I myself found out for sure only a couple of days ago. I read an article about a woman and a namesake, she was lucky, I would like that it was my namesake, but alas. Where else can I make a request, except for the Egyptian consulate in Moscow, where I was told we can’t help in any way, except for the good aunt of the secretary with a hint of a change of surname, has anyone done this in practice? For a month, I was so tired of requests, calls and suggestions why I got there, that I just want to start some practical steps that will help me return without problems.
I asked here how a diver could get on the list of undesirable people: the killing of unauthorized animals and fish of the Red Sea, and of course the export of corals. One thing is clear, someone "helped" you get on the list, that's for sure (if you didn't do anything like that)
It may be that someone (and you don’t even think about it) made a denunciation of you and that’s all, this may be enough.
Were the ill-wishers left here?
аватар kolyan_cat
How did you get the idea to go to the embassy and check if the author is on the black list? Tourists who buy vouchers usually do not go to the embassy to be checked. Those. did the author know about some of his jambs?
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