Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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Related question «Excursions»
Are there tours to Israel now? Where is cheaper?
I want to go to Jerusalem from Sharma in August. Where to book a tour?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2014-05-2911 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар parkinn
A very interesting excursion to Jerusalem for 2 days, with a visit to the Galilee: Nazareth, Tiberias, the Sea of ​​Galilee, the Jordan River. Day 1 is the same as the day trip. I highly recommend the 2 day tour. I bought in the Egyptian company "Sinai Voyage " - Gena and Cheburashka, the site is easy to find. Photos and reviews can be viewed on my TurPravda:
аватар cezary58
Now Tez Tour has reduced the price to $100, so there is no point in buying on the street
Go to the thread on the forum I report on the weather in Sharm and read the situation that the whole of Sharm has today on an excursion to Israel for 1 day
''Now Tez Tour has reduced the price to $100, so it makes no sense to buy on the street ''- Tez does not have such a price at all now, because the one-day program is divided into 2 days due to the situation at the border after the rain
аватар Gulit61
I went to Sharm in March with the "Labyrinth". On the street 1 day $65-75, 2 days $190-210. The price of the Labyrinth is 130300. But! This is the EAST! Bargain.
Now, dear gulit61, we do not go for 1 day. ALLsharm has already written to you. 2-day excursions are not yet available at all. Now excursions for 1.5 days with an overnight stay in Jerusalem.
By the way, the guide threw off up to 80 because then the tourists went with ours in the same bus. Simply put, the guide pocketed the difference between us and his tour. The company will not give such a discount in life.
аватар Egyptian_Guide
As already mentioned above, now we are conducting a tour with an overnight stay in Israel. If there are questions, write.
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