Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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who recently flew in from Sharm?
We are going to Sharm in mid-March, is it worth going? tell me who recently arrived, how is the situation in the resort towns now.
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7 subscribers  • asked 2014-02-1910 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар Eilat
A few days ago, a bus with tourists from Korea was blown up at the checkpoint in Taba, dozens of people died. The situation is tense, tourists from Israel are prayerfully released to the monastery in Sinai. It is better to wait until they put things in order in terms of security, or choose another country for recreation. holy land :)
аватар salut0805
I rested in the midst of two revolutions. Everything was calm in Sharm. Look where Sharm is located. It is practically closed from Egypt by mountains, etc. The main thing is not to go on excursions outside Sinai.
аватар Votpuskegypt
So far, everything is calm. But you can book a tour later. See how events unfold. - we will open the whole Egypt for you!
аватар 2961g7pj
You will discover Egypt. But who will help people there in case of danger?
At the moment the situation is calm. Enhanced security measures have been taken to protect tourists at resorts.
аватар karinkasm
I returned on February 16, everything is calm in the resort area, they did not leave Sinai. The only reminder of hostilities is the presence of posts on some roads.
аватар Alex_classic
As for checkpoints, this is the norm. They are also found in neighboring countries - in Israel and Jordan. And it didn’t appear today or yesterday - it’s been like this for several decades ...
I guess votpuskegypt shouldn't advertise itself so much. Take an example from colleagues - with orbittours!
As for the post from a newcomer from Eilat under the same name. Firstly, if you "wait until they put things in order in terms of security", then you can not wait :(((There was no order and will not be in the foreseeable future. Unfortunately ... At the same time, millions of tourists who need the Red Sea rested in the Egyptian Red Sea resorts and will rest.Not only and not so much because they love Egypt - there is no alternative ... Neither Israeli Eilat nor Jordanian Aqaba can offer a competitive product!
аватар Alex_classic
Secondly, you should not mislead the visitors of this respected site with deliberately false information about the dead. Don't you, who live very close by, know the truth?
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Plus, it's about PEOPLE. What does "dead dozen" mean? About eggs, for example, they say "ten". But about DEAD PEOPLE, how can you say that ???
аватар Eilat
Dear Alex :)
No need to be so angry :) I took the information from the local media, I personally happened to be in the Eilat hospital when the citizens of Korea were brought in, unfortunately there are those who did not survive the night ... There were no updates in the press just about the number of dead.
As for the "ten dead", I don't understand what you didn't like so much, and why you are trying to convict me of disrespect for the dead. In any press you will find a sea of ​​u200bu200bexamples of the same phrases - hundreds of dead, dozens of dead. So I don’t accept the accusations, you excuse me :) And let's live together, we have a common interest - to give objective information on the rest.
As for the competitiveness of Israel in front of Egypt ... You know, for 7 years of work in the field, citizens who rested in Egypt and came to Eilat for the first time, they all sing the same song. What is more expensive for us, the infrastructure is not as cool as in Sharm, but as one, everyone is alike in that it is much more pleasant to relax in Israel, people are friendlier, service is better, the atmosphere is warmer. The second time they come here as in a sweet home :)
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