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Related question «Communication and Internet»
free wifi
Here we are going to NG in Sharm. It so happened that you need almost constant access to the mail. Can you tell me which hotel has free or inexpensive Wi-Fi?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2013-11-2711 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар kirieshka
in the domina coral bay free wi-fi throughout almost the entire territory
аватар kef-lida
We often visit, but we saw free only in Domina Coral Bay Oasis. Right in the room and everywhere
even by the Oasis and Aquamarine pools.
аватар kristinaz
Thanks :)
аватар dimdimysh
It’s easier not to look for a hotel with Wi-Fi, but to buy a SIM card with the Internet in communication salons
In the domino there is free wi-fi, but the speed leaves much to be desired. You can watch Desole Nesco Joyce, there it's also free and the connection is not bad (certainly better than tu domino)
But in fact, in order not to become attached to the hotel, it’s easier to buy a SIM card with a net. it will cost about 25 dollars for your entire stay and wherever you are Internet with you.
So choose the hotel according to your taste. And you will have 24/7 internet.
аватар lana_181
Free wi-fi and on the territory of the hotel "Grand Oasis" in Sharks Bay. And the coral reef is amazing!
аватар vayn2006
Wi-Fi is available on any of the sightseeing yachts
not super, of course, but Skype works and the Internet
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