Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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Related question «Hotel selection»
hotel star rating
Sorry for the darkness. What is the difference between a 5-star hotel and a 2-3 star hotel. In Germany, 3 stars were enough for us. Is it reasonable to save on breakfast and dinner meals? But get more excursions, to the same Israel?
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5 subscribers  • asked 2013-11-0211 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар Oleksii64
Egypt is not Germany. 3* Egypt = 1*Germany. 2 * are not considered at all. Perhaps 3 or 3+ - but be prepared for all sorts of everyday problems, and such a hotel will not be on the first line, and in very rare cases on the second line.
You won’t save much on food, if you don’t take an all, then apart from lunch you won’t get water, beer and any kind of alcohol in bars. Good hotels still have ice cream and other small things. Buying in stores is expensive, consider no savings.
аватар orhideya21
Germany and Egypt - differ in the standard of living, 2-3 stars in these countries too. Two stars, it seems, are not in Egypt. There are troikas in which it is impossible to live, but there are more decent ones. The same goes for 5. You need to look at your personal priorities. Sea - do not take hotels in Nabq. Animation, slides - their hotels. Normal food is rarely in triplets. If you do not plan to stay in a hotel for a long time, but travel around the country, it makes sense to take a hotel cheaper. You need to decide what you expect from Egypt and then look for a hotel. And in general, now all the hotels have passed with food. I myself am looking for something decent, shocked by many fresh reviews.
Hotels in terms of star rating between Germany and Egypt differ significantly. If you want to spend most of your time on excursions, then you can take half board, if you are planning a couple, ALL is better. It all depends on the number of days of stay. The longer the rest, the more profitable the ALL system. And the fact that in Germany 3 *, then in Egypt you need to focus on 4-5 *
аватар svetlana_luckytravel
Europe is a sightseeing holiday, i.e. most of the time you are outside the hotel. But Egypt is a purely beach holiday, perhaps + - a couple of excursions, but most of the time you will still be in a hotel. Hotels in Egypt are much lower than in Europe. 2-3 * in Egypt is a very budget holiday, I would not recommend saving on yourself. ALL will be more profitable than HB.
аватар Dreamer_0x01
Analyzing the system of assigning stars to our hotels, I was surprised to find that the number of stars has absolutely nothing to do with the level of service. And it is connected only with a set of some parameters that you will not notice in ordinary life. For example, the area of ​​the bathroom in the room, the area of ​​the hall, the waiting time for the elevator, the number of bars on the territory, and so on.
I found all this in the order "On approval of the procedure for classifying objects of the tourism industry, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes, beaches."
Here you can see more details
about the differences between different stardom - there is a sign on the second page of the text.
It is possible that in other countries there are the same signs, because everyone copies from each other.
аватар Dreamer_0x01
More precisely, not the second page - but "Table 1" with the title "Requirements
to hotels and other accommodation facilities" at the link above.
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