Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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Rest for the New Year.
Please tell us about the weather and in general about everything related to winter holidays in Egypt.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2013-10-1411 years ago
Answers  •  6
The weather at this time is +22-+26 during the day, in the evening about +13, the sea is +20-+22. Choose hotels in the bays, do not even consider the Nabq area as very windy there, and of course there should be a heated pool in the hotel. Take a sweater and jeans with you for the evening, and in the afternoon you will dress in T-shirts, shorts, skirts.
аватар Yulenkamorozova
When is the best time to buy tickets for the new year? My husband had a DR on December 31, they wanted to go with two children. Can you recommend a hotel.
аватар kryukovskaya
It all depends on the price. Last year we did not find last-minute trips (from December 26 to January 7), and the year before last we were lucky on December 24, 2011, we bought a ticket with a departure on December 27, 2011, but good hotels were booked. Decide for yourself, but 2-3 weeks before departure, prices are terribly high. BE SURE TO CHOOSE A HOTEL IN THE BAY with a heated pool, and better with a tea set in the room (there are really cool evenings.)
аватар dimdimysh
Really, people also choose a hotel by teapots in the rooms ?? And what is the connection between the presence of this and the weather?
аватар victorias
I was on NG in Egypt, in the evenings I went in the same clothes that I flew in from Moscow (coat, boots), if you sit in open cafe-restaurants, that's it))
And in the afternoon you can sunbathe from 12 o'clock. In the morning for breakfast - in a jacket.
I liked the Iberotel (probably the entire network can be recommended).
аватар dileralina
I was last year from December 31st to January 8th. We were very lucky with the weather, all the days the weather was +27-30, the sea was 25-27, there was no wind at all. In the evening I went in T-shirts and jeans, a couple of evenings even in a summer dress and skirts. If we get lucky. At the sea already at 10 am were sunbathing.
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