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Broken shower stall
On the last day of rest, they broke the shower cabin ... How much would the fine be for that???
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16 subscribers  • asked 2013-09-1911 years ago
Answers  •  57
аватар travelsita
What did you have to do in the shower to make it break???
You can say that you have settled in a room with an already broken cabin.
аватар jabetta
This is unlikely to pass, since such things must be discussed immediately as soon as they settled in and found a broken cabin. I would never believe that people settled into a room with such a cabin and were silent about it, enduring such inconvenience. About the price, hardly anyone here will tell you, since the cost is not fixed, and such incidents do not happen so often. I heard about a $20 fine for a towel and $50 for a broken mirror. I have never come across such information about d / c.
аватар travelsita
That's right, jabetta, because showers rarely break.
аватар Anetka-gan
they can come up with a fine on the spot from the bulldozer
According to the rules, an act is drawn up and the cost of repairs is also prescribed there. Yes, you need to try to break the shower cabin ......... Zhabetta is right, a mirror and a towel are in the hotel. The booth is at least somehow broken, can it only cost by replacing the plastic or did you thoroughly break it? It won't be cheap....
A towel and a mirror is just a fine in every hotel, but you need to see the booth, if it is not possible to fix it, then they can ask the cost of a new booth ..........
аватар travelsita
orbittours, indeed, according to the rules, you need to draw up an act. But how does it work in practice? Has anyone seen similar acts? Maybe they are also sealed?
Most likely, as Anetka-gan wrote, they will take the amount of the fine "from the ceiling", especially since the tourists are leaving.
аватар Oleksii64
What if there is no money?
аватар Anetka-gan
in kind)))))
аватар sigur62
It’s not a pity to pay for such a chic spree.
You have to try to destroy the cabin, it is made of fairly durable materials.
аватар Oleksii64
But what about? No money.
аватар Oleksii64
Anya, was there a precedent? :)))
аватар hatinka
Even a fine, even a refund, you still pay at least for a new cabin of the same type.
And it will still be fine.
аватар hatinka
About "they will take it from the ceiling." And how can you know what time it will cost the hotel to sort it all out?
It may seem “out of the blue” to you, but in reality it may not. A simple room, once, the cabin already needs a new one, and the tourist will still whine that it was old or two. If they have a standard for equipment, then you need to find the same model - and this is not always possible - three. The price may not be what we imagine in reality. Again, what do we know about the installation of shower cabins in Egypt, is it expensive, long? Maybe at the same time there were still damages - the tile was scratched, the room was flooded from below, the plumbing broke, the pallet ...
+ you need to understand that the departed (!) tourists will not reimburse anything.
аватар travelsita
And how will tourists be allowed to fly away without paying a fine?
аватар hatinka
The most important thing is to delay them somehow, in order to get at least something immediately. After all, the hotel understands perfectly well that if they dump it on their homeland, then the hotel itself will repair everything.
And who, besides the police, has the right to detain them? Even if you imagine that security (for example), then having received payment for the cabin, you can then pay tourists for air tickets and accommodation ... If tourists who did not fly away on time turn out to be not a mistake ...
And what does it cost for tourists (not decent if suddenly) to silently dump before the official eviction / transfer?
аватар travelsita
The question is not how to dump unnoticed, but what is the size of the fine.
аватар jabetta
In any case, I sympathize with the HARDWARE, because the rest, even the best, has already been spoiled by such troubles.
I asked experienced fans of Egypt here, so they say that the d / c will cost from $ 500.
аватар sigur62
Dropping early is a good idea.
And you can also, having come from the beach, raise a scandal about the cabin broken during the cleaning of the room.
To complete the picture, you can also break down the door, or tear off the toilet bowl.
аватар travelsita
Remastered song by 95th Quarter "Forest Deer" (quoted earlier in another answer)
"In the evening on a normal weekday
deer ran through the room.
He broke both the plasma and the window,
Wine swelled in the minibar.
Go home, deer, to your deer country.
Take home, deer, your deer family.
Return the robe and slippers, three frescoes and two hats,
Go home to Tagil, forest deer."
аватар travelsita
Tourists from the CIS on vacation are different.
аватар jabetta
And I wouldn't blame people like that without knowing what happened. My husband and I were sitting here at home and analyzing the situation, trying to imagine how this could happen in our country (God forbid). So, for example, one of the options - accidentally waved a belt with weights, if the room is small, goodbye shower cabin :( They came up with a lot of innocent, unintentional "ways" - anything can happen.
I sympathize with the guys, I wish everything ends well. Of course, they will have to pay for what they have done, but if they do not have that kind of money, then they will have to be very nervous and do something.
I sincerely wish you good luck!
аватар sigur62
Zhabetta, why, I sympathize with the guys, and their liver too.
I repeat once again - ANY shower cabin is not so easy to gouge, and it will take a lot of effort to do so.
I speak not as a tourist, but as an engineer.
аватар travelsita
Nobody is blaming anyone here. This can happen to everyone. This site is positive, for relaxation - so we start to joke and joke.
аватар jabetta
If it did happen "out of drunkenness", then I hope that they will draw the right conclusions from this "adventure". And also it will serve as a lesson for everyone who is aware of the situation and reads this thread. Although people do not learn well from the mistakes of others :( The case of a passenger on an airplane flying to Hurghada, and then hiding there for several months, did not affect everyone. As recently as today, they reported in the news about a case with a drunk young lady of 28 years old, who almost opened an emergency exit on a plane flying somewhere to India (if I'm not mistaken).
аватар AlexL
And yet, if the tourists spent all the money, how then, will they be taken into slavery or something?
аватар Svetka-Svetka
A very interesting situation. JuliaGal98! Please let me know how this whole story ends. After all, other tourists can also get into such a story.
аватар JuliaGal98
Thank you all for your participation!!! They should arrive today, but I hope so (until they got in touch). Then I will write how it ended.
аватар travelsita
Looking forward to!
аватар Anetka-gan
hatinka knowing the Egyptian "system" of prices "from the ceiling" is done very easily and quickly! the check is written all in Arabic, the prices are in Arabic numerals, the services of "Uncle Vanya" are added, etc. etc....
and because departure is just about, and sometimes the bus is already waiting at the airport - many people pay without even knowing for what. I can also include broken dishes from the restaurant. anything happens...
the main thing is not to sign anything and not to touch the servants and guards with your hands, not to conflict, otherwise they can send you to the kalabush)))
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