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Related question «Weather and seasons»
what is the weather in Egypt and is it calm there if you go with your family
what is the weather in Egypt and is it calm there if you go with your family
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5 subscribers  • asked 2012-09-1413 years ago
Answers  •  16
аватар PolikSVT
Do you always blame the weather and the political situation at the resort on the opinion of random opponents??? Here they will write to you, and you will really listen?!
the weather we have right now is to walk in the so-called velvet season, I don’t see any changes here at the expense of the situation, but the fact that there are demonstrations in front of the American embassy does not affect the situation (I can throw so many links on the demonstrations, but this will not mean that bad political situation in the country
аватар Viltis
PolikSVT, support entirely. You still can’t get more information than from the media on the forums, and you won’t be rich in someone else’s opinion.
orbittours, please tell me. And what characterizes the political situation in the country if not mass unrest and demonstrations? Is this not enough?
if there are unrest in Chechnya, this does not mean that it is dangerous to go to Russia (I mean this), the media for the sake of profit and hot very often give not quite correct information. for example, after the elections in Russia, the air force showed a lot of materials very far from reality, since, for example, it was said that all of Russia was protesting and the elections had not taken place (the demonstrations were shown with very creepy pictures). mass media should be listened to but not blindly believed. this is MY point of view. and the tourist will choose his own.
аватар Viltis
If there are unrest in Chechnya, it is dangerous to go to Chechnya.
And what about profit .. Well, in pursuit of profit, they also advertise trips to Egypt, while the Foreign Ministry officially warns not to go there.
officially? when was that again? maybe I missed the link, if it's not difficult. but not old, but fresh.
аватар Viltis
And you say that the media does everything for profit :-))
will it be suitable for August 11?
Due to the deteriorating security situation in Egypt and the increase in cases of uncontrolled aggression, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine recommends that Ukrainian citizens refrain from tourist trips to Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan, Luxor, Taba, as well as the cities of Port Said, Suez , El Arish, Rafih and the North Sinai region.

In order to avoid a threat to security, citizens of Ukraine vacationing in the resort town of Hurghada are advised to spend their holidays within the hotel and refrain from unorganized trips to the city and beyond.

Citizens of Ukraine vacationing in the resort town of Sharm El Sheikh are advised to refrain from traveling in South Sinai and in the direction of Taba.
аватар HotLine
I imagine: bloodthirsty TO and TA, in pursuit of profit, persuade tourists to go to Egypt. Horror!!!
TO and TA do not do this because:
- NONE of them specialize only in Egypt.
- Another reason - now is not the season of Egypt. Turkey is now the leader.
- Another reason is that existing flights to Egypt are closed for a week ahead. Therefore, there is no reason to spend money on illusory goals or solving non-existent problems.
In fact.
Everyone who follows the topic knows that during the revolutionary and post-revolutionary times, NOT ONE real tourist suffered in Egypt from revolutionary events. All thinking people also know that not a single TO will risk sending tourists if there is a real threat to the health and life of these tourists. This is too expensive a pleasure - you can get at such costs that the business will instantly collapse.

Viltis, you are no longer going to Tai. Otherwise I would have told you about the horrors of Tai.
the ministry recommends refraining from traveling outside the resort area and some cities, and does not recommend refraining from traveling to Egypt) and thanks for the link
аватар fluza-08
Such a discussion unfolded. go don't go. I still don’t understand ... there is someone who really returned from a vacation from Egypt ..
аватар Viltis
Tourists say it's not worth it. Travel agents advise you to go. Because it's their salary. 80% of tourists prefer Egypt. if they stop traveling, then 80% of the agents' income will be lost.
Well, decide for yourself. Personally, we refused. My husband and I celebrated my two DRs in Egypt. In January. Here in the next January I am 45, they wanted to go to Tai, we are not pulling money. I suggested Egypt again to my husband, he said that if he was paid for this vacation, he would think again. We rested in 2011 in Hurghada during the unrest. He doesn't want any more. What does it have to do with Turpravda, the agents assured me that THERE everything is quiet and nothing will happen.
Well, think about who to believe and where to go. We chose Sri Lanka. If still Goa. For money - the same Egypt. But really hot, quiet and exotic.
аватар HotLine
Viltis, and who persuaded you here on turpravda?
As far as I remember, there was a reverse hysteria here - thousands of prisoners, shooting, pogroms ... Moreover, the main hysteric, who declared war for the truth, he himself hit the road at the end of April 2011 in Egypt. On the sly. And nothing of the "terrible" was not confirmed.
On the economics of the process. Again. For (how would it be more polite) incompetent people.
1. Egypt in the structure of outbound tourism takes no more than 35%. Out of season (and now out of season) - no more than 20%. Therefore, there are no TAs and TOs in which "80% of the agents' income will be lost"
2. TAs live on a commission from the cost of the tour. For economic reasons, they don't care what to sell. The more expensive the tour, the more earnings. Egypt, Turkey, Sri Lanka, GOA, Cyprus, Thailand, Cuba, Dominican Republic, etc.
3. When flights were closed in Egypt, tourists who wanted to go there but could not suffer the most. And Egypt itself - the hotels were empty. TA and TO were not injured. There was some drop in sales, but in a month everything leveled off.
4. Sri Lanka and GOA are a completely different type of holiday.
5. Choose a country from which you will feel comfortable traveling. Excites you the situation in Egypt - choose another country. Egypt is not going anywhere from you.
аватар HotLine
The opinion of real tourists is here -
аватар Viltis
Hotline, let's agree again. I never answer you again. Because you are deleting all my replies. I don't even read you.
That's all.
аватар HotLine
Viltis, it is better to conduct personal communication through personal correspondence. Since you started publicly, I will answer publicly.
1. I do not delete your answers. Unfortunately, I don't have that option. I was only trusted with one thread There you have not yet been noted (as if it is correct) with your fantasies.
2. You don't need to negotiate anything with me. I answer when I think it's necessary. Especially when someone (in this thread - you) writes (as if it were softer) false information. There are no agencies in which Egypt takes 80% of the income.
3. You did the same in the branch
on your flight to Thailand. And not only I "corrected" you. And your "splash of emotions" was cleaned by the admin. Read, everything is written there.
аватар Elena28092012
And we went, and just on the last day of the excitement. The last one for today. Everything was great, and in cairo on the uprising square too. But medicines became very expensive (because of the revolution, all factories stopped working). "Very" means 10 times in some cases. The Egyptians are not stupid, therefore they understand that a revolution is a revolution, tourists cannot be scared away, therefore they do everything so that tourists do not notice the unrest
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