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What is the air and water temperature now in Sharm?
We are going to Sharm after January 20th. I looked at the gismeteo website for the weather in Sharm and something didn’t feel right for me - they write the temperature of the reservoir today is +17, the air temperature in the daytime is +20. People! Girls in Sharm and those who have just returned from there please respond! It's true? About the night they write + 9-14 degrees. How many times I have been to Sharm in February, the water has never been below +22. How comfortable is sunbathing and swimming now? I already know about the jacket for the evening - they were in November and also went in jackets. I don’t want to spoil my vacation, because I don’t swim in the pools, I’m only interested in my beloved Red Sea ...
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8 subscribers  • asked 2012-01-0613 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар jabetta
eniska, did you read the weather forum? There every day they unsubscribe according to the weather:
In general, of course, this year in Yegi is an abnormally cold winter, just like in our country it is abnormally warm. Maybe by the 20th it will clear up.
аватар HHLB2
Last year I was in Hurghada for NY and Christmas. During the day the temperature was about 30 degrees. Sea 22 degrees. I watched the forecast for Gismeteo - 15 degrees in the afternoon. Sea today +16. I'm already worried about the fish, how they will swim at such a low temperature.
In November, I never wore a jacket. In January, only in a sweater. This year the weather is atypical for Egypt. I was in October, the sea was already cool.
Tomorrow a friend is going to Hurghada. I don't know what to do there at 15 degrees Celsius. You can't turn on the boiler at night in the hotel :)
аватар Lina23S
Yes, this winter is cold for Yegi, but Gismeteo should not be trusted, for several years in a row, out of curiosity, I checked the weather in Yegi on our websites, everyone lied, looked on the day of departure + 26-27, we arrive and there it is really + 30-32. If you look at "WindGURU PRO" this is a Polish site, by the way, the most accurate in our country, then today in Hurghada a maximum of +19.
аватар Lina23S
I didn’t find Sharma there, but if you consider that in Dahab it’s +22, then in Sharm I think it’s no less.
аватар PolikSVT
First, remember that the temperature is always indicated in the SHADOW, in the sun it is much more, and Gismeteo is the "lowest" site, checked!
аватар shumera
Cold winter this year in Egypt, but there are also warm days, but in general, you need to take warm clothes for the evening. you can’t do without a light windbreaker, be sure to take closed shoes, and in linen trousers you will get dazed at night ..
аватар serevka
I also read before the trip to Sharm that the winter is not the same and also almost changed my mind about going! But all the same, I went and from 15 to 25 December I had an excellent and not expensive rest. Moreover, I was last January in Sharm, in Nabq and the year before last in Hurghada and everything was super!!! What is true, the last time one day, namely on December 24, there was a very strong wind, then I immediately remembered the anomalous winter! I don’t know, maybe you’re lucky ...
аватар shumera
serevka, you are lucky, the weather has improved for your stay. During my stay - out of 10 days 6 were cold.
аватар serevka
So I'm afraid to jinx it, out of 5 times 4 was in winter and, like the last time, they walked until midnight in shorts and T-shirts. And besides, we are far from walruses, though sometimes there were evenings, but not a lighter pullover and jeans. Of course, in winter you need to go to the bays and corals, the water is always warmer on corals !!!
аватар 7alawa
southwestern, 4.1 m/s (14.8 km/h)
+21, water +23 °C
the wind, though southwesterly, is a bit chilly. Although the sun is just right :-)
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