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How is it easier to "survive" acclimatization?
Good afternoon! In January we are going with a child (5 years old), we are going for the first time. Tell me how it is easier to survive acclimatization. Maybe something to drink beforehand? Share your experience.
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13 subscribers  • asked 2011-10-2113 years ago
Answers  •  14
аватар lsklsk
Acclimatization, as a rule, goes unnoticed, even in children. If you are flying for the first time, explain to your child that your ears may hurt during takeoff and landing. Take caramel with you on the plane. In January, cold winds blow, it is not very comfortable to get out of the water. The child can be blown out. Do not drink water from the tap and do not rinse your mouth with it. Otherwise, diarrhea is possible (at best).
Regardless of January, take sunscreen with a high level of protection (30 or more). Warm clothes are needed for the evening.
Have a good rest!
аватар zzz11111
I'm not a child, but I always have a hard time with acclimatization. After a trip to Egypt in January from cold Ukraine, for some reason she was not at all. I wish you the same! And don't forget sunscreen!
аватар Zlata28
I usually have "acclimatization" on the way back
those. when after heat into cold
freezing, chilling, yes (((
Well, as usual, I traditionally save myself:
vitamins, hot tea, honey, citrus fruits
аватар sigur62
Acclimatization is more difficult, the greater the temperature difference. In Yekaterinburg in January, to put it mildly, it is a bit cold, so you will feel some discomfort on the first day upon arrival. Do it simply: do not abuse the sun on the first day, and everything will be fine. Have a nice rest!
аватар aisha_sharm
it is advisable to have a headdress on the child’s head all the days while on vacation, glasses that protect against sun exposure and are not bought on the Chinese market, but ordered from Optics. They will always come in handy in the summer. A week before the planned trip, go to a pediatrician who knows the state of your child’s body, and he will recommend you what to take. Children are all different and they endure flying and acclimatization in different ways. This is not the advice of experts, but the advice of a child doctor is needed. Everything needs to be approached in advance.
аватар eniska
My method is simple and not for kids. If on the first evening I feel very shivering, I go to the bar and drink a cup of hot tea, into which a portion of whiskey is poured. I drink almost in one gulp and immediately under the covers. "ours" taught me this method, seeing me shaking in a woolen sweater against the background of people in shorts and T-shirts. But I noticed that it doesn't happen once, sometimes everything is fine, the body reacts differently. Good luck!
аватар Dreamer_0x01
Do not overdo it with air conditioners, they will be dangerous for you both on the first days of arrival and on the day of departure. I mean, of course, you don’t need to torture yourself with heat, but direct it at yourself and, God forbid, fall asleep under it ... a cold is generally guaranteed.
You have already been given a lot of practical and useful advice, take an effervescent vitamin C or whatever you like, because if you overheat in the sun + you go from cold to hot, you can get sick very quickly, I have a friend here on the 19th they flew in from + 2 and where it is already snowing, today I met them, so they are with snot and cough, but the eniska method works with a bang, but not for children, of course. May your acclimatization be painless for you !!!
It’s 02:20 am in Sharm now, and the thermometer is + 19, it’s already cold for me to sit on the balcony without a sweater (I’m a merzlyachka).
аватар dfad1ripe
Soviet athletes on trips to international competitions used preparations of succinic acid, in particular sodium succinate. But is it possible to give it to a child - this is a question for doctors.
аватар gamaverdiy
Thank you all very much for your advice!
аватар pekam
Acclimatization is not an easy task, and each one is very individual. If the child is small, might it be better to postpone the trip until better times?
аватар nadin65
Everyone has their own reaction to climate change.
Personally, Egypt is very suitable for me in terms of climate, I don’t have to get used to it, but upon returning home, especially in winter, it’s a little sausage, but the charge of solar energy and memories warms the soul.
аватар sigur62
eniska, now I know why some guys start drinking on the plane.
This is how they go through acclimatization)))
аватар surgeon72
In general, the first thing to do with any acclimatization is to restore the acid-base balance (any doctor will tell you this) ... As from cold to hot, and vice versa .... And for this you just need to drink more fluids (better than bottled mineral water ). Well, sodium succinate is generally: a detoxifying intravenous drug!, what does acclimatization have to do with it? It is used for poisoning, cachexia, anemic conditions ... Will you lie somewhere on the plane or at the reception in the hotel under a dropper? account of creams with UV protection, vitamin C and the ban on "tap water" - I completely agree with previous commentators ...
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