Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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tour of israel from sharm
Please tell me the local tour operators (and prices) from which you can visit the sights of Israel.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2011-07-1014 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар irinaferary
Hello! I rested in Egypt with a friend in early June. We went with a one-tour to Israel for 2 days - $255 per person (, in Pegasus it costs $360. On the one-tour website, the prices are valid and much cheaper than those of Pegasus. We left our phone number and the date of arrival through the website at home. They texted and we met. Better go to
Israel for 2 days, because see more. On the first day there is a lot of walking around Jerusalem. In Bethlehem, in a quite decent hotel, at 16 o'clock there was dinner. Then we immediately went up to the room and rest, and those who for 1 day got on the bus and rumbled back, not very cool. There were also tourists who Israel - 1 day + Jordan - 1 day, so they had to make it to the border with Jordan before 20.00, because. the border is closed in the evening. The bus was good, with air conditioning. Go, you won't regret it.
If you have any more questions - write.
аватар tmvvelen
the local tour will cost you about $ 80 per person - one-day and somewhere around 160 - two-day (they bring everyone in the same bus - and those who paid twice as much from the tour operator and those who bought from the locals - the guide will take you intimidate with all sorts of tales so that they buy from him - but this is all an outright lie - we were told, for example, that they would cancel the visa if we didn’t buy it through Pegasus ;)))
аватар bender3
Yeah went for 80 bucks for one day
аватар bender3
Of these 80 dollars - 30 Israel takes for leaving the country, entry is free - exit for money, a real Jewish move :-))))))
аватар aisha_sharm
tmvvelen-can I have a phone number or a website who has a two-day trip to Israel for $160???
Now everyone doesn’t travel on the same bus. There are only up to 50 seats. And when tourists who bought an excursion from a hotel guide for higher money end up in the same bus with street buyers, this only means that the guide let the tourist go to the "left" - to your pocket.
аватар tmvvelen
I am writing about what happened in January-February, when we rested, but there was no telephone - we bought on the beach in Naama (wind beach)
аватар Inna_2283
I will share my experience ... I was in Egypt from 26.07 to 7.07 tour 11 nights 12 days I bought it specifically to go for 2 days to Israel (5 days in a hotel, 2 days in Israel, and 5 more days in a hotel) ... I tried from home with the Onetour company ... I planned my vacation ... upon arrival I contacted the travel agency, booked a trip to Israel for 30.06 for two days. 30.06 at 14.00 I receive an SMS from onetour "Vas segodnya zaberut ot shlagbauma v 20.10" I reply: "Thank you! Kakoe razmewenie v gostinitse? Nywno doplachivat za singl? Bydet li kypanie v reke Jordan? esli da kakaya nywna odewgoda dlya etowgoda?" at 14.30 I get the answer "Izvenite, tolko seichas yznali, chto na severnoi storone v Izraile kakie-to besporyadki.mi ne mojem riskovat i otpravit Vas vo vtoroi den v Nazaret i na reky Iordan. esli hotite,mojete ehat na 1 den".. .I wrote everything verbatim to share my emotions and experiences (((I am sitting in the room and I understand that the 12-day tour was bought in vain (before that, I had been on one-day tours 2 times) .... so! I think ... TV .. turn on - silence about Israel ... yeah! I'll call Pegasus ... if they don't sell a two-day tour ... I call - the answer is "yes, please, on Saturday 2.07 for two days .. single $ 370" .. .I sit and think further ...
аватар Inna_2283
continued... I think further... it can't be like that... the thought is that they forgot to sign me up for two days, or the group didn't get on the second day... I contact Tabatour and they call me back to the number... yes, please! today! no problem... $250, no additional payments!... on the same evening on 30.06 I'm leaving for Israel for 2 days! and really no surcharges and no problems! on the second day there were only 6 people left and we had a great tour of "northern Israel"!!!! how is this to be understood? What was it?! I was "thrown" or do different companies have different infa? One pleases - the trip was wonderful))))
аватар Vladimirovich11
The review is similar to the company, similar to many others posted on the network. From it it is not clear whether it is about the hotel, or about the One tour company. Here is our impression of the latter. Used the services of the company during the holiday in Egypt in the period from 03/17/13 to 03/27/2013. The general impression is the following. First, the bus was 50 minutes late. Given the fact that we arrived in advance, everything was chilled. Naturally no one guessed to warn about the delay. Secondly, Irina promised to stop at the Dead Sea at 15 o'clock, that is, in the afternoon. In fact, bathing was organized at 5 am at an ambient temperature of 17 degrees. There were no more stops at the sea (although it would have been possible to have time if you didn’t stop by the agency’s store, the prices in which are 4 times higher than in other places).
аватар Vladimirovich11
Thirdly, the food was supposed to be a buffet. At the same time, cooks served food not based on the appetite of tourists, but so that there was enough cooked food for 50 people. After the meat ran out, additives were placed in the pan - soy meatballs (rare muck). Those who stood at the end of the line were limited both in assortment and in quantity. No assortment, puree from the package (adjustable). Tea, water - all at your own expense. Fourthly, the attitude towards tourists is boorish. There were two Poles in the group, who understood only English and Polish. According to them, they were promised an English-speaking guide, which was not. They ended up wandering around on their own, seeing the sights without ever knowing what they were. In response to their fair remark, the accompanying Arab took a defensive position, saying that he was not to blame, but the Russian-speaking guide Slava, who accompanied us, was to blame. The Arab spoke to them disgustingly in raised tones. The Poles behaved with dignity. The Poles did not receive any compensation (at least with us). Of the pros. If you do not pay attention to all of the above, the tour is interesting, the guide is wonderful, the bus is comfortable.
аватар Vladimirovich11
As a recommendation: Irina (connected company) advises what to take with you from things, but does not tell anyone about warm clothes. We did not think about the weather ourselves, relying only on the recommendation of Irina. As a result, at 7 am we looked at Jerusalem from the observation deck at an air temperature of 15-17 degrees (judging by the bus thermometer), - everyone was cold. Summary: if you want an interesting tour, but are limited in budget and are ready to endure a low level of organization and the absence of any guarantees, choose One tour.
аватар ilyabogunov
Print from a mobile phone, so here is a link to the previous review, in short - they are still scammers.
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