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IS IT REALLY THAT THERE ARE NO PEOPLE IN NAAME? I’ve been reading all sorts of things here ... I haven’t bought tickets yet, I’m already thinking .... maybe to Turkey ?! After all, I want to hang out!) And it's so easy to go to clubs on the streets, to get acquainted with tourists)) and now what? to sit there alone? PEOPLE!!! tell!!! Is this true?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2011-05-1014 years ago
Answers  •  99
Disco Pasha has been full of people for the second day.
Read less horror stories ... And more positive!!!
аватар Vasilisa55
Only the second day?!)) and before that there was no one? .. I'm just in a good mood!)) I just don't really want to have fun in one, well, in my case, together ..
аватар musiknew
There are a lot of people in many discotheques. Arrive - I can fit free invitations to El Fanar. Of course, in Sharm the number of tourists is smaller than usual, but believe me, there are enough. Don't worry, you won't be left without company!
аватар papa74
Was in Naama.
Alone Arabs (sellers and tourists)
There are very few whites.
So, based on the situation, choose ...
Who would you like to hang out with?
Both top responders are tour sellers.
Attract ;))
аватар ladyCri
If you want to hang out, go to Cyprus. There are already a lot of people. There are a lot of Russians. Everything is open. And the prices are not expensive.
So, for the record, I offer apartments for rent. If you are interested, write in person :)
papa74,''Who would you like to hang out with?
Both top responders are tour sellers.
Lure;)) ''- Gygygsy, dad can not restrain myself from laughteraaaaaaaa, yeah I also lure the disco, take 1.8 years of the child and go ahead from Vasilisa55 for dancing. At least you didn't write such nonsense ...
Vasilisa55, there are always people at the disco and tourists too, both in Pasha and in Little Buda, my friend often visits the latter. So you won't get bored here.
аватар Phansoft
Irina, I do not agree with you. 05/04/2011 and 05/07/2011 I went in the evening (21-30) to Little Buddha, Hard Rock Cafe and Pasha. There were already 5-10 people and mostly Arabs. There were more people on the 7th, but not by much. I can state that there is almost empty. Maybe, of course, people by 11-12 at night are somehow stuffed, but then I did not notice this.
Phansoft, And I'm not even going to argue with you :) My husband was in Pasha on a friend's day on 08.05 and 09.05 around 00.00, he said there were a lot of people + tourists. As a rule, people do not come to the disco before 23.00, because the disco works until 04.00.
аватар papa74
"My husband was in Pasha"
he is Egyptian.
And you are at home with a small child ...
papa74, No, I have it from the planet mars :), where wild papa74 live and do not understand how you can go to a disco for a birthday.
аватар papa74
"wild papa74 "
Then the admin will again say that I started first.
The message will be quickly erased, as was the case with the question about Taba and "hello" ...
Make me feel guilty.
аватар papa74
"how can you go to a disco for birthday"
Those. a comrade had a DR (probably also not Russian)
He sniffed at dances until the morning with tourists
Wife at home with a child, is everything all right?
аватар Phansoft
O! No wonder I bought popcorn! ))))
Let's find out how someone is doing in the family .... in sex ... )))))))
papa74, Drink something invigorating, otherwise it doesn’t flatten you for detxi ..., you write on the topic, it’s better.
Phansoft, alas. bought in vain, you have to eat it and read on the screen not what you would like to read, but also not boring :)
аватар Vasilisa55
Well ... but I just asked ...)) no. I am not a Nazi, I respect all nations, cultures, but I would like to talk / get acquainted with young people of "my world". So I understood correctly ... Damn, but I really want to fish ... why are the prices so huge then ?!!!!!!
аватар Gudik
Today I was on Naama. actual info or has the Pope already answered for everyone?))
аватар papa74
Fish will be in any way!
With young people at home.
And the tour operator wants to cover all the downtime and expenses associated with the revolution with a price tag.
Vasilisa, everything will be OK!
Here's a fish from me.
Taken at the end of April (fresh ischo;))))
Forster's curler (calling)
аватар papa74
"Today I was on Naama. Actual info"
All the girls say that early at 7.18 to hang out in Naama.
Or "today" is Wednesday night ;)))
аватар Vasilisa55
relevant ... in the sense that dad is right? I am completely confused ...... I understand that perhaps everyone has their own vision. But is there really a crowd of tourists for someone, and for someone 3 people ?! Maybe someone can tell me what is really there? After all, you want to spend an unforgettable vacation .. in a good way.
аватар Phansoft
Vasilisa, sadly, there are really few people there. (((
аватар Vasilisa55
(((thanks... let's hope... believe... or Turkey is waiting for us!))) although I still do not lose hope))
аватар Phansoft
No, in no case do not change Egypt for Turkey. The Red Sea is unique. It's worth sacrificing disco, dating, casual sex... and so on... ))))
Phansoft, have you eaten all the popcorn yet? :) Is the topic of sex important to you today?
аватар Vasilisa55
Phansoft, I'm an obedient girl)). I don’t have casual connections ... although ... we would have met a couple of pretty ones, so, for a heap)). Turkey is a last resort. Just .. we'll get up in the morning. Beach. Well, this is the edge, until 17:00! And then?)) sit in the hotel and enjoy the endless "all inclusive"?) We leave the hotel - everything is "closed" ((... and I'm afraid of the local people, to be honest. Seriously, right on the pyramids.
аватар kohanchuk2
Go to Soho .... It's "civilized" there! and beautiful. And a skating rink, and singing fountains, and an ice bar, and a promenade along the square itself ... This is also in Sharm, White Knight Bay (not far from Naama, this is not Nabq).
аватар Phansoft
So I say, go to the Sierra. Cool hotel + SOHO where you will not be bored!
аватар papa74
One more opinion.
"In general, there are very few tourists, the hotel is a third empty (only on Friday there was an invasion of Jordanians with harems, even queues were created in the restaurant), ... there are no tourists at all in Naama Bay, merchants are like mosquitoes, angry, hungry, annoying"
12.05.11 14:00:06
Sharm El Sheikh, Melia Sharm 5*
Rest time: end of April-beginning of May 2011
аватар musiknew
What nonsense!
аватар papa74
musiknew, as if (you personally) did not want to increase the movement in Naama....
This is said by eyewitnesses, and (you personally) a materially interested person (say what you want).
аватар musiknew
Here. Not lazy.

Dad, oh yes. I am personally interested. Earn $5 selling tours and let a bunch of people pour down on me from this forum! Already the passage is not given, I do not have time to answer.
Honestly, very interesting to read. Keep going, I'm looking forward to it.
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