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I'm going to Egypt for the first time.
I’m going to Egypt for the first time, tell me to take fins and a mask with me or you can buy it there, how much it costs, also how much does special shoes for the sea cost, what else do you need to take with you?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2011-04-0214 years ago
Answers  •  22
аватар OlyaS
slippers in Naama (October 2010) bought for $6
аватар Karina-Mango
If you have your own masks and fins, then take them, of course, because here, it will be expensive to rent, and if you already have a set, then why buy another one .... And so the prices are about 6-10 dollars for a mask with a snorkel, you can buy in the Old City...
аватар Katherine_76
It depends on what the hotel provides.
аватар nadin65
Bargaining is a must! Cheaper in Sharm in the Old Market (Old Town), at the hotel in the shops a little more expensive.
Mask with snorkel from $7 and up, bathing slippers from $5.
Of the necessary - a cream with sun protection 30, glasses, a basic set of medicines, small dollars for 1, and of course, a good mood!
аватар nadin65
What to take with you to EGYPT?
Small dollars (1 per tip, 15 visa)
Dollars for excursions (from 30 to 300 for each)
First aid kit: - Nifuroxazide or Enterofuril - for diarrhea (intestinal disorders), these are NOT antibiotics, they kill E. coli while not damaging the beneficial intestinal flora,
Ear drops (if you dive a lot).
Vinegar (after jellyfish, poisons, coral scratches), Vinegar can be replaced with Lime juice (it is always in the restaurant).
Other medicines that you use at home are Pancreatin (for digestion with gluttony), for temperature, pain, bandage, brilliant green.
Cream for safe tanning with a protection factor of 25-30
Headdress!!! GLASSES!!! Swimsuit ;)) - better a couple. Clothing at a MINIMUM, there it is simply not needed.
Swimming shoes (coral) or fins, snorkel mask. (You can buy there from $ 5)
Pen for filling out the migration card.
Camera, camera, chargers, mobile phone - on the account - at least 90 UAH. or buy simfortour houses, sim-travel - incoming 0, outgoing $ 0.55, you can use a local card and have the Arabs activate it for you. WI-FI in many places is free (if you have it in your phone)
аватар tgbyhn
we bought ordinary masks, and so, it’s better not to skimp on MASKS and PIPES, buy in special. shop in your home country. Otherwise, the mask will fog up, then the water will get in, then the trouble with the tube .... in general, we choke, bought in special. store and now, ONLY, then they began to get high from all this beauty.
аватар jabetta
For the first time, ask your friends and acquaintances if anyone has a swimming kit in their arsenal that can be given for use (not all of this can be given for a favor, you must understand this). And then you decide for yourself if you need it. If so, then buy a good set at home, at a sale, so that you can measure and choose calmly without fuss and haste, as well as the pressure of specific Arab sellers, because for fans and lovers of the Red Sea, this is an important moment, and an amateur or a fan can become even the first time.
And all these cheap one-time options may turn out to be money thrown away altogether - one hassle and no pleasure.
Good luck!
аватар tacha-nv
Since burns (solar, coral) and cuts are inevitable, I advise a green felt-tip pen, baneocin powder (healing), panthenol - it removes redness well. It is better to buy masks at home, make sure that they fit well, because if they press, fog, let water through, the pleasure of snorkeling will be spoiled.
аватар Krasotas
Here on the forum, someone gave an interesting idea: to take a flashlight with you in the evenings to shine it from the shore into the sea and admire the fish swimming into the light. We haven't tried it ourselves, but we will definitely take it on our next trip.
About everything else - I join the opinion of those who have already written.
аватар Anetka-gan
Krasotas need to know the access points to the sea. the hotel beach is not allowed after sunset :)
by mask-snorkel you can buy a normal set in egypt. you can buy a cheap one. almost all masks fog up. the main thing is to spit and smear. and let dry. then everything will be fine.
Slippers are better to buy in charm. in OldMarket. at home they are more expensive, but the quality is the same - China.
also an underwater camera, or a cover for underwater shooting you need to have :)
but do not buy cheap film one-time cameras there. quality will not be
аватар Krasotas
Anetka-gan, I don’t know, maybe we were just lucky with the hotels ... But no one forbade walking along the beach at any time of the day or night. There is security, but we do not climb into the water!
аватар Anetka-gan
once at a time is not necessary. depending on which hotel. in some even the entrance to the beach is closed.
аватар tgbyhn
By the way, they bought it, it seems, for $ 10, or even cheaper, I don’t remember exactly, such a cover for my digital camera, the main thing is to put it on correctly, fix it so that it doesn’t hang out, the pictures are super. It's like they were just doing it with a camera. So be aware. Sold in any supermarket.
аватар Anetka-gan
this is called a case or box for underwater shooting)))
аватар Anetka-gan
go look at papa74's photo :)))))
аватар alrmin77
I bought a mask in Egypt, in a special store. I use 2 years - everything is OK. The main thing is to choose the right one: a good silicone mask, the more it is in the rubber parts of the mask, the better. Head size adjustable with straps. But the main thing is the tightness of the mask to the face. I asked for different ones for comparison (and for the price too) and realized which one is better. This can be done in Russia, but in Egypt prices are 3 times cheaper, if you are not in a hurry to bargain.
From the necessary I take: iodine, brilliant green, bactericidal plaster - from cuts on corals and corns from shoes (this happens in the heat). Something for a cold (there are air conditioners everywhere, it's easy to slip through). From poisoning and overheating in the sun, too, something. There are many pharmacies in Egypt, but prices are 2-3 times higher. Iodine is not good at all and costs a lot of money.
For camera 2nd battery or spare set of batteries. It has been noticed that charging the camera (on excursions) ends at the most interesting place, and shops can be very far away.
Clothing is best light-colored cotton. Synthetics and everything else there causes problems.
Have a nice holiday! See how ours are met:
аватар Krasotas
Alrmin77, About the end of charging for photo and video equipment, you just wrote! ))))
Thanks a lot for the video link! Super!!!
аватар tacha-nv
I join Krasotas - thanks to alrmin77 for the link! Watched at work, lit up themselves. It is only surprising that Muscovites mostly have lean faces - no emotions at all. When it snows outside the window, the picture from Africa seems simply heartbreaking: you just want to jump, dance, turn your face to the sun together with everyone. Hey, lucky ones!!!!
аватар tgbyhn
there someone wrote that shed a tear on this video, me too)))))))))))
аватар Krasotas
and I! )))
аватар tacha-nv
Yes, everyone says that a lump in the throat from emotions!
аватар Zlata28
bought mask + snorkel sets in Yegi
most likely made in China (judging by the price)
We have been using it for the fourth year, everything is fine.
does not pass water, does not sweat
issue price from 5-7 bucks per set (after a long bargain)
Slippers were bought both from us and "there"
in our Sportmaster the price was 70-90 UAH per pair
last year in October had to buy
a couple more slippers (because my husband drowned his own))))
near the hotel in shops for 3 (or 4?) Bucks
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