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Unrest in Egypt
I would like to ask if we are going to fly on February 19 with children to Sharm El Sheikh, Sierra Hotel. But with the latest news, scary. We do not know what to do, the company does not want to return the money, they offer to transfer it to another number, or Turkey, where it is cold now. All plans collapsed, we don’t know what to do ....
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10 subscribers  • asked 2011-02-0114 years ago
Answers  •  56
аватар omys78
How to do it right?
аватар papa74
Watch the news.
A "march of millions" is taking place in Cairo right now.
Should clear up.
аватар papa74
All TO return 100% of the money.
The problem is PERSONALLY in YOUR decision.
аватар omys7857
Today I personally called TO, which we fly, did not receive a clear answer. They refer to tour companies
аватар papa74
First, write an application for cancellation of the tour in your TA (now agents with their % will hit me)
аватар papa74
Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Article 452
1. An agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, the contract or the customs of business.
2. The demand to change or terminate the contract may be filed by a party to the court only after receiving a refusal from the other party to the proposal to change or terminate the contract or failure to receive a response within the time period specified in the proposal or established by law or the contract, and in its absence - within thirty days .
аватар papa74
In a personal sent "parsing" ...
аватар AlexL
2 weeks before the tour, if you refuse in the same place, only 10 or 20 percent is lost. What does it mean that the company does not want to return, there is an agreement in which all this is spelled out. does not want to return, sue, 100% win.
аватар miki08
Where to go? here is the news from the resorts;
аватар Anetka-gan
Yes, there are troubles with food, the same garbage with money. there is nowhere to change dollars.
аватар papa74
Anetka, if there were dollars;)))
miki08-link is cool, but the comments to the article are much more informative. Until you erase it, you can read it.
аватар Anetka-gan
dollars don't count! that's the problem!! people sit with them hungry. some bullshit!
аватар miki08
Another important news but for the Russians! From 06.02. 11g "Aeroflot" stops flights to the resorts of Egypt. Airplanes are now expensive, they will shoot down a friend.
аватар Anetka-gan
miki08 this is bad, how many of our people live there and will not be able to fly away.
аватар miki08
I already read about it, there are no tickets for two weeks in advance. But the trouble is that the government of Ukraine was concerned only with those in Cairo. And who lives in the resorts does not interest them, well, at least not yet. We need to raise a fuss in the press about these people and their safety.
аватар Anetka-gan
one more thing, they are evacuating those who are registered with the consulate, and there are only 850 of them. and the rest - not registered - hundreds, if not more
plus many are not allowed to leave their jobs, they are threatened with layoffs
аватар Anetka-gan online broadcast.
аватар Karina-Mango
in Sharm it is absolutely calm and with food and water everything is as it was before, there are no interruptions, and in Sharm itself there is neither an army nor reinforced police posts, but the Bedouins stand around the entire perimeter of Sharm and protect their tourism business. And none of those living in Sharm, and in Hurghada, too, are planning to evacuate ...
аватар miki08
If journalists flew and filmed and showed, we would have believed it. But they just showed the Odessa employee of the tour company, she said without any conscience that she was handed over from Sharm that vacationers were guarded by American UN troops! That's when you hear such lies that a normal person stops believing everyone. Yesterday, one said that the products were brought to Sharm along the Nile! I am very upset, in December I could not go because of the sharks, and now because of the riots I will not go either. And until everything settles down, normal people are unlikely to stick their heads in there.
аватар miki08
Anetka-gan if your loved one works there and feels danger, to hell with her work, life and health are more expensive. We need to find a way to get back.
аватар Anetka-gan
So be patient and wait for things to get better. it's a pity that the tourists were scared away, this is their income.
аватар Karina-Mango (copy and paste)
new branch
аватар Karina-Mango
how could food be brought along the Nile to Sharm? Have they even seen a map of Egypt?
аватар miki08
Karina Mango. I'm sorry but it doesn't open. But not a small fault of the tour operators themselves, firstly the lodges, secondly, not competence, and not the desire to simply invite film crews to the main resorts that would give real events there.
аватар Karina-Mango
I agree with you ... try opening again or just go to the forums and look at the SITUATION IN EGYPT topic
аватар miki08
Well, I cited only two cases, to put it mildly, of stupidity that immediately causes a reaction in a slightly educated person that it is really very dangerous there, since they lie like Goebels.
аватар Karina-Mango
After the first rally in Cairo, the police of the Sinai Peninsula entered into an agreement with the Bedouins living in the territory here and engaged in the tourism business, in exchange for the return of cars confiscated over the past six months, they asked them to stand up for the defense of tourist areas, which they themselves were ready to do, because they do not want to lose their profitable and legal business. The police and the army at the entrances to Sinai blocked the roads so that looters and rioters would not disturb the peace of tourists. The Internet was turned off for 6 days, if there were different signal receivers throughout Egypt, then the Internet would work in the resort areas, but, unfortunately, the receiver is the same ... Turning off the Internet was a forced measure to separate the protesters, also during the first three days rally, in the major cities of Egypt: Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Suez, mobile phone reception towers were turned off, only landlines worked,
but in the resort areas, mobile communications worked fine both for internal calls and abroad (I personally called my mother in Moscow daily), though SMS messages were blocked for two days! The food situation is absolutely normal, drinking and mineral water is on sale.
аватар Karina-Mango
The food situation is absolutely normal, drinking and mineral water is on sale as usual, all food products are available in all supermarkets without restrictions, fruits and vegetables as well. Despite the news broadcasts on Russian channels, which, by the way, horrified my relatives and my mother asked me to return to Moscow urgently, thinking that we had almost a blockade here, I want to assure you that the situation in Sharm is very stable, since people working here are quite satisfied with the regime in the country and do not want to change anything ... Tourists are not limited in movement at all, taxis and minibuses work at any time of the day or night, shops operate in normal mode, the only strain is gasoline brand 92 ... 90 and 95 in the usual volume. All prices have remained the same.... This is the latest news from the spot...
аватар alkor_
I have been resting at the Seti Sharm hotel since 27.01.11. Today, for the first time, they turned on the Internet and there was an opportunity to communicate with their relatives. Until this time, mob. there was no communication and the Internet What will happen tomorrow with the connection is unknown. During these 7 days, they got Russian channels, especially RTR-24. In Sharm, the situation is normal, we calmly walk around the city at night. The neighboring hotels Iberotel Palace and Albatros are full of Germans and it is not visible that they were going to leave the rest in a hurry. I did not notice any interruptions with food in the hotel and in the market. The only thing is that in the Old Market at all trading points packaged strawberries jumped in price to 1.5-2 bucks per kilo.
аватар miki08
Karina-Mango, we believe you, but what should we do with such information! After all, the same is not a finger sucked.
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